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Created February 8, 2021 20:09
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Terraform Cloud Workflow Creation Using Terraform
terraform {
required_providers {
tfe = {
source = "hashicorp/tfe"
provider "tfe" {
alias = "default"
provider "tfe" {
alias = "team_creds"
token = var.terraform_cloud_team_creds
module "terraform_cloud_workspaces" {
for_each = local.workspaces
source = "./modules/terraform_cloud_workspaces"
providers = {
tfe.default = tfe.default
tfe.team_creds = tfe.team_creds
terraform_cloud_workspace_name = each.key
terraform_cloud_organization = var.terraform_cloud_organization
terraform_cloud_workspace_working_directory = try(each.value.tc_workspace_working_directory, "default-projects")
terraform_vcs_repo_id = var.terraform_vcs_repo_id
terraform_vcs_repo_oauth_token_id = var.terraform_vcs_repo_oauth_token_id
google_region = each.value.google_region
google_org_id = var.google_org_id
google_terraform_project = var.google_terraform_project
google_billing_account_id = var.google_billing_account_id
google_credentials = var.google_credentials
google_project_name = each.value.google_project_name
google_project_id = each.value.google_project_id
slack_notification_name = "${each.key}-to-it-devops-workflows"
slack_notification_url = var.slack_notification_url
slack_notification_triggers = var.slack_notification_triggers
is_slack_notification_enabled = var.is_slack_notification_enabled
# All locals except for workspaces are set here. Workspaces local is set in
locals {
tfe_variables = {
google_region = {
value = var.google_region
category = "terraform"
sensitive = false
description = "Default region used by Google provider"
google_org_id = {
value = var.google_org_id
category = "terraform"
sensitive = false
description = "Strada Education Network Google Cloud Org ID"
google_terraform_project = {
value = var.google_terraform_project
category = "terraform"
sensitive = false
description = "Google Cloud Project used to manage objects in Google Cloud"
google_billing_account_id = {
value = var.google_billing_account_id
category = "terraform"
sensitive = true
description = "Google Billing Account ID used for projects to pay for objects"
value = var.google_credentials
category = "env"
sensitive = true
description = "Credentials used by Terraform for managing Google Cloud objects"
value = var.google_credentials
category = "env"
sensitive = true
description = "Credentials used by Terraform for managing Google Cloud objects"
google_project_name = {
value = var.google_project_name
category = "terraform"
sensitive = false
description = "Name of Google Project to be managed by Terraform"
google_project_id = {
value = var.google_project_id
category = "terraform"
sensitive = false
description = "ID of Google Project to be managed by Terraform"
provider "tfe" {
alias = "default"
provider "tfe" {
alias = "team_creds"
resource "tfe_workspace" "workspace" {
provider = tfe.default
name = var.terraform_cloud_workspace_name
organization = var.terraform_cloud_organization
working_directory = var.terraform_cloud_workspace_working_directory
vcs_repo {
identifier = var.terraform_vcs_repo_id
branch = var.terraform_vcs_repo_branch
oauth_token_id = var.terraform_vcs_repo_oauth_token_id
resource "tfe_variable" "variable" {
provider = tfe.default
for_each = local.tfe_variables
key = each.key
value = each.value.value
category = each.value.category
sensitive = each.value.sensitive
description = each.value.description
workspace_id =
resource "tfe_notification_configuration" "workspace" {
provider = tfe.team_creds
name = var.slack_notification_name
enabled = var.is_slack_notification_enabled
destination_type = "slack"
triggers = var.slack_notification_triggers
url = var.slack_notification_url
workspace_id =
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You must provide a value for each of these parameters.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
variable "terraform_cloud_workspace_name" {
description = "The name to use for the Terraform Cloud Workspace"
type = string
variable "terraform_cloud_organization" {
description = "The Terraform Cloud organization where the Terraform Cloud Workspace will live"
type = string
variable "terraform_cloud_workspace_working_directory" {
description = "The working directory for the Terraform Cloud Workspace, must be a path in the git repo"
type = string
variable "terraform_vcs_repo_id" {
description = "The identifier of the VCS repo the workspace will use in format <organization>/<repository>"
type = string
variable "terraform_vcs_repo_oauth_token_id" {
description = "The token ID of the VCS repo that workspace will run from"
type = string
variable "google_region" {
description = "Default region used by Google provider"
type = string
variable "google_org_id" {
description = "Strada Education Network Google Cloud Org ID"
type = string
variable "google_terraform_project" {
description = "Google Cloud Project used to manage objects in Google Cloud"
type = string
variable "google_billing_account_id" {
description = "Google Billing Account ID used for projects to pay for objects"
type = string
variable "google_credentials" {
description = "Credentials used by Terraform for managing Google Cloud objects"
type = string
variable "google_project_name" {
description = "Name of Google Cloud Project name to be created by the workspace"
type = string
variable "google_project_id" {
description = "ID of Google Cloud Project name to be created by the workspace (all lowercase with dashes only)"
type = string
variable "slack_notification_name" {
description = "Name of Slack notification"
type = string
variable "slack_notification_url" {
description = "URL for slack notification channel"
type = string
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following parameters all have defaults
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
variable "terraform_vcs_repo_branch" {
description = "The branch of the VCS repo that workspace will run from, defaults to master"
type = string
default = "master"
variable "slack_notification_triggers" {
description = "Triggers set for the Slack notification. Defaults to all"
type = list(string)
default = ["run:created", "run:planning", "run:errored", "run:needs_attention", "run:applying", "run:completed"]
variable "is_slack_notification_enabled" {
description = "Boolean for whether Slack notification is enabled, must be true or false, defaults to true"
type = string
default = true
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You must provide a value for each of these parameters.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
variable "terraform_cloud_organization" {
description = "The Terraform Cloud organization where the Terraform Cloud Workspace will live"
type = string
variable "terraform_cloud_team_creds" {
description = "Credentials used by Terraform for managing team specific Terraform Cloud objects like slack notifications"
type = string
variable "terraform_vcs_repo_id" {
description = "The identifier of the VCS repo the workspace will use in format <organization>/<repository>"
type = string
variable "terraform_vcs_repo_oauth_token_id" {
description = "The token ID of the VCS repo that workspace will run from"
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "google_region" {
description = "Default region used by Google provider"
type = string
variable "google_org_id" {
description = "Strada Education Network Google Cloud Org ID"
type = string
variable "google_terraform_project" {
description = "Google Cloud Project used to manage objects in Google Cloud"
type = string
variable "google_billing_account_id" {
description = "Google Billing Account ID used for projects to pay for objects"
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "google_credentials" {
description = "Credentials used by Terraform for managing Google Cloud objects"
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "slack_notification_url" {
description = "URL for slack notification channel"
type = string
sensitive = true
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following parameters all have defaults
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
variable "terraform_vcs_repo_branch" {
description = "The branch of the VCS repo that workspace will run from, defaults to master"
type = string
default = "master"
variable "slack_notification_triggers" {
description = "Triggers set for the Slack notification. Defaults to all"
type = list(string)
default = ["run:created", "run:planning", "run:errored", "run:needs_attention", "run:applying", "run:completed"]
variable "is_slack_notification_enabled" {
description = "Boolean for whether Slack notification is enabled, must be true or false, defaults to true"
type = string
default = true
# Edit the below workspaces block to add or remove workspaces to be managed in Terraform Cloud
locals {
workspaces = {
test-workspace-1 = {
google_project_name = "Test Workspace 1"
google_project_id = "test-workspace-1"
tc_workspace_working_directory = "test-workspace-1"
google_region = "us-west1"
test-workspace-2 = {
google_project_name = "Test Workspace 2"
google_project_id = "test-workspace-2"
google_region = var.google_region
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