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Last active May 23, 2023 11:10
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Check nginx configuration has valid certificates
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import crossplane
import os
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID
from functools import lru_cache
## Check certificate and key are compatible
def cert_collect_sans(cert_path):
cert_str = open(cert_path, "r").read()
cert_decoded = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(str.encode(cert_str), default_backend())
common_name = cert_decoded.subject.rdns[0].get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0].value
san = [ common_name ]
for ext in cert_decoded.extensions:
if not isinstance(ext.value, x509.extensions.SubjectAlternativeName):
for v in ext.value:
return san
## Check certificate has domain in SANs or common name
def verify_cert_contains_domain(cert_path, domain):
in_wildcard = "*."+".".join(domain.split(".")[1:])
out_wildcard = "*."+domain
san = cert_collect_sans(cert_path)
return \
in_wildcard in san or \
out_wildcard in san or \
domain in san
## Check certificate and key are compatible
def verify_cert_and_key(cert_path, key_path):
cert_str = open(cert_path, "r").read()
cert_decoded = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(
str.encode(cert_str), default_backend())
key_str = open(key_path, "r").read()
key_decoded = load_pem_private_key(str.encode(
key_str), password=None, backend=default_backend())
return cert_decoded.public_key().public_numbers().n == key_decoded.public_key().public_numbers().n
## Run all tests against certificate
def check_cert(domain, cert_path, key_path, source_file):
if not verify_cert_and_key(cert_path, key_path):
print("[ERROR] Cert validation failed , domain=%s crt=%s key=%s file=%s" % (
domain, cert_path, key_path, source_file))
return False
if not verify_cert_contains_domain(cert_path, domain):
print("[ERROR] SNI validation failed , domain=%s crt=%s key=%s file=%s" % (
domain, cert_path, key_path, source_file))
return False
return True
# Collect all servers with certificates
# [
# {
# "file": <path_to_nginx_config_file>,
# "server_name": [
# <server_name>,
# ...
# ],
# "ssl_certificate": <path_to_ssl_certificate>,
# "ssl_certificate_key": <path_to_ssl_certificate_key>
# }, ...
# ]
def parse_crossplane(config_path="/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"):
global EXIT_CODE
def collect_directives(blocks, value, extract=""):
res = [b for b in blocks if b["directive"] == value]
if extract == "":
return res
r = []
for x in res:
r += x[extract]
return r
servers = []
for config in crossplane.parse(config_path)["config"]:
parsed = config["parsed"]
for server in collect_directives(parsed, "server"):
ssl_certificate = collect_directives(server["block"], "ssl_certificate", "args")
ssl_certificate_key = collect_directives(server["block"], "ssl_certificate_key", "args")
if len(ssl_certificate) == 0:
if len(ssl_certificate_key) == 0:
print("[ERROR] ssl_certificate without key defined in %s" % config["file"])
"file": config["file"],
"server_name": collect_directives(server["block"], "server_name", "args"),
"ssl_certificate": ssl_certificate[0],
"ssl_certificate_key": ssl_certificate_key[0],
return servers
def main(config_path="/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"):
global EXIT_CODE
for server in parse_crossplane(config_path):
for server_name in server["server_name"]:
if server_name == "_":
if check_cert(server_name, server["ssl_certificate"], server["ssl_certificate_key"], server["file"]):
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