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Created September 19, 2020 14:37
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Palette fader for CGB with support for DMG fading, too!
ld c, LOW(hBGP)
ld hl, wBGP
ld a, [hli]
ld b, 4
ld e, a
and $C0
sub d
jr nc, .DMGNotWhite
xor a
xor e
and $C0
xor e
dec b
jr nz, .fadeDMGColorToWhite
ldh [c], a
ld a, c
inc c
cp LOW(hOBP1)
jr nz, .fadeDMGPalToWhite
FadePaletteBuffers:: ;; --------- ENTRY POINT ------
ld hl, wFadeSteps
dec [hl]
jr nz, .keepGoing
ld a, [wFollowingState]
ld [wNextState], a
inc hl
assert wFadeSteps + 1 == wFadeStep
ld a, [hli]
ld e, a
assert wFadeStep + 1 == wFadeAmount
add a, [hl]
jr z, .clamp ; 0 is an illegal value
ld d, a
rra ; Get carry into bit 7
xor e ; Expect bit 7 of offset to match carry
add a, a
ld a, d
jr nc, .noOverflow
; If we got an overflow, clamp depending on bit 7 of offset
; If the offset is positive, clamp at $FF; otherwise, at 1
sla e ; Bit 7 (sign) into carry
sbc a, a ; 0 or $FF
and 2 ; 0 or 2
dec a ; $FF or 1
ld [hli], a
assert wFadeAmount + 1 == wBGPaletteMask
add a, a ; Test sign bit
ld c, LOW(rBCPS)
jr nc, .fadeToBlack
ld d, a
ld a, [hConsoleType]
and a
jr nz, FadeDMGToWhite
ld a, $80
ldh [c], a
inc c
ld a, [hli] ; Read palette mask
adc a, a
ldh [hPaletteMask], a
jr nc, .noWhiteFade
ld b, 4
ld a, c
jr nz, .fadeColorToWhite
dec b
; Do two dummy writes to advance index
; The index is increased even if the writes fail
ldh [c], a
ldh [c], a
ld a, [hli] ; Read green
add a, d
jr nc, .notFullGreen
sbc a, a ; ld a, $FF
ld e, a
ld a, [hli] ; Read red
add a, d
jr nc, .notFullRed
sbc a, a ; ld a, $FF
xor e
and $1F
xor e
ldh [c], a
ld a, [hli] ; Read blue
add a, d
jr nc, .notFullBlue
sbc a, a ; ld a, $FF
xor e
and $FC ; $7C works just as well, but $FC gets bit 7 always cleared
xor e
ldh [c], a
dec b
jr nz, .fadeColorToWhite
ldh a, [hPaletteMask]
add a, a
jr nz, .fadePaletteToWhite
inc c
ld a, c
jr z, .fadeBufferToWhite
dec c
ldh a, [c]
add a, 4 * 2
ldh [c], a
inc c
ld a, l
add a, 4 * 3
ld l, a
adc a, h
sub l
ld h, a
jr .fadedPaletteWhite
inc a
ld d, a
ldh a, [hConsoleType]
and a
jr nz, .fadeDMGToBlack
ld a, $80
ldh [c], a
inc c
ld a, [hli] ; Read palette mask
adc a, a
ldh [hPaletteMask], a
jr nc, .noBlackFade
ld b, 4
; OBJ palettes only have 3 colors
ld a, c
jr nz, .fadeColorToBlack
dec b
; Do two dummy writes to advance index
; The index is increased even if the writes fail
ldh [c], a
ldh [c], a
ld a, [hli] ; Read green
sub d
jr nc, .stillSomeGreen
xor a
ld e, a
ld a, [hli] ; Read red
sub d
jr nc, .stillSomeRed
xor a
xor e
and $1F
xor e
ldh [c], a
ld a, [hli] ; Read blue
sub d
jr nc, .stillSomeBlue
xor a
xor e
and $FC ; $7C works just as well, but $FC gets bit 7 always cleared
xor e
ldh [c], a
dec b
jr nz, .fadeColorToBlack
ldh a, [hPaletteMask]
add a, a
jr nz, .fadePaletteToBlack
inc c
ld a, c
jr z, .fadeBufferToBlack
dec c
ldh a, [c]
add a, 4 * 2
ldh [c], a
inc c
ld a, l
add a, 4 * 3
ld l, a
adc a, h
sub l
ld h, a
jr .fadedPaletteBlack
ld c, LOW(hBGP)
ld hl, wBGP
ld a, [hli]
ld b, 4
ld e, a
and $C0
add a, d
jr nc, .DMGNotBlack
sbc a, a ; ld a, $FF
xor e
and $C0
xor e
dec b
jr nz, .fadeDMGColorToBlack
ldh [c], a
ld a, c
inc c
cp LOW(hOBP1)
jr nz, .fadeDMGPalToBlack
SECTION UNION "Scratch buffer", HRAM
hPaletteMask: db
SECTION "Fade state memory", WRAM0
wFadeSteps:: db ; Number of fade steps to take
wFadeStep:: db ; Value to add to wFadeAmount on each step
; 00 = bugged equivalent of 00, do not use
; 01-7F = 01 is fully black, 7F is barely faded
; 80 = not faded
; 81-FF = FF is fully white, 81 is barely faded
wFadeAmount:: db
wBGPaletteMask:: db ; Mask of which palettes to fade (01234567)
wBGPaletteBuffer:: ; 24-bit GRB, in this order
ds 8 * 4 * 3 ; 8 palettes, 4 colors, 3 bytes
wOBJPaletteMask:: db
wOBJPaletteBuffer:: ; Same as above
ds 8 * 3 * 3 ; Same, but only 3 colors
wBGP:: db
wOBP0:: db
wOBP1:: db
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