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Created January 24, 2020 18:48
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Save INDIAN2020/bfd9832f8fb02d1e9a5c4e07caa6af4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
starting cygwin from a specific folder, the path can be passed from windows, for example as a context-menu for folders. (you place "cygwin.bat" in your cygwin folder, replacing the old one, and run the reg file to add a context menu for each folder)
@echo off
:: set code-page for UTF-8 charset.
chcp 65001
:: normalise to fully qualified path. short path (8.3) is used for testing the path.
set FOLDER=%~s1
for /f %%a in ("%FOLDER%") do ( set "FOLDER=%%~fsa" )
:: verify existing folder.
if ["%FOLDER%"]==[""] ( goto RUN_STANDARD )
if not exist %FOLDER% ( goto RUN_STANDARD )
if not exist %FOLDER%\NUL ( goto RUN_STANDARD )
:: prefer long-path.
set FOLDER=%~1
echo Starting Cygwin From ^[%FOLDER%^] ...
:: convert to cygwin-compatible path (forward-slash, removing drive's ":" and /cygdrive/ as root)
set FOLDER=%FOLDER::/=/%
set FOLDER=/cygdrive/%FOLDER%
call "%~dp0bin\mintty.exe" "-i" "/Cygwin-Terminal.ico" %~dp0bin\bash.exe -l -c "cd \"%FOLDER%\"; exec bash" - 2>nul >nul
goto EXIT
echo Starting Cygwin From Home...
call "%~dp0bin\mintty.exe" "-i" "/Cygwin-Terminal.ico" "-" 2>nul >nul
goto EXIT
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Open In Cy&gwin"
@="\"C:\\cygwin\\Cygwin.bat\" \"%1\""
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
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