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SharePoint: Add Site Content Type
function Add-SPSiteContentType
This advanced function adds a Content Type to a Document Library based on search criteria.
This function will add a new Content Type into all libraries that contain the -lookForCT specified in the function.
This function also produces a series of reports capturing the work carried out in the function, and any errors experienced.
C:\> Add-SPSiteContentType –SiteUrl “ -lookForCT "Document" -NewCType "Scanned Document" -outputPath "C:\Script_Reports\"
This example looks across the 'Finance' site collection for libraries that contain the Content Type 'Document'.
If the Content Type 'Document' exists within a library it will add the new Content Type 'Scanned Document'.
C:\> Add-SPSiteContentType –SiteUrl “ -lookForCT "Document" -NewCType "Scanned Document" -outputPath "C:\Script_Reports\" -SmtpServer "" -EmailFrom "" -EmailTo ""
This example is identical to Example 1, however it includes email notifications - This is particularly good for large environments
where this function may take a long time to iterate through all libraries within the specified site colleciton.
Name: Add-SPSiteContentType
Author: Petro Margaritis
Last Edit: 19/05/2012
Keywords: Content Types
Param (
$site = Get-SPSite $SiteUrl
# Report variables
$ctypeNotExist = "NotExist"
$ctypeExist = "Exist"
$ctAdded = "True"
$ctNotAdded = "False"
# Output file name and path constructor
$SiteTitle = $site.RootWeb.Title
$fileName = "_Add_CType.csv"
$filePath = $outputPath, $SiteTitle, $fileName
$filePath -join ""
if ($SmtpServer -gt 1 -and $EmailFrom -gt 3 -and $EmailTo -gt 3)
# Send begin Email notification
$date = Get-Date
[string]$startSubject = "Starting the Add-SPSiteContentType in the site collection - ", $siteTitle
Send-MailMessage -From $EmailFrom -To $EmailTo -Subject $startSubject -Body $date -SmtpServer $SmtpServer
# Walk through each site in the site collection
$site | Get-SPWeb -Limit all | ForEach-Object {
$outWebTitle = $_.Title
$outWebURL = $_.URL
write-host "Checking site:"$_.Title
# Go through each document library in the site
$_.Lists | where { $_.BaseTemplate -eq "DocumentLibrary" } | ForEach-Object {
$outLibTitle = $_.Title
$outLibRootFolder = $_.RootFolder
# Check to see if the library contains the content type specified at the start of the script
if (($_.ContentTypes | where { $_.Name -eq $lookForCT }) -eq $null)
$outstring = $outWebTitle, $outWebURL, $outLibRootFolder,
$outLibTitle, $lookForCT, $NewCType, $ctypeNotExist, $ctNotAdded
$outstring -join "," >> $filePath
# Add site content types to the list
$ParentContentType = $site.RootWeb.AvailableContentTypes[$NewCType]
$ctToAdd = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType -ArgumentList @($ParentContentType, $site.RootWeb.ContentTypes, $NewCType)
$ct = $_.ContentTypes.Add($ctToAdd)
# Resets the New Menu content drop down button to include all of the libraries content types
$_.rootfolder.UniqueContentTypeOrder = $null
$outstring = $outWebTitle, $outWebURL, $outLibRootFolder, $outLibTitle, $lookForCT, $NewCType, $ctypeExist, $ctAdded
$outstring -join "," >> $filePath
write-host "Content type" $ct.Name "added to list" $_.Title -foregroundcolor Green
# Dispose of the site object
# Export any possible errors captured in the $error varilable to the corresponding error file
$errorFileName = "_Add_CType_Errors.csv"
$errorOutput = $outputPath, $SiteTitle, $errorFileName
$errorOutput -join ""
$Error >> $errorOutput
if ($SmtpServer -gt 1 -and $EmailFrom -gt 3 -and $EmailTo -gt 3)
# Send Ending Email notification
$date = Get-Date
[string]$endSubject = "Finishing the Add-SPSiteContentType in the site collection - ", $siteTitle
Send-MailMessage -From $EmailFrom -To $EmailTo -Subject $endSubject -Body $date -SmtpServer $SmtpServer
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