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Last active January 28, 2022 21:00
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Reloadable function vars
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(s/def ::defreloadable-args
(s/cat :name simple-symbol?
:doc (s/? string?)
:attr-map (s/? map?)
:fn-tails (s/+ any?)))
(defmacro defreloadable
"Defines a new function as [[defn]], but old references will refer to new versions when reloaded.
This will construct a phantom var that's used for the lookup, so calls to
functions defined with this macro will have an additional layer of
indirection as compared to normal functions. This should also work in
production environments compiled with direct linking turned on.
I do not recommend using this macro, but it can be useful for beginners
who are learning how to write webservers or other persistent applications
and don't want to worry about having a bad reloadability experience.
Instead of using this, I recommend learning about Clojure's evaluation
model, which will allow you to have the same benefits as using this
macro, but without any magic."
[& args]
(let [args (s/conform ::defreloadable-args args)]
`(let [v# (or (when-let [fn# (binding [*ns* ~*ns*]
(resolve '~(:name args)))]
(-> (meta fn#) ::impl))
(with-local-vars [v# nil] v#))]
(alter-var-root v# (constantly (fn ~@(:fn-tails args))))
(doto (def ~(:name args) (fn [~'& args#] (apply @v# args#)))
(alter-meta! merge (assoc (merge {:doc ~(:doc args)}
~(:attr-map args))
::impl v#))))))
(s/fdef defreloadable
:args ::defreloadable-args)
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