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Last active June 16, 2024 03:31
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ChatIS command list (

ChatIS commands

This version of the file is accurate for ChatIS 2.14.x

Don't know what's this all about? Weirdge 👉 ChatIS

Also, types: string is text, float is 1.2 or other numbers, integer is only whole numbers like 4

General command format

Prefix: !chatis


  • !chatis [global-params]... <command> [params]...

Short explanation of the argument format syntax:

  • just text: part of the command, plain text
  • <arg or group name>: "group"; mandatory, argument or group of arguments
  • [arg or group name]: "group"; optional, argument or group of arguments
  • ...: after a group, means the group can repeat
  • : space; only 1 counted, all extra discarded (unless part of arg)

Order of arguments inside a group is not important

Commands are executed in the chat sent from, unless specified otherwise.

Tip: In channel #is2511 you can use the global -c param to remotely execute commands in other overlays. This is the recommended way, don't annoy your streamer with commands in chat Okayge 👍

Commands table

Command Access Description
ping 500 Show name and version in the overlay
link 1000 Show link used to load the overlay
reload 500 Reload the overlay, possibly updating version
refresh 500 Refresh emotes (ffz, bttv, 7tv)
stop 500 Stop all img, tts and yt
js 2000 Execute any JS code inside the overlay
rickroll 500 Uhh, I don't remember, go try yourself
img 500 Show an image/gif/emote in the overlay
yt 1000 Show a youtube video in the overlay
tts 500 Read the text provided with streamlabs TTS

Access level

Who Access
Regular chat user 0
Streamer channel mod 500
Global mod (#is2511) 700
Broadcaster (streamer) 1000
Me 2000

Global params table

Param Format Type Default Description
-c <channel> string none Execute in specified channel; Only works in #is2511


ping command

Format: ping [params]...

No command params, just globals

link command

Format: link [params]...

No command params, just globals

reload command

Format: reload [params]...

No command params, just globals

refresh command

Tip: You don't need to refresh when editing 7tv emotes, they are refreshed automatically

This command has aliases:

  • !refreshoverlay for backwards compatability
  • GuysRefreshChatterinoIUploadedAnotherEmote for ease of use (it's not uncommon for mods to use this emote on updates)

Format: refresh [params]...

No command params, just globals

stop command

Format: stop [params]...

No command params, just globals

js command

Format: js [params]...

Param Format Type Default Description
none [code] string none Any correct js code

rickroll command

We have such a command? Never heard of it Hmmmm

Format: rickroll [params]...

Param Format Type Default Description
-t <seconds> float 3 Timeout, remove image after this time passes; NOTE1

NOTE1: Has custom access level: can't be more than 3 unless access level 1000

img command

Format: img [params]... [source] [params]...

Param Format Type Default Description
none [source] string "error" Any link correct for <img> tag source OR emote name
-t <seconds> float 3 Timeout, remove image after this time passes; NOTE1
-o <opacity> float 1 Opacity, from 0 to 1, ex: 0.3
-w <pixels> integer overlay Width, resize image to specified width; 0 -> overlay
-h <pixels> integer overlay Height, resize image to specified height; 0 -> overlay
-x none flag none Preserve aspect ratio (original size if no -w/-h)
-f none flag none Make image appear over chat (default: behind chat)

NOTE1: Has custom access level: can't be more than 20 unless access level 1000

When the [source] is not a link nor an existing emote name it defaults to "error" which is just this gif:



Channel: #is2511
!chatis -c weest img -x -h 250 -t 3 -o 0.4
  • Message sent in channel #is2511 => param -c weest means the command will be executed in weest overlay
  • img means we want to show an image from that link in overlay
  • -x means we want to save image width and height ratio (no stretching or squeezing)
  • -h 250 means we want the image to be 250 pixels in height
  • -t 3 means we want to show it for 3 seconds
  • -o 0.4 means we want the opacity to be 0.4 (40%)
Channel: #nanoade
!chatis img -x -h 0 -t 6.9
  • img means we want to show an image from that link in overlay
  • -x means we want to save image width and height ratio (no stretching or squeezing)
  • -h 0 means we want the image to fill the entire height of the overlay
  • -t 6.9 means we want to show it for 6.9 seconds

TODO: more TrollSmile

yt command

Format: yt [params]... <link> [params]...

Param Format Type Default Description
none <link> string none Any correct YT link (supports start time, but no hms)
-t <seconds> float 3 Timeout, remove image after this time passes; NOTE1
-w <pixels> integer overlay Width, resize embed to specified width; 0 -> overlay
-h <pixels> integer overlay Height, resize embed to specified height; 0 -> overlay
-m none flag none Mute the video

NOTE1: Has custom access level: can't be more than 20 unless access level 1000

The video provided must be "embed'able", if it doesn't work in embed it won't work here


TODO TrollSmile

tts command

Format: tts [params] <text>

Param Format Type Default Description
none <text> string none Any text streamlabs can process
-s <name> string Brian Name, voice to use; Case-Sensitive; see list below
Voice list
  • Brian
  • Ivy
  • Justin
  • Russell
  • Nicole
  • Emma
  • Amy
  • Joanna
  • Salli
  • Kimberly
  • Kendra
  • Joey
  • Mizuki (Japanese)
  • Chantal (French)
  • Mathieu (French)
  • Maxim (Russian)
  • Hans (German)
  • Raveena (Indian)


TODO TrollSmile

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