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Created March 23, 2014 22:43
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# solver.jl
module Solver
export solve
function solve_sub()
y = rand(1000,1000)
for busy = 1:100
y *= 10
y /= 10
return mean(y)
function solve()
remote_busy = false
remote_result = nothing
for iter = 1:100
x = rand(1000,1000)
x = 10*x
x = 10*x
x = 10*x
x = 10*x
x = 10*x
x /= 100000
avg = mean(x)
print(iter, " ", avg, " ", remote_busy)
if avg < 0.5 && !remote_busy
println(" starting sub")
remote_result = @spawnat 2 solve_sub()
remote_busy = true
@time ready = remote_busy && isready(remote_result)
if ready
res = take!(remote_result)
print(" got result $res")
remote_busy = false
# Then another file test.jl
using Solver
# julia -p 2 test.jl
1 0.499949244417727 false starting sub
elapsed time: 1.256024145 seconds (1540584 bytes allocated)
got result 0.4998042450174787
2 0.5005155793905703 falseelapsed time: 1.49e-7 seconds (0 bytes allocated)
3 0.49979916948467273 false starting sub
elapsed time: 1.165724098 seconds (10376 bytes allocated)
got result 0.5000743191124121
4 0.49987534612626455 false starting sub
elapsed time: 1.162399819 seconds (8088 bytes allocated)
got result 0.5000267495200585
5 0.5003024117948347 falseelapsed time: 1.48e-7 seconds (0 bytes allocated)
6 0.5001057455369299 falseelapsed time: 1.91e-7 seconds (0 bytes allocated)
7 0.49977373772910283 false starting sub
elapsed time: 1.168619742 seconds (8088 bytes allocated)
got result 0.5002357213152845
8 0.4999847640256721 false starting sub
elapsed time: 1.165707928 seconds (9704 bytes allocated)
got result 0.5002197985300247
9 0.4997749590974831 false starting sub
elapsed time: 1.162779257 seconds (9704 bytes allocated)
got result 0.4999976924032774
10 0.4996215802466504 false starting sub
# which shows how it blocks
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try wait(remote_result) at L38

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