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Last active June 21, 2019 18:52
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BitMEX Trollbox Alert
// ==UserScript==
// @name BitMEX Trollbox Alert
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Alert on BitMEX trollbox posts by username and keyword
// @author I love Ketchup (contact me in the BitMEX trollbox)
// @homepage
// @homepageURL
// @website
// @source
// @supportURL
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
// Tired of BitMEX fees? Get 10% discount on BitMEX fees by using this link to register:
(function() {
'use strict';
let keywordList = [];
let userList = [];
let lastMessage = "";
let soundPlayedInForeground = 0;
let isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined';
// Bitmex delivered sounds (for Opera and Chrome):
// click_hard, click_off, click_soft, click_toggle, pop
let keywordSound = "pop";
let usernameSound = "click_toggle";
let rEKTSound = "click_toggle";
let startSound = "pop";
keywordSound = new Audio("");
usernameSound = new Audio("");
rEKTSound = new Audio("");
//License: Attribution 3.0, Recorded by Mike Koenig:
startSound = new Audio("");
const insertAlertButton = () => {
$('.popUpChat .widget-controls .openIcon').before('<i id="ketchup_alertbutton" class="fa fa-volume-mute2"></i>');
$('#ketchup_alertbutton' ).click(function() {
if(soundPlayedInForeground == 0){
if (!isFirefox){
}else{; // Play sound once while in foreground because of firefox security settings
soundPlayedInForeground = 1;
if ($('#ketchup_alertlistwidget').length){
const showAlertList = () => {
$('.chatInput').after('<span id="ketchup_alertlistwidget" class="emojiPicker"><div class="emojiPickerTabs"><span id="ketchup_alertcounter">Alerts (' + (keywordList.length + userList.length) + ')</span><span id="ketchup_alertlistwidgetclose" class="close emojiPickerEmoji">✖️</span></div><span id="ketchup_alertlistsection" class="emojiPickerBody webkit-scrollbars"></span></span>')
$('#ketchup_alertlistsection').append('<div class="body"><div class="chatWidget"><div id="ketchup_alertlist" class="resizesensor-wrapper"></div></div></div>');
for (var j = 0; j < userList.length; j++) {
$('#ketchup_alertlist').append('<div class="chatSection ketchup_username" style="border-color: rgb(242, 157, 157);"><span class="chatMessage showUsername"><span class="userName">Username: </span><span class="userName">' + userList[j] + '</span><a class="user" title=""><i class="fa fa-close ketchup_delete_alert" data-username="' + userList[j] + '" style="background: #F2304E; float: right; padding: 1px 3px 5px 3px;"></i></a></span></div>');
for (var i = 0; i < keywordList.length; i++) {
$('#ketchup_alertlist').append('<div class="chatSection ketchup_keyword" style="border-color: rgb(242, 157, 157);"><span class="chatMessage showUsername"><span class="userName">Keyword: </span><span class="userName">' + keywordList[i] + '</span><a class="user" title=""><i class="fa fa-close ketchup_delete_alert" data-username="' + keywordList[i] + '" style="background: #F2304E; float: right; padding: 1px 3px 5px 3px;"></i></a></span></div>');
$('#ketchup_alertlistwidgetclose').click(function() {
$('#ketchup_alertlistwidget').after('<textarea id="ketchup_keywordtextarea" class="form-control" placeholder="Type keywords. Enter to save." rows="1" autocomplete="false"></textarea>');
$('#ketchup_keywordtextarea').after('<textarea id="ketchup_usernametextarea" class="form-control" placeholder="Type username. Enter to save." rows="1" autocomplete="false"></textarea>');
$('#ketchup_usernametextarea').keydown(function(event) {
let input = $('#ketchup_usernametextarea').val(); // needed because of reactjs
let keycode = event.keyCode || event.which;
if(keycode == '13' && input != "") {
$("#ketchup_usernametextarea").attr("placeholder", "Type username. Enter to save.").val("").focus().blur(); // thank reactjs
userList.push( input );
localStorage.setItem('userList', userList);
if (userList.length >= 2){
$('#ketchup_alertlist .ketchup_username.chatSection:contains("' + userList[userList.length-2] + '")').after('<div class="ketchup_username chatSection" style="border-color: rgb(242, 157, 157);"><span class="chatMessage showUsername"><span class="userName">Username: </span><span class="userName">' + userList[userList.length-1] + '</span><a class="user" title=""><span class="fa fa-close ketchup_delete_alert" data-username="' + userList[userList.length-1] + '" style="background: #F2304E; float: right; padding: 1px 3px 5px 3px;"></span></a></span></div>');
$('#ketchup_alertlist').append('<div class="ketchup_username chatSection" style="border-color: rgb(242, 157, 157);"><span class="chatMessage showUsername"><span class="userName">Username: </span><span class="userName">' + userList[userList.length-1] + '</span><a class="user" title=""><span class="fa fa-close ketchup_delete_alert" data-username="' + userList[userList.length-1] + '" style="background: #F2304E; float: right; padding: 1px 3px 5px 3px;"></span></a></span></div>');
$('#ketchup_alertcounter').text('Alerts (' + (keywordList.length + userList.length) + ')' );
$('#ketchup_keywordtextarea').keydown(function(event) {
let input = $('#ketchup_keywordtextarea').val(); // needed because of reactjs
let keycode = event.keyCode || event.which;
if(keycode == '13' && input != "") {
$("#ketchup_keywordtextarea").attr("placeholder", "Type keywords. Enter to save.").val("").focus().blur(); // thank reactjs
keywordList.push( input );
localStorage.setItem('keywordList', keywordList);
if (keywordList.length >= 2){
$('#ketchup_alertlist .ketchup_keyword.chatSection:contains("' + keywordList[keywordList.length-2] + '")').after('<div class="ketchup_keyword chatSection" style="border-color: rgb(242, 157, 157);"><span class="chatMessage showUsername"><span class="userName">Keyword: </span><span class="userName">' + keywordList[keywordList.length-1] + '</span><a class="user" title=""><span class="fa fa-close ketchup_delete_alert" data-username="' + keywordList[keywordList.length-1] + '" style="background: #F2304E; float: right; padding: 1px 3px 5px 3px;"></span></a></span></div>');
$('#ketchup_alertlist').append('<div class="ketchup_keyword chatSection" style="border-color: rgb(242, 157, 157);"><span class="chatMessage showUsername"><span class="userName">Keyword: </span><span class="userName">' + keywordList[keywordList.length-1] + '</span><a class="user" title=""><span class="fa fa-close ketchup_delete_alert" data-username="' + keywordList[keywordList.length-1] + '" style="background: #F2304E; float: right; padding: 1px 3px 5px 3px;"></span></a></span></div>');
$('#ketchup_alertcounter').text('Alerts (' + (keywordList.length + userList.length) + ')' );
// Apply click listener to the delete alert buttons
const applyDeleteAlertClickListener = () => {
$('.ketchup_delete_alert').click(function() {
$('#ketchup_alertlist .ketchup_keyword.chatSection:contains("' + $(this).attr("data-username") + '")').remove();
$('#ketchup_alertlist .ketchup_username.chatSection:contains("' + $(this).attr("data-username") + '")').remove();
let keywordIndex = keywordList.indexOf($(this).attr("data-username"));
if (keywordIndex !== -1) {
keywordList.splice(keywordIndex, 1);
localStorage.setItem('keywordList', keywordList);
let userIndex = userList.indexOf($(this).attr("data-username"));
if (userIndex !== -1) {
userList.splice(userIndex, 1);
localStorage.setItem('userList', userList);
$('#ketchup_alertcounter').text('Alerts (' + (keywordList.length + userList.length) + ')' );
Array.prototype.diff = function(a) {
return this.filter(function(i) {return a.indexOf(i) < 0;});
const onNewChatMessage = (user, message) => {
user = user.split(" ")[1].split(":")[0];
if ( userList.indexOf(user) != -1 ){
$('.chatWidget .chats .chatSection .chatMessage').last().css("background-color","rgba(255, 128, 128, 0.4)");
if (user == "REKT"){
if (!isFirefox){
if (!isFirefox){
for (var i = 0; i < keywordList.length; i++){
if ([i]) != -1){
$('.chatWidget .chats .chatSection .chatMessage').last().css("background-color","rgba(97, 143, 176,0.4)");
if (!isFirefox){
const initChatListener = () => {
lastMessage = $('.chatWidget .chats .chatSection').last().text();
$(".chatWidget .chats").on('DOMSubtreeModified', function() {
let chatMsg = $('.chatWidget .chats .chatSection .chatMessage').last().text();
let user = $('.chatWidget .chats .chatSection .chatMessage .user').last().text();
let msg = $('.chatWidget .chats .chatSection .chatMessage .message').last().text();
if (lastMessage == chatMsg){
onNewChatMessage(user, msg);
lastMessage = $('.chatWidget .chats .chatSection').last().text();
// Wait for the page to load completely
$(document).ready(function() {
// Wait for the page to REALLY load completely
setTimeout(function() {
if (localStorage.getItem('keywordList') != null ){
keywordList = localStorage.getItem('keywordList').split(",");
if (keywordList[0] == "") {keywordList = []} //wtf empty string?
if (localStorage.getItem('userList') != null ){
userList = localStorage.getItem('userList').split(",");
if (userList[0] == "") {userList = ["REKT"]} //wtf empty string?
// For Opera
$('head').append('<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="media-src \'self\'">');
}, 10000);
Copy link

ILoveMexKetchup commented Jun 19, 2019

This script filters all BitMEX trollbox posts for the usernames or keywords you configure. You can use text or regular expressions for both the keyword and the username filter.

If a trollbox post matches your configuration you will be notified by an audio alert and by the according post highlighted in the trollbox.

If you want your configured keywords and usernames beeing stored permanently make sure your browser doesn't delete the session data after closing it.

For a screenshot click here

Tested with Chrome, Opera and Firefox.

In firefox you can use custom sound alerts, just change the *.mp3 links in the script.
In Chrome and Opera only built-in BitMEX Sound alerts can be used (the pop and the click sounds we all know...).


1. Install Tampermonkey (available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox)
Go to
Click the download button, this will redirect you to the according addon page for your browser. Click the install button.

2. Install the userscript
Click on the new Tampermonkey icon in your browser, then click "Create a new script".
A blank script template will open. Replace everything in it with the userscript above (copy and paste)
click on file, save
refresh the page and wait 10 seconds
Make sure to click the new volume icon in the trollbox topbar once after each page refresh/browser restart (important to let the browser play audio when in background) .

3. Tired of BitMEX fees?
Get 10% discount on BitMEX fees by using this link to register

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