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Last active August 15, 2018 00:19
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  • Save IReese/d896bcd95650cac19903c53a5c39d33b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Formatting Auckland DEM/DSM Elevations
# The purpose of this script is to process the Auckland 1m DEM and DSM elevation
# data into more manageable pieces for easier viewing in QGIS. The original
# elevation tile downloads from LDS contain 6423 individual tiles. The
# downloaded elevation tiles are reworked into tiffs the same size as the NZ
# LINZ Topo50 Map Sheets
#( In
# this case, the original data contains an identifier, like 'AZ31', within
# the tile name that associates it with Topo50 Map Sheets. This script
# extracts that identifier, makes a list of the files containing the identifier
# name, makes a vrt of the items in the list, creates hillshades from that vrt,
# then formats for quicker viewing in QGIS.
# All data is downloaded in EPSG:2193 and in GeoTiff format
# Auckland DEM here:
# Auckland DSM here:
# Place ZIPPED files in directory of choice
# Set root directory for project. PLACE YOUR OWN DIRECTORY HERE.
# Create supporting variables
# Create file structure
mkdir $BASEDIR/lists
mkdir $dSm_dir
mkdir $dEm_dir
mkdir $dSm_list_dir
mkdir $dEm_list_dir
# Extract data
unzip $BASEDIR/ -d $dSm_dir
unzip $BASEDIR/ -d $dEm_dir
# Delete zipped files
# rm -rf $BASEDIR/
# rm -rf $BASEDIR/
# Loop to process both DEM and DSM data
demdsm="dEm dSm"
for opt in $demdsm
# Variables, dEm and dSm, are created for naming purposes and moving data to
# the correct directories
# Identify associated Topo50 map sheet name. Make it as a list held as a variable
unique=$( find ${!tempvar} -name "*.tif" | sed "s#.*$capvar##" | sed 's#_.*##' | sort | uniq )
# from the 'unique' variable, create a list of files with similar Topo50 idenifier
for i in $unique
# List all available tiffs in directory
namelist=$( find ${!tempvar} -name "*.tif" -maxdepth 1 )
# Compare unique name to identifier in available tiffs name. If
# there is a match between the unique name and identifier in the
# tiff name, the name is recorded in a list.
for j in $namelist
namecompare=$( echo $j | sed "s#.*$capvar##" | sed 's#_.*##' )
echo $namecompare
if [ $i = $namecompare ]
echo $j >> ${!tempvar_list}/$i.txt
# Create list of available .txt file
listsnames=$( find ${!tempvar_list} -name "*.txt" )
for k in $listsnames
# list contents of .txt file into variable
formerge=$( cat $k )
# prepare file name to use as vrt name
filename=$( basename $k | sed 's#.txt##' )
#echo $filename
#echo $formerge
# Build VRT of elevation files in same size as Topo50 grid
gdalbuildvrt ${!tempvar}/$filename.vrt $formerge
# Change directory to 'Merged DEMs'
cd ${!tempvar}
# Make directory to store hillshade files
mkdir hs
# Clean out overviews
find -name "*.vrt" | xargs -P 4 -n4 -t -I % gdaladdo % -clean
# Create hillshade from VRTs
find -name "*.vrt" | xargs -P 4 -n4 -t -I % gdaldem hillshade -multidirectional -compute_edges % hs/%.tif
# Create external overviews of VRTs
find -name "*.vrt" | xargs -P 4 -n4 -t -I % gdaladdo -ro % 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
# Create vrt of elevation VRTs
gdalbuildvrt $opt.vrt *.vrt
# change directory to hillshade directory
cd ${!tempvar}/hs
rename s#.vrt## *.tif
# Clean out old overviews
find -name "*.tif" | xargs -P 4 -n4 -t -I % gdaladdo % -clean
# Create external overviews of HS tiffs
find -name "*.tif" | xargs -P 4 -n4 -t -I % gdaladdo -ro % 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
# Create vrt of Hillshade tiffs
gdalbuildvrt "$opt"_hs.vrt *.tif
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