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Created September 20, 2019 11:53
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Raymarcher Shader
// ===================================================================================================================
// Raymarching shader. The shader uses code from two sources. One articles by iq
// Another source is for the PBR lighting, the lighting is abit of an over kills,
// ===================================================================================================================
Shader "Unlit/Raymarcher"
// ===================================================================================================================
// Main Pass.
Tags{ "RenderType" = "Opaque" "Queue" = "Geometry +10" }
LOD 100
Cull Back
ZTest Always
Blend One Zero
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// Definitions
struct v2f
float4 worldPos : TEXCOORD1; // used to shoot the rays through the pixels
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
float4 screenPos : TEXCOORD2; // Used to sample the back face pass
struct ray {
float3 origin;
float3 direction;
float minmumT; // the starting point of the ray march
float maximumT; // end point of the ray march
struct rOut { // this struct is ommited by reference from the ray marche function
float t; // how far in the march did it hit the surface
float3 p; // the point of contact with the surace
// Declerations ------------------------------
// samplers
sampler2D_float _BackFaceRender; // texture from the command buffer pass rendering the back faces
sampler2D _BlueNoise; // blue noise used to break percision banding
float3 ColorOne; float3 ColorTwo; // the two colors used to control the albedo
// shading constants
static const float PI = 3.141592;
static const float Epsilon = 0.00001;
static const float3 Fdielectric = 0.04;
// material properties
float roughness = 0.1;
float metalness = 0.01;
// wave constants
static const float2 _WaveOrigin = float2(0., 0.); // value used as the origin of the waves.
static const float meanFrequency = .6;
static const float baseSpeed = 7.;
static const float averageAmplitude = 0.2;
static const float numberOfWaves = 16.;
// ===================================================================================================================
// HELPER FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------
// shading helper functions
float ndfGGX(float cosLh, float roughness) // normal distribution
float alpha = roughness * roughness;
float alphaSq = alpha * alpha;
float denom = (cosLh * cosLh) * (alphaSq - 1.0) + 1.0;
return alphaSq / (PI * denom * denom);
float gaSchlickG1(float cosTheta, float k) // Single term for separable Schlick-GGX below.
return cosTheta / (cosTheta * (1.0 - k) + k);
float gaSchlickGGX(float cosLi, float cosLo, float roughness) // Schlick-GGX approximation of geometric attenuation function using Smith's method.
float r = roughness + 1.0;
float k = (r * r) / 8.0; // Epic suggests using this roughness remapping for analytic lights.
return gaSchlickG1(cosLi, k) * gaSchlickG1(cosLo, k);
float3 fresnelSchlick(float3 F0, float cosTheta) // Shlick's approximation of the Fresnel factor.
return F0 + (1.0 - F0) * pow(1.0 - cosTheta, 5.0);
// Gerstner wave helper Functions -------------------------------------
float rand(float seed) { return frac(sin(seed *51.52 + 2.21) *96.2); }
float SurfaceHeight(float2 xz) { // this can be replaced by any other height function. such as complex noise based terrain and such
float2 direction = normalize(xz - _WaveOrigin); // very neat trick, dot(pos, direction) to get ceneterlized waves
float y = 0.;
for (float i = 0; i < numberOfWaves; i++) { // iterate through every wave, use the averages to choose a random wave attribute for each
float frequency = (rand(i) + 0.5) * meanFrequency;
float speed = (rand(i + 61.21) + 0.5) * baseSpeed;
float amplitude = (rand(i + 12.8) + 0.5)* averageAmplitude;
y += amplitude * sin(frequency* dot(direction.xy, xz.xy)
+ speed * frequency *-_Time.y);
return y;
// ray casting ----------------------------------------------------------
bool castRay(const ray InRay, out rOut outS)
float dt = 0.01f; // temp value holding the progression through the march
const float mint = InRay.minmumT; // the starting point of the ray is the pixel depth of the meshes front face
const float maxt = InRay.maximumT; // the end point of the ray is the pixel depth of the meshes back face.
float lh = 0.0f; // these two values are used to interpolate between the dt where the function
float ly = 0.0f; // hits and the previeus march step. It is a filter that attempts to reconstruct a more correct hit point
int i = 0;
for (float t = mint; t < maxt; t += dt) // march while within the min max range
// ------------------------- // safty to make sure no endless loop. I had unity editor freezing on me on certain angles
i++; // without this, not quite sure why, but better safe than sorry
if (i > 100) break; // this will become an issue if the raymarch volumes are too big
// -------------------------
const float3 p = InRay.origin + normalize(InRay.direction) * t;
const float h = SurfaceHeight(p.xz);
if (p.y < h)
outS.t = t - dt + dt * (lh - ly) / (p.y - ly - h + lh); // interpolate the intersection distance in hope of recunstructing a more accurte hitpoint
outS.p = p;
return true;
dt = 0.01f*t; // allow the error to be proportinal to the distance. Further away from the camera we can tolerate higher error
lh = h;
ly = p.y;
return false;
float3 getNormal(const float3 p)
float3 n = float3(0., 0., 0.);
float eps = 0.001;
n.x = SurfaceHeight(float2(p.x - eps, p.z)) - SurfaceHeight(float2(p.x + eps, p.z));
n.y = 2.0f*eps;
n.z = SurfaceHeight(float2(p.x, p.z - eps)) - SurfaceHeight(float2(p.x, p.z + eps));
return normalize(n);
ray GenerateRay(const float3 cameraPos, const float3 worldPos, float offset, float Back01) {
ray r;
r.origin = cameraPos;
r.direction = worldPos - cameraPos;
r.minmumT = length(r.direction)+ offset;
r.maximumT = Back01;
return r;
// ===================================================================================================================
v2f vert(float4 vertex : POSITION)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
o.worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, vertex);
o.screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.vertex);
o.screenPos.z = -(mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MV, vertex).z * _ProjectionParams.w); // old calculation, as I used the depth buffer comparision for min max ray march. I will leave this for future use
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 col;
// look ups and setups
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
float2 screenUV = i.screenPos.xy / i.screenPos.w;
float backFaceDepth = tex2D(_BackFaceRender, screenUV); // reading the depth value of back face. This will be the end point of our marche
float blueNoise = tex2D(_BlueNoise, screenUV*4.);
blueNoise = frac(blueNoise + 0.61803398875 * float(_Time.y % 16));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
ray r = GenerateRay(_WorldSpaceCameraPos, i.worldPos, blueNoise*0.2, backFaceDepth);
rOut outS;
// Raymarch
if (castRay(r, outS)) // has hit the surface, shade
//Setting up base albedo color
// ---------------------------------------------------------
float depth = (outS.t - r.minmumT)/(r.maximumT - r.minmumT); // how far the march went in unit value between min and max = lerp(ColorOne, ColorTwo, saturate(depth)); // doing this to fake volumetric look for now
float3 normal = getNormal(outS.p); += normal/4.; // add normal to albedo to make it abit easier to visulaize the topology
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Prepare Shading
float3 Lo = normalize(r.direction); // view direction
float cosLo = max(0.0, dot(normal, Lo));
float3 Lr = 2.0 * cosLo * normal - Lo;
float3 Li = -_WorldSpaceLightPos0; // Light direction. In unity with directional light this is the parameter that holds it
float3 Lh = normalize(Li + Lo); // Half-vector between Lo. useful optimization for several lights
float cosLi = max(0.0, dot(normal, Li)); // Calculate angles between surface normal and various light vectors.
float cosLh = max(0.0, dot(normal, Lh));
// Shading
float3 F = fresnelSchlick(Fdielectric, max(0.0, dot(Lh, Lo))); // Calculate Fresnel term for direct lighting.
float D = ndfGGX(cosLh, roughness); // Calculate normal distribution for specular BRDF.
float G = gaSchlickGGX(cosLi, cosLo, roughness); // Calculate geometric attenuation for specular BRDF.
float3 kd = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1) - F, float3(0, 0, 0), metalness);
float3 diffuseBRDF = kd **depth; // Cook-Torrance specular microfacet BRDF.
float3 specularBRDF = (F * D * G) / max(Epsilon, 4.0 * cosLi * cosLo); += (diffuseBRDF + specularBRDF) * 2. * cosLi; // add lighting. Hard coded light intesity, light is white
ray rShadow = GenerateRay(outS.p, outS.p+ -Li, // Generate a ray back from the hit position in the direction of the light
blueNoise*0.0 - 1. , 100.); // p + i is the ray startig point, Li has a length one so displace it back with -1 along Li to start at p (lazy I know, didnt want to change the method)
rOut outShadow;
float s = (float)castRay(rShadow, outShadow); // if a hit (true -> s=1) it is in shadow *= max(0.1,s); // I have no ambient lighting term, so I am maxing with 0.4 to avoid a Film Noir look
//----------------------------------------------------------- */
else // didn't hit the surface, draw the sky box. In unity's pipeline this means just discard the fragment
return col;
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