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Last active August 6, 2024 06:26
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Make your Django REST framework supporting dependency injection
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import functools
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Type
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from rest_framework import status
from drf_yasg.utils import swagger_auto_schema
except ImportError:
from rest_framework.serializers import BaseSerializer
from rest_framework.request import Request
ResponseParams = namedtuple("ResponseParams", "data,params")
class SerializerInjector:
"""A injector for injecting serializer as dependency"""
in_cls: Type[BaseSerializer]
out_cls: Type[BaseSerializer]
config: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
in_raw_params: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
out_raw_params: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
_default_config_value = {"data_from": "query_params", "return_validated_data": True, "remain_request": True}
def __post_init__(self):
self.in_raw_params = self.in_raw_params or dict(raise_exception=True)
self.config = self.config or {}
self.out_raw_params = self.out_raw_params or {}
for extend_config_name, default_value in self._default_config_value.items():
self.config.get(extend_config_name, default_value),
self.resp_cls = import_string(settings.SERIALIZER_INJECTOR_RESP_CLS)
except AttributeError:
self.resp_cls = import_string("rest_framework.response.Response")
def __str__(self):
return f"Injector<In:{self.in_cls.__class__.__name__}, Out:{self.out_cls.__class__.__name__}>"
def update_out_params(self, params: dict):
"""Update out params"""
def get_serializer_instance(self, request: "Request") -> "BaseSerializer":
"""Get in serializer instance"""
slz_obj = self.in_cls(data=getattr(request, self.data_from)) # type: ignore
return slz_obj
def get_validated_data(self, request: "Request") -> dict:
"""Get validated data via in_serializer"""
return self.get_serializer_instance(request).validated_data
def get_in_params(self, request: "Request") -> dict:
"""Get extra params before view logic"""
if self.return_validated_data: # type: ignore
return {"validated_data": self.get_validated_data(request)}
return {"serializer_instance": self.get_serializer_instance(request)}
def get_response(self, data):
"""Get Response data"""
return self.resp_cls(data=self.out_cls(data, **self.out_raw_params).data)
def serializer_inject(
in_cls: Type[BaseSerializer] = None,
out_cls: Type[BaseSerializer] = None,
config: Optional[dict] = None,
in_params: Optional[dict] = None,
out_params: Optional[dict] = None,
swagger_params: Optional[dict] = None,
def decorator_serializer_inject(func):
injector = SerializerInjector(in_cls, out_cls, config, in_params, out_params)
default_params = {}
if in_cls:
if injector.data_from == "query_params":
default_params = {"query_serializer": in_cls()}
default_params = {"request_body": in_cls()}
if out_cls:
default_params.update({"responses": {status.HTTP_200_OK: out_cls()}})
default_params.update(swagger_params or {})
func = swagger_auto_schema(**default_params)(func)
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
in_content = {}
if in_cls:
if not injector.remain_request:
args = args[0] + args[1:]
original_data = func(*args, **kwargs, **in_content)
if not out_cls:
return original_data
# support runtime serializer params, like "context"
if isinstance(original_data, ResponseParams):
original_data =
return injector.get_response(original_data)
return decorated
return decorator_serializer_inject
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@IMBlues Thanks. But I am wondered why such a mature - IMO - framework does not have DI by default. I mean it is really cool and every body needs it. Besides it is really peculiar that we have not bootstrapping process for our DRF app. I guess we have a problem in DRF, Django.

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IMBlues commented Jul 5, 2022

@IMBlues Thanks. But I am wondered why such a mature - IMO - framework does not have DI by default. I mean it is really cool and every body needs it. Besides it is really peculiar that we have not bootstrapping process for our DRF app. I guess we have a problem in DRF, Django.

Haha, I wondered it too. Dependency injection is not a particularly trendy concept, and the DRF community should consider supporting such syntactic sugar natively. Maybe sometime I'll raise an issue with the community and see if they'll accept it.

And I had updated some code in our SDK project(the code in this gist is not updated), you can install the sdk directly(althought we only have readme in chinese version, but I believe the code is pretty and easy reading) or just copy it to your own project. Enjoy!

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