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Created February 15, 2023 07:02
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* Full documentation for the "identitytoolkit" API can be found here:
* Settings object for an IDP(Identity Provider).
* @typedef {Object} ProviderOptions
* @property {string} The name of the provider in lowercase.
* @property {string} [options.scope] The scopes for the IDP, this is optional and defaults to "openid email".
* Object response from a "fetchProvidersForEmail" request.
* @typedef {Object} ProvidersForEmailResponse
* @property {Array.<string>} allProviders All providers the user has once used to do federated login
* @property {boolean} registered All sign-in methods this user has used.
* @property {string} sessionId Session ID which should be passed in the following verifyAssertion request
* @property {Array.<string>} signinMethods All sign-in methods this user has used.
* Setting object for the "startOauthFlow" method.
* @typedef {Object} oauthFlowOptions
* @property {string} provider Name of the provider to use.
* @property {string} [context] A string that will be returned after the Oauth flow is finished, should be used to retain context.
* @property {boolean} [linkAccount = false] Whether to link this oauth account with the current account. defaults to false.
const inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'
const hasStorageApi = inBrowser && 'localStorage' in window
const hasListener = inBrowser && 'addEventListener' in window
interface StorageAPI {
getItem(key: string): Promise<string | null>
setItem(key: string, value: string): Promise<void>
remove(key: string): Promise<void>
const storageApi: StorageAPI = {
async setItem(k, v) {
if (hasStorageApi) window.localStorage.setItem(k, v)
async getItem(k) {
if (hasStorageApi) return window.localStorage.getItem(k)
return null
async remove(k) {
if (hasStorageApi) window.localStorage.removeItem(k)
interface AuthArgs {
name?: string
apiKey: string
redirectUri?: string
storage?: StorageAPI
export interface ProviderUserInfo {
displayName: string
federatedId: string
photoUrl: string
providerId: string
rawId: string
screenName: string
export interface AuthUser {
createdAt: string
displayName?: string
lastLoginAt: string
validSince?: string
lastRefreshAt: string
localId: string
photoUrl?: string
email?: string
providerUserInfo?: Array<ProviderUserInfo>
screenName?: string
tokenManager: {
expiresAt: number
idToken: string
refreshToken: string
type OnAuthChanged = (user: AuthUser | null) => void
interface SignInOptions {
provider: string
oauthScope?: string
context?: any
linkAccount?: boolean
backToUrl?: string
* Encapsulates authentication flow logic.
* @param {Object} options Options object.
* @param {string} options.apiKey The firebase API key
* @param {string} options.redirectUri The redirect URL used by OAuth providers.
* @param {Array.<ProviderOptions|string>} options.providers Array of arguments that will be passed to the addProvider method.
export default class Auth {
storage: StorageAPI
name: string
apiKey: string
user: AuthUser | null = null
listeners: Array<OnAuthChanged> = []
redirectUri: string | undefined
private _ref?: Promise<any>
constructor({ name, apiKey, redirectUri, storage }: AuthArgs) {
if (typeof apiKey !== 'string')
throw Error('The argument "apiKey" is required')
this.apiKey = apiKey = storage ?? storageApi = name ?? 'default'
this.redirectUri = redirectUri'User')).then((user) => {
this.setState(user ? JSON.parse(user) : null, false)
if (this.user)
this.refreshIdToken().catch((e) => {
if (
e.message === 'TOKEN_EXPIRED' ||
e.message === 'INVALID_ID_TOKEN'
) {
return this.signOut()
throw e
// Because this library is used in react native, outside the browser as well,
// we need to first check if this environment supports `addEventListener` on the window.
hasListener &&
window.addEventListener('storage', (e) => {
// This code will run if localStorage for this user
// data was updated from a different browser window.
if (e.key !== this.sKey('User') || !e.newValue) return
this.setState(JSON.parse(e.newValue), false)
* Emits an event and triggers all of the listeners.
* @param {string} name The name of the event to trigger.
* @param {any} data The data you want to pass to the event listeners.
* @private
emit() {
this.listeners.forEach((cb) => cb(this.user))
* Set up a function that will be called whenever the user state is changed.
* @param {function} cb The function to call when the event is triggered.
* @returns {function} function that will unsubscribe your callback from being called.
listen(cb: OnAuthChanged): () => void {
// Return a function to unbind the callback.
return () => {
this.listeners = this.listeners.filter((fn) => fn !== cb)
* Generates a unique storage key for this app.
* @private
sKey(key: string) {
return `Auth:${key}:${this.apiKey}:${}`
* Make post request to a specific endpoint, and return the response.
* @param {string} endpoint The name of the endpoint.
* @param {any} request Body to pass to the request.
* @private
async api<T = any>(endpoint: string, body: any) {
const url =
endpoint === 'token'
? `${this.apiKey}`
: `${endpoint}?key=${this.apiKey}`
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: typeof body === 'string' ? body : JSON.stringify(body),
const data = await response.json()
// If the response returned an error, try to get a Firebase error code/message.
// Sometimes the error codes are joined with an explanation, we don't need that(its a bug).
// So we remove the unnecessary part.
if (!response.ok) {
const code = data.error.message.replace(/: [\w ,.'"()]+$/, '')
throw Error(code)
// Add a hidden date property to the returned object.
// Used mostly to calculate the expiration date for tokens.
const date = response.headers.get('date')
if (date)
Object.defineProperty(data, 'expiresAt', {
value: Date.parse(date) + 3600 * 1000,
return data as T
* Makes sure the user is logged in and has up-to-date credentials.
* @throws Will throw if the user is not logged in.
* @private
async enforceAuth() {
if (!this.user)
throw Error('The user must be logged-in to use this method.')
return this.refreshIdToken() // Won't do anything if the token is valid.
* Updates the user data in the localStorage.
* @param {Object} userData the new user data.
* @param {boolean} [updateStorage = true] Whether to update local storage or not.
* @private
async setState(userData: AuthUser | null, persist = true, emit = true) {
this.user = userData
if (persist) {
if (userData) {'User'), JSON.stringify(userData))
} else {'User'))
emit && this.emit()
* Sign out the currently signed in user.
* Removes all data stored in the storage that's associated with the user.
signOut() {
return this.setState(null)
* Refreshes the idToken by using the locally stored refresh token
* only if the idToken has expired.
async refreshIdToken() {
if (!this.user) return this.emit()
const user = this.user
// If the idToken didn't expire, return.
if ( < user.tokenManager.expiresAt) return this.emit()
// If a request for a new token was already made, then wait for it and then return.
if (this._ref) {
return void (await this._ref)
try {
// Save the promise so that if this function is called
// anywhere else we don't make more than one request.
this._ref = this.api('token', {
grant_type: 'refresh_token',
refresh_token: user.tokenManager.refreshToken,
}).then((data) => {
const tokenManager = {
idToken: data.id_token,
refreshToken: data.refresh_token,
expiresAt: data.expiresAt,
return this.setState({ ...user, tokenManager }, true, false)
await this._ref
await this.fetchProfile()
} finally {
this._ref = undefined
* Uses native fetch, but adds authorization headers otherwise the API is exactly the same as native fetch.
* @param {Request|Object|string} resource the resource to send the request to, or an options object.
* @param {Object} init an options object.
async authorizedRequest(resource: string | Request, init?: RequestInit) {
const request =
resource instanceof Request ? resource : new Request(resource, init)
if (this.user) {
await this.refreshIdToken() // Won't do anything if the token didn't expire yet.
`Bearer ${this.user.tokenManager.idToken}`,
return fetch(request)
* Signs in or signs up a user by exchanging a custom Auth token.
* @param {string} token The custom token.
async signInWithCustomToken(token: string) {
// Try to exchange the Auth Code for an idToken and refreshToken.
// And then get the user profile.
return await this.fetchProfile(
await this.api('signInWithCustomToken', {
returnSecureToken: true,
* Start auth flow of a federated Id provider.
* Will redirect the page to the federated login page.
* @param {oauthFlowOptions|string} options An options object, or a string with the name of the provider.
async signInWithProvider(options: string | SignInOptions) {
if (!this.redirectUri)
throw Error(
'In order to use an Identity provider you should initiate the "Auth" instance with a "redirectUri".',
// The options can be a string, or an object, so here we make sure we extract the right data in each case.
const {
}: SignInOptions =
typeof options !== 'string' ? options : { provider: options }
// Make sure the user is logged in when an "account link" was requested.
if (linkAccount) await this.enforceAuth()
const redirectUrl = new URL(this.redirectUri)
if (backToUrl) redirectUrl.searchParams.set('backToUrl', backToUrl)
// Get the url and other data necessary for the authentication.
const { authUri, sessionId } = await this.api('createAuthUri', {
continueUri: redirectUrl.toString(),
authFlowType: 'CODE_FLOW',
providerId: provider,
// Save the sessionId that we just received in the local storage.
// Is required to finish the auth flow, I believe this is used to mitigate CSRF attacks.
// (No docs on this...)
await'SessionId'), sessionId)
// Save if this is a fresh log-in or a "link account" request.
linkAccount &&
(await'LinkAccount'), 'true'))
// Finally - redirect the page to the auth endpoint.
* Signs in or signs up a user using credentials from an Identity Provider (IdP) after a redirect.
* Will fail silently if the URL doesn't have a "code" search param.
* @param [requestUri] The request URI with the authorization code, state etc. from the IdP.
async finishProviderSignIn(requestUri = location.href) {
if (!requestUri.includes('state=')) return
// Get the sessionId we received before the redirect from storage.
const sessionId = await'SessionId'))
// Get the indication if this was a "link account" request.
const linkAccount = await'LinkAccount'))
// Check for the edge case in which the user signed out before completing the linkAccount
// Request.
if (linkAccount && !this.user) {
throw Error(
'Request to "Link account" was made, but user is no longer signed-in',
// Try to exchange the Auth Code for an idToken and refreshToken.
const { idToken, refreshToken, expiresAt } = await this.api(
// If this is a "link account" flow, then attach the idToken of the currently logged in account.
idToken: linkAccount ? this.user?.tokenManager?.idToken : undefined,
returnSecureToken: true,
// Now get the user profile.
await this.fetchProfile({ idToken, refreshToken, expiresAt })
// Remove sensitive data from the URLSearch params in the location bar.
history.replaceState(null, '', location.origin + location.pathname)
return this.user
* Handles all sign in flows that complete via redirects.
* Fails silently if no redirect was detected.
async handleSignInRedirect() {
if (!inBrowser) return
// Oauth Federated Identity Provider flow.
if (location.href.match(/[&?]code=/)) return this.finishProviderSignIn()
// Email Sign-in flow.
const href = location.href
if (!href) return
if (href.match(/[&?]oobCode=/)) {
let m = href.match(/[?&]oobCode=([^&]+)/)
const oobCode = m && m.length > 0 ? m[1] : undefined
m = href.match(/[?&]email=([^&]+)/)
const email = m && m.length > 0 ? m[1] : undefined
const expiresAt = + 3600 * 1000
const { idToken, refreshToken } = await this.api('signInWithEmailLink', {
// Now get the user profile.
await this.fetchProfile({ idToken, refreshToken, expiresAt })
// Remove sensitive data from the URLSearch params in the location bar.
history.replaceState(null, '', location.origin + location.pathname)
* Signs up with email and password or anonymously when no arguments are passed.
* Automatically signs the user in on completion.
* @param {string} [email] The email for the user to create.
* @param {string} [password] The password for the user to create.
async signUp(email?: string, password?: string) {
// Sign up and then retrieve the user profile and persists the session.
return await this.fetchProfile(
await this.api('signUp', {
returnSecureToken: true,
* Signs in a user with email and password.
* @param {string} email
* @param {string} password
async signIn(email: string, password: string) {
// Sign up and then retrieve the user profile and persists the session.
return await this.fetchProfile(
await this.api('signInWithPassword', {
returnSecureToken: true,
* Sends an out-of-band confirmation code for an account.
* Can be used to reset a password, to verify an email address and send a Sign-in email link.
* The `email` argument is not needed only when verifying an email(In that case it will be completely ignored, even if specified), otherwise it is required.
* @param {'PASSWORD_RESET'|'VERIFY_EMAIL'|'EMAIL_SIGNIN'} requestType The type of out-of-band (OOB) code to send.
* @param {string} [email] When the `requestType` is `PASSWORD_RESET` or `EMAIL_SIGNIN` you need to provide an email address.
* @returns {Promise}
async sendOobCode(
email?: string,
): Promise<void> {
const verifyEmail = requestType === 'VERIFY_EMAIL'
if (verifyEmail) {
await this.enforceAuth()
email = this.user?.email
await this.api('sendOobCode', {
idToken: verifyEmail ? this.user?.tokenManager?.idToken : undefined,
continueUrl: this.redirectUri + `?email=${email}`,
* Sets a new password by using a reset code.
* Can also be used to very oobCode by not passing a password.
* @param {string} code
* @returns {string} The email of the account to which the code was issued.
async resetPassword(oobCode: string, newPassword: string): Promise<string> {
return (await this.api('resetPassword', { oobCode, newPassword })).email
// /**
// * Returns info about all providers associated with a specified email.
// * @param {string} email The user's email address.
// * @returns {ProvidersForEmailResponse}
// */
// async fetchProvidersForEmail(email: string) {
// const response = await this.api('createAuthUri', {
// identifier: email,
// continueUri: location.href,
// })
// delete response.kind
// return response
// }
* Gets the user data from the server, and updates the local caches.
* @param [tokenManager] Only when not logged in.
* @throws Will throw if the user is not signed in.
async fetchProfile(tokenManager = this.user?.tokenManager) {
if (!tokenManager) await this.enforceAuth()
if (!tokenManager) return
const { users } = await this.api<{ users: Array<AuthUser> }>('lookup', {
idToken: tokenManager.idToken,
if (Array.isArray(users) && users.length > 0) {
const userData = users[0]
if ('kind' in userData) delete (userData as any)['kind']
userData.tokenManager = tokenManager
await this.setState(userData)
// /**
// * Update user's profile.
// * @param {Object} newData An object with the new data to overwrite.
// * @throws Will throw if the user is not signed in.
// */
// async updateProfile(newData) {
// await this.enforceAuth()
// // Calculate the expiration date for the idToken.
// const updatedData = await this.api('update', {
// ...newData,
// idToken: this.user.tokenManager.idToken,
// returnSecureToken: true,
// })
// const { idToken, refreshToken, expiresAt } = updatedData
// if (updatedData.idToken) {
// updatedData.tokenManager = { idToken, refreshToken, expiresAt }
// } else {
// updatedData.tokenManager = this.user.tokenManager
// }
// delete updatedData.kind
// delete updatedData.idToken
// delete updatedData.refreshToken
// await this.setState(updatedData)
// }
// /**
// * Deletes the currently logged in account and logs out.
// * @throws Will throw if the user is not signed in.
// */
// async deleteAccount() {
// await this.enforceAuth()
// await this.api(
// 'delete',
// `{"idToken": "${this.user?.tokenManager.idToken}"}`,
// )
// this.signOut()
// }
async deleteAccountByToken(token: string) {
await this.api('delete', `{"idToken": "${token}"}`)
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