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Created June 6, 2023 23:48
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  • Save ITotalJustice/64d996aa9977223cc8f3b63c91916507 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ITotalJustice/64d996aa9977223cc8f3b63c91916507 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
hbloader, modified to launch nro using path in romfs, and exits correctly. size optimised :)
#include <switch.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static char g_argv[2048];
static char g_nextArgv[2048];
static char g_nextNroPath[FS_MAX_PATH];
static enum {
CodeMemoryUnavailable = 0,
CodeMemoryForeignProcess = BIT(0),
CodeMemorySameProcess = BIT(0) | BIT(1),
} g_codeMemoryCapability = CodeMemoryUnavailable;
static Handle g_procHandle;
static void* g_heapAddr;
static size_t g_heapSize;
static u128 g_userIdStorage;
// Used by trampoline.s
u64 g_nroAddr = 0;
void NORETURN nroEntrypointTrampoline(const ConfigEntry* entries, u64 handle, u64 entrypoint);
void selfExit(void);
static u64 calculateMaxHeapSize(void) {
u64 size = 0;
u64 mem_available = 0, mem_used = 0;
svcGetInfo(&mem_available, InfoType_TotalMemorySize, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0);
svcGetInfo(&mem_used, InfoType_UsedMemorySize, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0);
if (mem_available > mem_used+0x200000)
size = (mem_available - mem_used - 0x200000) & ~0x1FFFFF;
if (size == 0)
size = 0x2000000*16;
if (size > 0x6000000)
size -= 0x6000000;
return size;
static void setupHbHeap(void) {
void* addr = NULL;
u64 size = calculateMaxHeapSize();
Result rc = svcSetHeapSize(&addr, size);
if (R_FAILED(rc) || addr==NULL)
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 9));
g_heapAddr = addr;
g_heapSize = size;
static void procHandleReceiveThread(void* arg) {
Handle session = (Handle)(uintptr_t)arg;
Result rc;
void* base = armGetTls();
s32 idx = 0;
rc = svcReplyAndReceive(&idx, &session, 1, INVALID_HANDLE, UINT64_MAX);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 15));
HipcParsedRequest r = hipcParseRequest(base);
if (r.meta.num_copy_handles != 1)
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 17));
g_procHandle =[0];
static void getOwnProcessHandle(void) {
Result rc;
Handle server_handle, client_handle;
rc = svcCreateSession(&server_handle, &client_handle, 0, 0);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 12));
Thread t;
rc = threadCreate(&t, &procHandleReceiveThread, (void*)(uintptr_t)server_handle, NULL, 0x1000, 0x20, 0);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 10));
rc = threadStart(&t);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 13));
.num_copy_handles = 1,
).copy_handles[0] = CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE;
static bool isKernel5xOrLater(void) {
u64 dummy = 0;
Result rc = svcGetInfo(&dummy, InfoType_UserExceptionContextAddress, INVALID_HANDLE, 0);
return R_VALUE(rc) != KERNELRESULT(InvalidEnumValue);
static bool isKernel4x(void) {
u64 dummy = 0;
Result rc = svcGetInfo(&dummy, InfoType_InitialProcessIdRange, INVALID_HANDLE, 0);
return R_VALUE(rc) != KERNELRESULT(InvalidEnumValue);
static void getCodeMemoryCapability(void) {
if (detectMesosphere()) {
// Mesosphère allows for same-process code memory usage.
g_codeMemoryCapability = CodeMemorySameProcess;
} else if (isKernel5xOrLater()) {
// On [5.0.0+], the kernel does not allow the creator process of a CodeMemory object
// to use svcControlCodeMemory on itself, thus returning InvalidMemoryState (0xD401).
// However the kernel can be patched to support same-process usage of CodeMemory.
// We can detect that by passing a bad operation and observe if we actually get InvalidEnumValue (0xF001).
Handle code;
Result rc = svcCreateCodeMemory(&code, g_heapAddr, 0x1000);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) {
rc = svcControlCodeMemory(code, (CodeMapOperation)-1, 0, 0x1000, 0);
if (R_VALUE(rc) == KERNELRESULT(InvalidEnumValue))
g_codeMemoryCapability = CodeMemorySameProcess;
g_codeMemoryCapability = CodeMemoryForeignProcess;
} else if (isKernel4x()) {
// On [4.0.0-4.1.0] there is no such restriction on same-process CodeMemory usage.
g_codeMemoryCapability = CodeMemorySameProcess;
} else {
// This kernel is too old to support CodeMemory syscalls.
g_codeMemoryCapability = CodeMemoryUnavailable;
static void NORETURN loadNro(void) {
NroHeader* header = NULL;
size_t rw_size=0;
Result rc=0;
// the below romfs code assumes that the romfs was created by me
// it does not handle errors and will explode if you try to
// use this for anything else.
// i simply cba to to parse the romfs rn, its 1am and i have work at 3am :)
FsStorage s;
romfs_header romfs_header;
if (R_FAILED(fsOpenDataStorageByCurrentProcess(&s))) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 50));
if (R_FAILED(fsStorageRead(&s, 0, &romfs_header, sizeof(romfs_header)))) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 51));
u8* romfs_dirs = malloc(romfs_header.dirTableSize); // should be 1 entry ("/")
u8* romfs_files = malloc(romfs_header.fileTableSize); // should be 2 entries (argv and nro)
if (!romfs_dirs || !romfs_files) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 53));
if (R_FAILED(fsStorageRead(&s, romfs_header.dirTableOff, romfs_dirs, romfs_header.dirTableSize))) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 54));
if (R_FAILED(fsStorageRead(&s, romfs_header.fileTableOff, romfs_files, romfs_header.fileTableSize))) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 55));
const romfs_dir* dir = (const romfs_dir*)romfs_dirs;
const romfs_file* next_argv_file = (const romfs_file*)(romfs_files + dir->childFile);
const romfs_file* next_nro_file = (const romfs_file*)(romfs_files + next_argv_file->sibling);
if (R_FAILED(fsStorageRead(&s, romfs_header.fileDataOff + next_argv_file->dataOff, g_nextArgv, next_argv_file->dataSize))) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 56));
if (R_FAILED(fsStorageRead(&s, romfs_header.fileDataOff + next_nro_file->dataOff, g_nextNroPath, next_nro_file->dataSize))) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 57));
memcpy(g_argv, g_nextArgv, sizeof g_argv);
svcBreak(BreakReason_NotificationOnlyFlag | BreakReason_PreLoadDll, (uintptr_t)g_argv, sizeof(g_argv));
uint8_t *nrobuf = (uint8_t*) g_heapAddr;
NroStart* start = (NroStart*) (nrobuf + 0);
header = (NroHeader*) (nrobuf + sizeof(NroStart));
uint8_t* rest = (uint8_t*) (nrobuf + sizeof(NroStart) + sizeof(NroHeader));
FsFileSystem fs;
FsFile f;
u64 bytes_read = 0;
s64 offset = 0;
if (R_FAILED(fsOpenSdCardFileSystem(&fs))) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 58));
// don't fatal if we don't find the nro, exit to menu
if (R_FAILED(fsFsOpenFile(&fs, g_nextNroPath, FsOpenMode_Read, &f))) {
if (R_FAILED(fsFileRead(&f, offset, start, sizeof(*start), FsReadOption_None, &bytes_read)) ||
bytes_read != sizeof(*start)) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 59));
offset += sizeof(*start);
if (R_FAILED(fsFileRead(&f, offset, header, sizeof(*header), FsReadOption_None, &bytes_read)) ||
bytes_read != sizeof(*header) || header->magic != NROHEADER_MAGIC) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 60));
offset += sizeof(*header);
const size_t rest_size = header->size - (sizeof(NroStart) + sizeof(NroHeader));
if (R_FAILED(fsFileRead(&f, offset, rest, rest_size, FsReadOption_None, &bytes_read)) ||
bytes_read != rest_size) {
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 61));
// will this exit without sm being init?
size_t total_size = header->size + header->bss_size;
total_size = (total_size+0xFFF) & ~0xFFF;
rw_size = header->segments[2].size + header->bss_size;
rw_size = (rw_size+0xFFF) & ~0xFFF;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (header->segments[i].file_off >= header->size || header->segments[i].size > header->size ||
(header->segments[i].file_off + header->segments[i].size) > header->size)
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 6));
// todo: Detect whether NRO fits into heap or not.
// Map code memory to a new randomized address
void* map_addr = virtmemFindCodeMemory(total_size, 0);
rc = svcMapProcessCodeMemory(g_procHandle, (u64)map_addr, (u64)nrobuf, total_size);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 18));
// .text
rc = svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(
g_procHandle, (u64)map_addr + header->segments[0].file_off, header->segments[0].size, Perm_R | Perm_X);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 19));
// .rodata
rc = svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(
g_procHandle, (u64)map_addr + header->segments[1].file_off, header->segments[1].size, Perm_R);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 20));
// .data + .bss
rc = svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(
g_procHandle, (u64)map_addr + header->segments[2].file_off, rw_size, Perm_Rw);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 21));
const u64 nro_size = header->segments[2].file_off + rw_size;
const u64 nro_heap_start = ((u64) g_heapAddr) + nro_size;
const u64 nro_heap_size = g_heapSize + (u64) g_heapAddr - (u64) nro_heap_start;
#define M EntryFlag_IsMandatory
static ConfigEntry entries[] = {
{ EntryType_MainThreadHandle, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_ProcessHandle, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_AppletType, 0, {AppletType_SystemApplication, EnvAppletFlags_ApplicationOverride} },
{ EntryType_OverrideHeap, M, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_Argv, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_NextLoadPath, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_LastLoadResult, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_SyscallAvailableHint, 0, {UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MAX} },
{ EntryType_SyscallAvailableHint2, 0, {UINT64_MAX, 0} },
{ EntryType_RandomSeed, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_UserIdStorage, 0, {(u64)(uintptr_t)&g_userIdStorage, 0} },
{ EntryType_HosVersion, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_EndOfList, 0, {0, 0} }
ConfigEntry *entry_Syscalls = &entries[7];
if (!(g_codeMemoryCapability & BIT(0))) {
// Revoke access to svcCreateCodeMemory if it's not available.
entry_Syscalls->Value[0x4B/64] &= ~(1UL << (0x4B%64));
if (!(g_codeMemoryCapability & BIT(1))) {
// Revoke access to svcControlCodeMemory if it's not available for same-process usage.
entry_Syscalls->Value[0x4C/64] &= ~(1UL << (0x4C%64)); // svcControlCodeMemory
// MainThreadHandle
entries[0].Value[0] = envGetMainThreadHandle();
// ProcessHandle
entries[1].Value[0] = g_procHandle;
// OverrideHeap
entries[3].Value[0] = nro_heap_start;
entries[3].Value[1] = nro_heap_size;
// Argv
entries[4].Value[1] = (u64)(uintptr_t)&g_argv[0];
// NextLoadPath
entries[5].Value[0] = (u64)(uintptr_t)&g_nextNroPath[0];
entries[5].Value[1] = (u64)(uintptr_t)&g_nextArgv[0];
// RandomSeed
entries[9].Value[0] = randomGet64();
entries[9].Value[1] = randomGet64();
// HosVersion
entries[11].Value[0] = hosversionGet();
entries[11].Value[1] = hosversionIsAtmosphere() ? 0x41544d4f53504852UL : 0; // 'ATMOSPHR'
g_nroAddr = (u64)map_addr;
svcBreak(BreakReason_NotificationOnlyFlag | BreakReason_PostLoadDll, g_nroAddr, nro_size);
nroEntrypointTrampoline(&entries[0], -1, g_nroAddr);
// Credit to behemoth
void selfExit(void) {
Service applet, proxy, self;
Result rc=0;
rc = smInitialize();
if (R_FAILED(rc))
goto fail0;
rc = smGetService(&applet, "appletOE");
if (R_FAILED(rc))
goto fail1;
const u32 cmd_id = 0;
const u64 reserved = 0;
// GetSessionProxy
rc = serviceDispatchIn(&applet, cmd_id, reserved,
.in_send_pid = true,
.in_num_handles = 1,
.in_handles = { g_procHandle },
.out_num_objects = 1,
.out_objects = &proxy,
if (R_FAILED(rc))
goto fail2;
// GetSelfController
rc = serviceDispatch(&proxy, 1,
.out_num_objects = 1,
.out_objects = &self,
if (R_FAILED(rc))
goto fail3;
// Exit
rc = serviceDispatch(&self, 0);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) {
while(1) svcSleepThread(86400000000000ULL);
} else {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// libnx stuff
u32 __nx_applet_type = AppletType_SystemApplication;
u32 __nx_fs_num_sessions = 1;
u32 __nx_fsdev_direntry_cache_size = 1;
bool __nx_fsdev_support_cwd = false;
u32 __nx_applet_exit_mode = 1;
void __libnx_initheap(void) {
static char g_innerheap[0x4000];
extern char* fake_heap_start;
extern char* fake_heap_end;
fake_heap_start = &g_innerheap[0];
fake_heap_end = &g_innerheap[sizeof g_innerheap];
void __appInit(void) {
Result rc;
// Detect Atmosphère early on. This is required for hosversion logic.
// In the future, this check will be replaced by detectMesosphere().
Handle dummy;
rc = svcConnectToNamedPort(&dummy, "ams");
u32 ams_flag = (R_VALUE(rc) != KERNELRESULT(NotFound)) ? BIT(31) : 0;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc))
rc = smInitialize();
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 1));
rc = setsysInitialize();
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) {
SetSysFirmwareVersion fw;
rc = setsysGetFirmwareVersion(&fw);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc))
hosversionSet(ams_flag | MAKEHOSVERSION(fw.major, fw.minor, fw.micro));
rc = fsInitialize();
if (R_FAILED(rc))
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 2));
smExit(); // Close SM as we don't need it anymore.
void __appExit(void) {
void __wrap_exit(void) {
// exit() effectively never gets called, so let's stub it out.
diagAbortWithResult(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 39));
.section .text.nroEntrypointTrampoline, "ax", %progbits
.align 2
.global nroEntrypointTrampoline
.type nroEntrypointTrampoline, %function
// Reset stack pointer.
adrp x8, __stack_top //Defined in libnx.
ldr x8, [x8, #:lo12:__stack_top]
mov sp, x8
// Call NRO.
blr x2
// exit to home menu
b selfExit
.section .text.__libnx_exception_entry, "ax", %progbits
.align 2
.global __libnx_exception_entry
.type __libnx_exception_entry, %function
// Divert execution to the NRO entrypoint (if a NRO is actually loaded).
adrp x7, g_nroAddr
ldr x7, [x7, #:lo12:g_nroAddr]
cbz x7, .Lfail
br x7
// Otherwise, pass this unhandled exception right back to the kernel.
mov w0, #0xf801 // KERNELRESULT(UnhandledUserInterrupt)
svc 0x28 // svcReturnFromException
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