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SharePoint: Remove Site Content Types
function Remove-SPSiteContentType
This advanced function iterates through all documents within a document library and changes the
identified Content Type to a new Content Type.
This function will change document Content Types for all items within a document library whose Content Type
is specified as -CTypeToRemove, and changes it to the new Content Type -lookForCT.
It will also override any items that are checked out to users as it iterates through the library.
This function also produces reports capturing the work carried out in the function, and any errors experienced.
C:\> Remove-SPSiteContentType –SiteUrl “ –lookForCT “Document” –CTypeToRemove “Scanned Document” -outputPath "C:\Script_Reports\"
This example looks across the 'Finance' site collection for libraries that contain the Content Type 'Document'.
If the library also contains the 'Scanned Document' Content Type, it will delete it.
C:\> Remove-SPSiteContentType –SiteUrl “ –lookForCT “Document” –CTypeToRemove “Scanned Document” -outputPath "C:\Script_Reports\" -SmtpServer "" -EmailFrom "" -EmailTo ""
This example is identical to Example 1, however it includes email notifications - This is particularly good for large environments
where this function may take a long time to iterate through all libraries within the specified site colleciton.
Name: Remove-SPSiteContentType
Author: Petro Margaritis
Last Edit: 19/05/2012
Keywords: Content Types, List Items
Param (
# Get site object
$site = Get-SPSite $SiteUrl
# Report variables
$ctypeNotExist = "Not Exist"
$ctypeExist = "Exist"
$lookForCTNotExist = "Remove CType Not Found"
$lookForCTExist = "Remove CType Found"
$ctypeRemoved = "Removed"
$ctypeNotRemoved = "Not Removed"
$ctReadOnly = "Read-only"
# Output file name and path constructor
$SiteTitle = $site.RootWeb.Title
$fileName = "_Remove_CType.csv"
$filePath = $outputPath, $SiteTitle, $fileName
$filePath -join ""
if ($SmtpServer -gt 1 -and $EmailFrom -gt 3 -and $EmailTo -gt 3)
# Send begin Email notification
$date = Get-Date
[string]$startSubject = "Starting the Remove-SPSiteContentType in the site collection - ", $siteTitle
Send-MailMessage -From $EmailFrom -To $EmailTo -Subject $startSubject -Body $date -SmtpServer $SmtpServer
# Walk through each site in the site collection
$site | Get-SPWeb -Limit all | ForEach-Object {
$outWebTitle = $_.Title
$outWebURL = $_.URL
write-host "Checking site:"$_.Title
# Go through each document library in the site
$_.Lists | where { $_.BaseTemplate -eq "DocumentLibrary" } | ForEach-Object {
$outLibTitle = $_.Title
$outLibRootFolder = $_.RootFolder
# Check to see if the library contains the content type we are looking for intially
if (($_.ContentTypes | where { $_.Name -eq $lookForCT }) -eq $null)
# write-host "Content type" $ct.Name "does not exist in the following list" $_.Title
$outstring = $outWebTitle, $outWebURL, $outLibRootFolder, $outLibTitle,
$lookForCT, $CTypeToRemove, $ctypeNotExist, "", $ctypeNotRemoved
$outstring -join "," >> $filePath
# Check to see if the library contains the content type we wish to delete
if (($_.ContentTypes | where { $_.Name -eq $CTypeToRemove }) -eq $null)
# write-host "The content type" $CTypeToRemove "does not exist on list" $_.Title
$outstring = $outWebTitle, $outWebURL, $outLibRootFolder, $outLibTitle, $lookForCT,
$CTypeToRemove, $ctypeNotExist, $lookForCTNotExist, $ctypeNotRemoved
$outstring -join "," >> $filePath
$ctToRemove = $_.ContentTypes[$CTypeToRemove]
# Check if the content type is Read-Only
if ($ctToRemove.Readonly -eq $true)
# Change Read-Only to FALSE
$ctToRemove.ReadOnly = $false
write-host "Changing Content from Read-Only to False" $ctToRemove.Name "from list" $_.Title -foregroundcolor Cyan
# Remove content types from list
write-host "Removing content type" $ctToRemove.Name "from list" $_.Title -foregroundcolor Green
$outstring = $outWebTitle, $outWebURL, $outLibRootFolder, $outLibTitle, $lookForCT,
$CTypeToRemove, $ctypeExist, $lookForCTExist, $ctypeRemoved, $ctReadOnly
$outstring -join "," >> $filePath
# Remove content types from list
$outstring = $outWebTitle, $outWebURL, $outLibRootFolder, $outLibTitle, $lookForCT,
$CTypeToRemove, $ctypeExist, $lookForCTExist, $ctypeRemoved
$outstring -join "," >> $filePath
write-host "Removing content type" $ctToRemove.Name "from list" $_.Title -foregroundcolor Green
# Dispose of the site object
# Export any possible errors captured in the $error varilable to the corresponding error file
$errorFileName = "_Remove_CType_Errors.csv"
$errorOutput = $outputPath, $SiteTitle, $errorFileName
$errorOutput -join ""
$Error >> $errorOutput
if ($SmtpServer -gt 1 -and $EmailFrom -gt 3 -and $EmailTo -gt 3)
# Send Ending Email notification
$date = Get-Date
[string]$endSubject = "Finishing the Remove-SPSiteContentType in the site collection - ", $siteTitle
Send-MailMessage -From $EmailFrom -To $EmailTo -Subject $endSubject -Body $date -SmtpServer $SmtpServer
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