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Created April 21, 2022 06:29
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A Ballerina program to get latest Ballerina tagged stackoverflow questions as notifications to the google chat
import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/time;
import ballerina/log;
configurable string chatId = ?;
configurable string chatKey = ?;
configurable string chatToken = ?;
// How often will this program be executed
configurable int intervalSeconds = 60 * 10;
type Queestion record {
string[] tags;
boolean is_answered;
int answer_count;
string link;
string title;
type QuestionsResponse record {
Queestion[] items;
public function main() returns error? {
time:Utc toDate = time:utcNow();
time:Utc fromDate = [toDate[0] - intervalSeconds, toDate[1]];
log:printInfo("Fetching new SO questions", interval = intervalSeconds, timeUnit = "seconds", fromdate = fromDate[0]);
http:Client stackoverflowClient = check new ("");
QuestionsResponse response = check stackoverflowClient->get(string `/questions?order=desc&sort=creation&tagged=ballerina&site=stackoverflow&fromdate=${fromDate[0]}`);
log:printInfo("Fetched questions", fromdate = fromDate[0], numOfQuestions = response.items.length());
if response.items.length() == 0 {
log:printInfo("No new questions during this period");
http:Client googleChatClient = check new ("");
string message = "*New StackOverflow Question(s):*";
foreach Queestion question in response.items {
message = message + "\n - " + string `<${}|${question.title}> (Answered: ${question.is_answered ? "Yes" : "No"})`;
json body = {text: message};
json|http:ClientError chatResponse = googleChatClient->post(string `/${chatId}/messages?key=${chatKey}&token=${chatToken}`, body);
if chatResponse is http:ClientError {
log:printError("Failed to send message", 'error = chatResponse);
} else {
log:printInfo("Sent message", response = chatResponse);
log:printInfo("Finished execution");
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