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Created September 26, 2016 22:13
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Haskell WireWorld implementation made at
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import System.Console.ANSI (clearScreen)
data Cell = Head | Tail | Wire
deriving (Eq, Show)
type World = Map.Map (Int, Int) Cell
stepCell :: Cell -> [Cell] -> Cell
stepCell Head _ = Tail -- Heads always become tails
stepCell Tail _ = Wire -- Tails always become wires
stepCell Wire neighbours = -- Wires sometimes become Heads
if numHeads == 1 || numHeads == 2 then Head else Wire
where numHeads = length (filter (\n -> n == Head) neighbours)
cellNeighbours :: (Int, Int) -> World -> [Cell]
cellNeighbours (x, y) world =
catMaybes (foldl (\acc key -> Map.lookup key world : acc) [] possCord)
where possCord = [(a, b) | a <- [(x-1)..(x+1)], b <- [(y-1)..(y+1)], (a, b) /= (x, y)]
step :: World -> World
step world = Map.mapWithKey (\key cell -> let neighbours = cellNeighbours key world in stepCell cell neighbours) world
prettyPrint :: World -> String
prettyPrint world = unlines (header : (map showRow viewport) ++ [header])
header = ['-' | _ <- [0..42]]
showRow :: [(Int, Int)] -> String
showRow coords = "|" ++ concatMap (\coord -> showCell (getCellAt coord world)) coords ++ "|"
showCell Nothing = " "
showCell (Just Head) = "X"
showCell (Just Tail) = "O"
showCell (Just Wire) = "-"
getCellAt = Map.lookup
viewport = [
[(a, b) | a <- [-10..30]]
| b <- [1..16]]
runStep :: World -> IO ()
runStep world = do
putStr . prettyPrint $ world
threadDelay (floor 2e5) -- Sleep for half a second
runStep $ step world
main = do
runStep initWorld
generator first = [ -- Hacky "generator" generator for base output
((0, 6), Tail),
((1, 5), Head),
((2, 5), Wire),
((3, 5), Wire),
((4, 5), Wire),
((5, 5), Wire),
((6, 5), if first then Tail else Wire),
((7, 5), if first then Head else Wire),
((8, 5), Wire),
((1, 7), Wire),
((2, 7), Wire),
((3, 7), Wire),
((4, 7), Wire),
((5, 7), if first then Wire else Head),
((6, 7), if first then Wire else Tail),
((7, 7), Wire),
((8, 7), Wire),
((9, 6), Wire),
((10, 6), Wire),
((11, 6), Wire),
((12, 6), Wire),
((13, 6), Wire),
((14, 6), Wire),
((15, 6), Wire)
xor = [((16, 7), Wire)
,((16, 11), Wire)
,((15, 8), Wire)
,((15, 9), Wire)
,((15, 10), Wire)
,((16, 8), Wire)
,((16, 10), Wire)
,((17, 8), Wire)
,((17, 10), Wire)
,((18, 8), Wire)
,((18, 10), Wire)
,((18, 9), Wire)
,((19, 9), Wire)
,((20, 9), Wire)
,((21, 9), Wire)
,((22, 9), Wire)
,((23, 9), Wire)
,((24, 9), Wire)
,((25, 9), Wire)
,((26, 9), Wire)
,((27, 9), Wire)
,((28, 9), Wire)
,((29, 9), Wire)
initWorld = Map.fromList (generator True ++ xor ++ (map (\ ((x, y), cell) -> ((x, y+6), cell)) (generator False))) -- Yuk, I guess it's okay for a hacknight :)
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