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Last active January 26, 2024 18:18
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  • Save ITotalJustice/5d1223e56951b4a3b7df093fe5325359 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ITotalJustice/5d1223e56951b4a3b7df093fe5325359 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Copyright 2022 TotalJustice.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
#pragma once
// set this to 0 if the scheduler can be empty, 1 by default
// due to the reset event always being set!
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/container/static_vector.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace scheduler {
using s32 = std::int32_t;
// id is the id of the event
// cycles_late will always be 0 if on time or negative if late
using Callback = void(*)(void* user, s32 id, s32 cycles_late);
enum : s32 { RESERVED_ID = 0 };
enum : s32 { TIMEOUT_VALUE = 0x70000000 };
template <size_t MaxCapaxity>
struct Scheduler {
// calls reset()
Scheduler(s32 starting_cycles = 0, Callback reset_cb = nullptr, void* user = nullptr)
reset(starting_cycles, reset_cb, user);
// resets queue and cycles, adds reset event, optional custom callback
void reset(s32 starting_cycles = 0, Callback reset_cb = nullptr, void* user = nullptr)
queue.clear(); // remove previous events
queue.reserve(MaxCapaxity); // reserve max events upfront + timeout
cycles = std::min<s32>(starting_cycles, TIMEOUT_VALUE);
add_absolute(RESERVED_ID, TIMEOUT_VALUE, reset_cb ? reset_cb : reset_event, user ? user : this);
// fires all expired events
void fire()
assert(!empty() && queue.front().time <= cycles && "should_fire() needs to be check before fire()");
do {
auto event = queue.front();
std::ranges::pop_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
event.callback(event.user,, event.time - cycles);
} while (!empty() && queue.front().time <= cycles);
// adds relative new / existing event. updates time,cb,user if existing
void add(s32 id, s32 event_time, Callback cb, void* user)
add_absolute(id, cycles + event_time, cb, user);
// adds new / existing event. updates time,cb,user if existing
void add_absolute(s32 id, s32 event_time, Callback cb, void* user)
const auto itr = std::ranges::find_if(queue, [id](auto& e){ return id ==; });
// if event if already in queue then update time, cb and user.
if (itr != queue.end()) [[unlikely]] // todo: profile unlikely
// fast path if front of queue
if (itr == queue.begin())
std::ranges::pop_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
queue.back().time = event_time;
queue.back().callback = cb;
queue.back().user = user;
std::ranges::push_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
// otherwise, sadly we have to sort the queue :/
itr->time = event_time;
itr->callback = cb;
itr->user = user;
std::ranges::make_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
// otherwise create new event
queue.emplace_back(event_time, id, cb, user);
std::ranges::push_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
// removes an event, does nothing if event not enabled.
void remove(s32 id)
// std::remove_if loops through every entry, do not use!
const auto itr = std::ranges::find_if(queue, [id](auto& e){ return id ==; });
if (itr != queue.end()) [[likely]]
std::ranges::make_heap(queue, std::greater<>()); // optimise this
// advance scheduler by number of ticks
void tick(s32 ticks)
cycles += ticks;
// returns current time of the scheduler
[[nodiscard]] auto get_ticks() const -> s32
return cycles;
// returns true if there are no events
[[nodiscard]] auto empty() const -> bool
assert(!queue.empty() && "queue should never be empty!");
return false;
return queue.empty();
// return true if fire() should be called
[[nodiscard]] auto should_fire() const -> bool
if (empty()) [[unlikely]]
return false;
return queue.front().time <= cycles;
// advances scheduler so that get_ticks() == get_next_event_cycles() if event has greater cycles
void advance_to_next_event()
// only advance if the next event time is greater than current time
if (queue.front().time > cycles) [[likely]]
cycles = queue.front().time;
// default reset event
static void reset_event(void* user, s32 id, [[maybe_unused]] s32 _ = 0)
auto s = static_cast<Scheduler*>(user);
// no sort because order remains the same.
std::ranges::for_each(s->queue, [](auto& e){ e.time -= TIMEOUT_VALUE; });
s->cycles -= TIMEOUT_VALUE;
s->add_absolute(id, TIMEOUT_VALUE, reset_event, user);
struct Event {
s32 time; // time until event expires (scheduler.cycles + event.cycle)
s32 id; // event id
Callback callback; // function to call on event expire
void* user; // user data passed to the callback
// used for std::_heap functions
auto operator>(const Event& rhs) const -> bool { return time > rhs.time; }
s32 cycles; // remember to tick this!
boost::container::static_vector<Event, MaxCapaxity> queue;
std::vector<Event> queue; // don't manually edit this!
} // namespace scheduler
// Copyright 2022 TotalJustice.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
#pragma once
// set this to 0 if the scheduler can be empty, 1 by default
// due to the reset event always being set!
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/container/static_vector.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace scheduler {
using s32 = std::int32_t;
// id is the id of the event
// cycles_late will always be 0 if on time or negative if late
using Callback = void(*)(void* user, s32 id, s32 cycles_late);
enum : s32 { RESERVED_ID = 0 };
enum : s32 { TIMEOUT_VALUE = 0x70000000 };
template <size_t MaxCapaxity>
struct Scheduler {
// calls reset()
Scheduler(s32 starting_cycles = 0, Callback reset_cb = nullptr, void* user = nullptr)
reset(starting_cycles, reset_cb, user);
// resets queue and cycles, adds reset event, optional custom callback
void reset(s32 starting_cycles = 0, Callback reset_cb = nullptr, void* user = nullptr)
for (auto& e : events)
queue.clear(); // remove previous events
queue.reserve(MaxCapaxity); // reserve max events upfront + timeout
cycles = std::min<s32>(starting_cycles, TIMEOUT_VALUE);
add_absolute(RESERVED_ID, TIMEOUT_VALUE, reset_cb ? reset_cb : reset_event, user ? user : this);
// fires all expired events
void fire()
assert(!empty() && queue.front().time <= cycles && "should_fire() needs to be check before fire()");
do {
const auto [time, id] = queue.front();
std::ranges::pop_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
const auto [callback, user] = events[id];
callback(user, id, time - cycles);
} while (!empty() && queue.front().time <= cycles);
// adds relative new / existing event. updates time,cb,user if existing
void add(s32 id, s32 event_time, Callback cb, void* user)
add_absolute(id, cycles + event_time, cb, user);
// adds new / existing event. updates time,cb,user if existing
void add_absolute(s32 id, s32 event_time, Callback cb, void* user)
if (events[id].Enabled()) // event is already active
const auto itr = std::ranges::find_if(queue, [id](auto& e){ return id ==; });
// fast path if front of queue
if (itr == queue.begin())
std::ranges::pop_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
queue.back().time = event_time;
std::ranges::push_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
// otherwise, sadly we have to sort the queue :/
itr->time = event_time;
std::ranges::make_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
queue.emplace_back(event_time, id);
std::ranges::push_heap(queue, std::greater<>());
events[id].callback = cb;
events[id].user = user;
// removes an event, does nothing if event not enabled.
void remove(s32 id)
if (events[id].Enabled())
const auto itr = std::ranges::find_if(queue, [id](auto& e){ return id ==; });
assert(itr != queue.cend());
std::ranges::make_heap(queue, std::greater<>()); // optimise this
// advance scheduler by number of ticks
void tick(s32 ticks)
cycles += ticks;
// returns current time of the scheduler
[[nodiscard]] auto get_ticks() const -> s32
return cycles;
// returns true if there are no events
[[nodiscard]] auto empty() const -> bool
assert(!queue.empty() && "queue should never be empty!");
return false;
return queue.empty();
// return true if fire() should be called
[[nodiscard]] auto should_fire() const -> bool
if (empty()) [[unlikely]]
return false;
return queue.front().time <= cycles;
// advances scheduler so that get_ticks() == get_next_event_cycles() if event has greater cycles
void advance_to_next_event()
// only advance if the next event time is greater than current time
if (queue.front().time > cycles) [[likely]]
cycles = queue.front().time;
// default reset event
static void reset_event(void* user, s32 id, [[maybe_unused]] s32 _ = 0)
auto s = static_cast<Scheduler*>(user);
// no sort because order remains the same.
std::ranges::for_each(s->queue, [](auto& e){ e.time -= TIMEOUT_VALUE; });
s->cycles -= TIMEOUT_VALUE;
s->add_absolute(id, TIMEOUT_VALUE, reset_event, user);
struct Event {
s32 time; // time until event expires (scheduler.cycles + event.cycle)
s32 id; // event id
// used for std::_heap functions
auto operator>(const Event& rhs) const -> bool { return time > rhs.time; }
struct EventCallback {
Callback callback; // function to call on event expire
void* user; // user data passed to the callback
[[nodiscard]] auto Enabled() const -> bool {
return callback != nullptr;
void Disable() {
callback = nullptr;
s32 cycles; // remember to tick this!
boost::container::static_vector<Event, MaxCapaxity> queue;
std::vector<Event> queue; // don't manually edit this!
EventCallback events[MaxCapaxity];
} // namespace scheduler
// Copyright 2022 TotalJustice.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
namespace scheduler {
// set this to 0 if the scheduler can be empty, 1 by default
// due to the reset event always being set!
using s32 = std::int32_t;
// id is the id of the event
// cycles_late will always be 0 if on time or negative if late
using Callback = void(*)(void* user, s32 id, s32 cycles_late);
enum : s32 { RESERVED_ID = 0 };
enum : s32 { TIMEOUT_VALUE = 0x70000000 };
enum : s32 { DISABLE_VALUE = 0x7FFFFFFF };
template <size_t MaxCapaxity>
struct Scheduler {
// calls reset()
Scheduler(s32 starting_cycles = 0, Callback reset_cb = nullptr, void* user = nullptr)
reset(starting_cycles, reset_cb, user);
// resets queue and cycles, adds reset event, optional custom callback
void reset(s32 starting_cycles = 0, Callback reset_cb = nullptr, void* user = nullptr)
for (auto& e : events)
next_event_id = 0;
cycles = std::min<s32>(starting_cycles, TIMEOUT_VALUE);
add_absolute(RESERVED_ID, TIMEOUT_VALUE, reset_cb ? reset_cb : reset_event, user ? user : this);
// fires all expired events
void fire()
do {
const auto id = next_event_id;
const auto event = events[id];
event.callback(event.user, id, event.time - cycles);
} while (!empty() && events[next_event_id].time <= cycles);
// adds relative new / existing event. updates time,cb,user if existing
void add(s32 id, s32 event_time, Callback cb, void* user)
add_absolute(id, cycles + event_time, cb, user);
// adds new / existing event. updates time,cb,user if existing
void add_absolute(s32 id, s32 event_time, Callback cb, void* user)
events[id].time = event_time;
events[id].callback = cb;
events[id].user = user;
// check if we updated the next event
if (id == next_event_id)
// check if new event fires earlier
else if (events[id].time < events[next_event_id].time)
next_event_id = id;
// removes an event, does nothing if event not enabled.
void remove(s32 id)
if (id == next_event_id)
// advance scheduler by number of ticks
void tick(s32 ticks)
cycles += ticks;
// returns current time of the scheduler
[[nodiscard]] auto get_ticks() const -> s32
return cycles;
// returns true if there are no events
[[nodiscard]] auto empty() const -> bool
return false;
for (const auto& e : events) {
if (e.Enabled()) {
return false;
return true;
// return true if fire() should be called
[[nodiscard]] auto should_fire() const -> bool
if (empty()) [[unlikely]]
return false;
return events[next_event_id].time <= cycles;
// advances scheduler so that get_ticks() == get_next_event_cycles() if event has greater cycles
void advance_to_next_event()
// only advance if the next event time is greater than current time
if (events[next_event_id].time > cycles) [[likely]]
cycles = events[next_event_id].time;
void find_next_event()
s32 new_id = 0;
for (s32 i = 1; i < MaxCapaxity; i++)
// don't need to explicitly check if an event is enabled
// as the time will be set to 0x7FFFFFFF
if (events[i].time < events[new_id].time)
new_id = i;
next_event_id = new_id;
// default reset event
static void reset_event(void* user, s32 id, [[maybe_unused]] s32 _ = 0)
auto s = static_cast<Scheduler*>(user);
// no sort because order remains the same.
for (auto& e : s->events)
if (e.Enabled())
e.time -= TIMEOUT_VALUE;
s->cycles -= TIMEOUT_VALUE;
s->add_absolute(id, TIMEOUT_VALUE, reset_event, user);
struct Event {
s32 time; // time until event expires (scheduler.cycles + event.cycle)
Callback callback; // function to call on event expire
void* user; // user data passed to the callback
[[nodiscard]] auto Enabled() const -> bool
return time != DISABLE_VALUE;
void Disable()
s32 cycles; // remember to tick this!
s32 next_event_id;
Event events[MaxCapaxity];
// Copyright 2022 TotalJustice.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
namespace scheduler {
// set this to 0 if the scheduler can be empty, 1 by default
// due to the reset event always being set!
using s32 = std::int32_t;
// id is the id of the event
// cycles_late will always be 0 if on time or negative if late
using Callback = void(*)(void* user, s32 id, s32 cycles_late);
enum : s32 { RESERVED_ID = 0 };
enum : s32 { TIMEOUT_VALUE = 0x70000000 };
enum : s32 { DISABLE_VALUE = 0x7FFFFFFF };
template <size_t MaxCapaxity>
struct Scheduler {
// calls reset()
Scheduler(s32 starting_cycles = 0, Callback reset_cb = nullptr, void* user = nullptr)
reset(starting_cycles, reset_cb, user);
// resets queue and cycles, adds reset event, optional custom callback
void reset(s32 starting_cycles = 0, Callback reset_cb = nullptr, void* user = nullptr)
for (auto& e : events)
next_event_id = 0;
cycles = std::min<s32>(starting_cycles, TIMEOUT_VALUE);
add_absolute(RESERVED_ID, TIMEOUT_VALUE, reset_cb ? reset_cb : reset_event, user ? user : this);
// fires all expired events
void fire()
do {
const auto id = next_event_id;
const auto event = events[id];
callbacks[id].callback(callbacks[id].user, id, event.time - cycles);
} while (!empty() && events[next_event_id].time <= cycles);
// adds relative new / existing event. updates time,cb,user if existing
void add(s32 id, s32 event_time, Callback cb, void* user)
add_absolute(id, cycles + event_time, cb, user);
// adds new / existing event. updates time,cb,user if existing
void add_absolute(s32 id, s32 event_time, Callback cb, void* user)
events[id].time = event_time;
callbacks[id].callback = cb;
callbacks[id].user = user;
// check if we updated the next event
if (id == next_event_id)
// check if new event fires earlier
else if (events[id].time < events[next_event_id].time)
next_event_id = id;
// removes an event, does nothing if event not enabled.
void remove(s32 id)
if (id == next_event_id)
// advance scheduler by number of ticks
void tick(s32 ticks)
cycles += ticks;
// returns current time of the scheduler
[[nodiscard]] auto get_ticks() const -> s32
return cycles;
// returns true if there are no events
[[nodiscard]] auto empty() const -> bool
return false;
for (const auto& e : events) {
if (e.Enabled()) {
return false;
return true;
// return true if fire() should be called
[[nodiscard]] auto should_fire() const -> bool
return events[next_event_id].time <= cycles;
// advances scheduler so that get_ticks() == get_next_event_cycles() if event has greater cycles
void advance_to_next_event()
// only advance if the next event time is greater than current time
if (events[next_event_id].time > cycles) [[likely]]
cycles = events[next_event_id].time;
// default reset event
static void reset_event(void* user, s32 id, [[maybe_unused]] s32 _ = 0)
auto s = static_cast<Scheduler*>(user);
// no sort because order remains the same.
for (auto& e : s->events)
if (e.Enabled())
e.time -= TIMEOUT_VALUE;
s->cycles -= TIMEOUT_VALUE;
s->add_absolute(id, TIMEOUT_VALUE, reset_event, user);
void find_next_event()
s32 new_id = 0;
for (s32 i = 1; i < MaxCapaxity; i++)
// don't need to explicitly check if an event is enabled
// as the time will be set to 0x7FFFFFFF
if (events[i].time < events[new_id].time)
new_id = i;
next_event_id = new_id;
struct Event {
s32 time; // time until event expires (scheduler.cycles + event.cycle)
[[nodiscard]] auto Enabled() const -> bool
return time != DISABLE_VALUE;
void Disable()
struct EventCallback {
Callback callback; // function to call on event expire
void* user; // user data passed to the callback
s32 cycles;
s32 next_event_id;
Event events[MaxCapaxity];
EventCallback callbacks[MaxCapaxity];
} // namespace scheduler
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