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Last active August 27, 2019 14:18
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pathNode - a simple routing node script for unity
* pathNode - a simple routing node script for unity
background: #4bf;
min-height: 100%;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class pathNode : MonoBehaviour
* **************************************************************************
* The pathNode
* These nodes must be linked together into viable chains in the editor
* Once linked the nodes will automatically initialise eachother and build
* a navigation network where each node knows where to direct a requester
* The network is built to find the shortest screen-space route.
* It does not take into account number of nodes or anything else.
* *************************************************************************
public pathNode[] linkedNodes;
private Dictionary&ltpathNode, float&gt localNodes = new Dictionary&ltpathNode, float&gt();
private Dictionary&ltpathNode, pathNode&gt nextRouteForAllNodes = new Dictionary&ltpathNode, pathNode&gt();
private bool initialised = false;
private Dictionary&ltpathNode, float&gt destinationsThatAlreadyHaveSolutions = new Dictionary&ltpathNode, float&gt();
//this is just for debugging
private static int passItOnCounter = 0;
* **************************************************************************
* This section is called from Start
* It initialises the node
* It searches down the node chain to build a list of all of the possibile
* destination nodes, and which is the best localNode to go to to get there.
* *************************************************************************
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
//all the nodes have tried to initialise eachother, so they're ready.
//now we need to get a list of all of the nodes in the linked network
List&ltpathNode&gt allLinkedNodes = new List&ltpathNode&gt();
AddAllNodesToList(ref allLinkedNodes);
//now find the next step to each of these destinations
foreach (pathNode aNode in allLinkedNodes)
//it's us!
if (aNode == this)
nextRouteForAllNodes.Add(aNode, aNode);
//if it's one of our localNodes then just add it
if (localNodes.ContainsKey(aNode))
//the next step is just the destination
nextRouteForAllNodes.Add(aNode, aNode);
//the destination isnt local, so now we have to get fancy
nextRouteForAllNodes.Add(aNode, FindPathToNode(aNode));
* Initialises this node by measurign the distance to all linked nodes
* It also prompts all linked nodes to do the same.
* This means that we know all nodes are ready once this method is complete,
* regardless of the Start sequence order
public void DoInitialise()
if (!initialised)
//get the distance to all our local nodes
foreach (pathNode aNode in linkedNodes)
localNodes.Add(aNode, (aNode.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude);
destinationsThatAlreadyHaveSolutions.Add(aNode, (aNode.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude);
initialised = true;
//now we're initialised tell the others to as well
foreach (KeyValuePair&ltpathNode, float&gt otherNode in localNodes)
* fetches a complete list of all nodes that can be reached
void AddAllNodesToList(ref List&ltpathNode&gt allPathNodes)
foreach (KeyValuePair&ltpathNode, float&gt aNode in localNodes)
if (!allPathNodes.Contains(aNode.Key))
aNode.Key.AddAllNodesToList(ref allPathNodes);
* Searches for the shortest route from self to the destination node
* returns the next node in that route
private pathNode FindPathToNode(pathNode destinationNode)
* We only care about the Next Step in the node chain
* so we don't actually need to pass the list of nodes down the line
* So we go to the locals and then just pass a distance value from there
Tuple&ltpathNode, float&gt shortestRoute = new Tuple&ltpathNode, float&gt(null, -1);
foreach (KeyValuePair&ltpathNode, float&gt aNode in localNodes)
float bestDistanceForThisLocal = aNode.Key.PassOnDownTheNodeChain(destinationNode, this, aNode.Value);
//if its the first result
if (shortestRoute.Item2 == -1)
shortestRoute = new Tuple&ltpathNode, float&gt(aNode.Key, bestDistanceForThisLocal);
//is this result shorter than those that came before?
if (shortestRoute.Item2 &gt bestDistanceForThisLocal)
shortestRoute = new Tuple&ltpathNode, float&gt(aNode.Key, bestDistanceForThisLocal);
//we've found the shortest route, but all we care about is which is the next node on that chain
return shortestRoute.Item1;
* This method accepts the current path distance,
* checks if it is linked to the end of the journey
* if it is then it adds that step on and returns the value
* if it's not then it adds on each local node distance and
* passes it on
private float PassOnDownTheNodeChain(pathNode destinationNode, pathNode previousNode, /*pathNode originNode, */float distanceSoFar)
Debug.Log("PassOnDownTheNodeChain: " + passItOnCounter + " distanceSoFar: " + distanceSoFar);
//first check to see if we already have an answer for this one:
float previousDistance;
if(destinationsThatAlreadyHaveSolutions.TryGetValue(destinationNode, out previousDistance))
//it already exists in here, return it
return previousDistance;
//it's not here, keep going
//first add it, but with an invalid distance
destinationsThatAlreadyHaveSolutions.Add(destinationNode, -1);
List&ltfloat&gt allRouteDistances = new List&ltfloat&gt();
* we're assuming that the destinationsThatAlreadyHaveSolutions list
* was initialised with the local nodes already, so if we've gotten
* here then it wasn't one of the locals, so Pass It On!
foreach (KeyValuePair&ltpathNode, float&gt aNode in localNodes)
float newDistance = aNode.Key.PassOnDownTheNodeChain(destinationNode, this, (distanceSoFar + aNode.Value));
if (newDistance != -1)
//only add valid distances
allRouteDistances.Add(newDistance + aNode.Value);
* compare all of our returned distances
* we just return the smallest since that's the quickest possible route from here
* (we're trusting that the route finding process on each node found the same path)
* @TODO a very obvious improvement is to store the next node here, rather than
* checking after the returns.
//if the list is empty then we have no route
if (!allRouteDistances.Any())
//remove the invalid entry so that other nodes can try to find the solution
return -1;
float smallestDistance = allRouteDistances.Min();
destinationsThatAlreadyHaveSolutions[destinationNode] = smallestDistance;
return smallestDistance;
* **************************************************************************
* This section is called dynamically from gameplay
* During gameplay another game element can query this node with a destination
* and it returns the next step on the route
* *************************************************************************
public pathNode GetNextStepToDestination(pathNode destination)
pathNode nextNode;
nextRouteForAllNodes.TryGetValue(destination, out nextNode);
return nextNode;
// alert('Hello world!');
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