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Last active October 25, 2018 06:22
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Test version of a DSL for use with mfiano's parsley.clj
(ns notes
:exclude [read])
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[ :refer [read]]
[ :refer [open-file]]
[net.cgrand.xforms :as xf]))
(s/def :entry/endian #{:endian/little :endian/big})
(s/def :entry/type keyword?)
(s/def :entry/id keyword?)
(s/def ::entry (s/keys :req [:entry/id :entry/type]
:opt [:entry/endian]))
(s/def :entry/size pos-int?)
(s/def :string/encoding #{:utf8 :utf16 :ascii :latin1})
(s/def :string/delimiter string?)
(s/def :entry.type/string (s/merge ::entry
(s/keys :req [(or :entry/size
:opt [:string/encoding])))
(s/def :integer/unsigned boolean?)
(s/def :entry.type/int (s/merge ::entry
(s/keys :req [:entry/size]
:opt [:integer/unsigned])))
(s/def :block/type var?)
(s/def :entry.type/block (s/merge ::entry (s/keys :req [:block/type])))
(s/def ::block (s/coll-of ::entry))
(s/def ::root-block ::block)
(s/def ::spec (s/keys :req-un [::root-block]))
(defn endian->abbrev
(case endian
:endian/little :le
:endian/big :be))
(defn abbrev->endian
(case endian
:le :endian/little
:be :endian/big))
(defn- late-bind
[parsed-block item]
(if (instance? clojure.lang.AFn item)
(item parsed-block)
(defn apply-keyword-args
[f & args]
(let [keyword-args (butlast args)
map-args (into [] cat (last args))
args (lazy-cat keyword-args map-args)]
(apply f args)))
(defmulti parse-entry
"Parses a single entry in a block.
Takes the `file` to parse from, the `parsed-block` including each
entry up to the current one, and the `entry` that you are parsing."
(fn [file parsed-block entry]
(:entry/type entry)))
(s/fdef parse-entry
:args (s/cat :reader any?
:parsed-block any?
:entry ::entry))
(defn filter-map
(fn [m k v]
(if (pred v)
(assoc m k v)
(defmethod parse-entry :entry.type/string
[file parsed-block entry]
(let [args {:size (late-bind parsed-block (:entry/size entry))
:endian (when-let [endian (late-bind parsed-block (:entry/endian entry))]
(endian->abbrev endian))
:delimiter (late-bind parsed-block (:string/delimiter entry))
:encoding (late-bind parsed-block (:string/encoding entry))}
args (reduce-kv (filter-map identity) {} args)]
(apply-keyword-args read :string file args)))
(defmethod parse-entry :entry.type/int
[file parsed-block entry]
(let [args {:size (late-bind parsed-block (:entry/size entry))
:endian (when-let [endian (late-bind parsed-block (:entry/endian entry))]
(endian->abbrev endian))}
args (reduce-kv (filter-map identity) {} args)]
(apply-keyword-args read (if (late-bind parsed-block (:integer/unsigned entry))
(defmethod parse-entry :entry.type/block
[file parsed-block entry]
(reduce (fn [structure entry]
(assoc structure
(:entry/id entry)
(parse-entry file
@(late-bind parsed-block (:block/type entry))))
(defn- root-block
"Creates a block to be parsed from a block structure."
{:entry/type :entry.type/block
:entry/id :root
:block/type block})
(defn parse-spec
"Opens a file and parses binary data according to the spec."
[spec file]
(let [file (open-file spec file)]
(parse-entry file {} (root-block (:root-block spec)))))
(s/fdef parse-spec
:args (s/cat :spec ::spec
:file string?))
(defmulti expand
"Transforms a type expression into an appropriate map.
The first element must be a symbol, and the rest should
be keyword-value pairs."
(defmethod expand :default
[[t & {:as opts}]]
{:entry/type :entry.type/block
:block/type `(resolve '~t)})
(defmethod expand 'int
[[_ & {:keys [size endian]}]]
(assert size "Integers must specify a size.")
(let [ret {:entry/type :entry.type/int
:entry/size size
:integer/unsigned false}]
(if-not (nil? endian)
(assoc ret :entry/endian (abbrev->endian endian))
(defmethod expand 'string
[[_ & {:keys [encoding size delimiter endian]}]]
(assert (or size delimiter) "Strings must have either a size or a delimiter.")
(let [ret {:entry/type :entry.type/string}
ret (if-not (nil? encoding)
(assoc ret :string/encoding encoding)
ret (if-not (nil? delimiter)
(assoc ret :string/delimiter delimiter)
ret (if-not (nil? endian)
(assoc ret :entry/endian (abbrev->endian endian))
(if-not (nil? size)
(assoc ret :entry/size size)
(defmacro defblock
"Creates a new block definition for binary data."
{:arglists '([name & clauses] [name docstring & clauses])}
[name & clauses]
(let [docstring (when (string? (first clauses))
(first clauses))
xf (comp (xf/partition 2)
(map (fn [[id val]]
(merge {:entry/id id}
(expand val)))))
maps (into [] xf (if-not docstring
(rest clauses)))]
(if docstring
`(def ~name ~docstring ~maps)
`(def ~name ~maps))))
(s/fdef defblock
:args (s/cat :name symbol?
:docstring (s/? string?)
:clauses (s/+
:id keyword?
:form (s/spec
:type symbol?
:args (s/*
:key keyword?
:arg any?))))))))
(defblock test-block
:first-num (int :size 32)
:string (string :delimiter "\0")
:second-num (int :size 32))
(defblock test-block-two
:block (test-block :endian :be)
:string-size (int :size 32)
:string (string :size #(:string-size %)))
(def test-spec
{:desc "Free Lossless Audio Codec"
:url ""
::root-block #'test-block})
(ns-unmap *ns* 'test-block))
(= [{:entry/id :first-num
:entry/type :entry.type/int
:entry/size 32
:integer/unsigned false}
{:entry/id :string
:entry/type :entry.type/string
:string/delimiter "\0"}
{:entry/id :second-num
:entry/type :entry.type/int
:entry/size 32
:integer/unsigned false}]
"An example set of data after parsing test-spec would be this:"
{:block {:first-num 5
:string "Hello, world!"
:second-num 7}
:string-size 5
:string "Hello"})
(ns test-flac-spec
(:require [notes :refer [defblock parse-spec]]))
(defblock data-stream
:marker (string :size 32))
(def spec
"Spec for fLaC audio"
{:root-block #'data-stream
:encoding :ascii})
(defn doit
(parse-spec spec "test.flac"))
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