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Created December 11, 2016 09:52
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SharePoint: Add Content Type Fields
function Add-SPContentTypeField
This function will allow you to add a library field to a Content Type
This function will add the nominated site column/ library column to a nominated Content Type
within all of the 'Document Libraries' in the given Site Collection
C:\> Add-SPContentTypeField –SiteUrl “ –FieldName "myField" -CTypeAddedTo "myContentType"
Name: Add-SPContentTypeField
Author: Petro Margaritis
Last Edit: 19/07/2012
Keywords: Fields, Site Columns, Content Types
Param (
$site = Get-SPSite $SiteUrl
# Walk through each site in the site collection
$site | Get-SPWeb -Limit all | ForEach-Object {
write-host "Checking site:"$_.Title -Foregroundcolor Green
# Go through each document library in the site
foreach ($list in $_.Lists | where { $_.BaseTemplate -eq "DocumentLibrary" })
# Check to see if the library contains the content type we are looking for
if (($list.ContentTypes | where { $_.Name -eq $CTypeAddedTo }) -eq $null)
Write-Host "The Content:" $CTypeAddedTo "does not exist in the library:" $list.Title -Foregroundcolor Red
# Check to see if the library contains the field we are looking for
if (($list.Fields | where { $_.Title -eq $FieldName }) -ne $null)
# Get the content type you want to add the field to
$ct = $list.ContentTypes[$CTypeAddedTo]
# Get the column you want to copy
$field = $list.Fields[$FieldName]
# Add the column to the content type
# Add additional column settings
$ctFieldLinks = $ct.FieldLinks | Where {$_.Name -eq $field.Title}
# OPTIONAL: This will set the column to hidden so that it is not viewable in the edit form
$ctFieldLinks.Hidden = $true
# Set Field to require value
$ctFieldLinks.Required = $true
Write-Host "The Field:" $field.Title "has been successfully added to the library:" $list.Title -Foregroundcolor Cyan
Write-Host "The Field:" $FieldName "does not exist in the library:" $list.Title -Foregroundcolor Yellow
# Dispose of the site object
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