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Created January 14, 2024 20:10
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server log
[13:47:18] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.19.2 with Fabric Loader 0.15.3
[13:47:18] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7/WARN]: Mod compact_storage uses the version 5.0_lts_b2_1.19.2 which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component '0_lts_b2_1'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version
[13:47:18] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7/WARN]: Mod createbigcannons uses the version 0.5.3.a-nightly-c20a91e which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'a'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version
[13:47:18] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-10/WARN]: Mod doespotatotick uses the version fabric-quilt-1.19.2-3.6.0 which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'fabric'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version
[13:47:18] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-2/WARN]: The mod "dungeons_arise" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
- Unsupported root entry "credits" at line 12 column 12
[13:47:18] [main/WARN]: Warnings were found!
- Mod 'Create Enchantment Industry' (create_enchantment_industry) 1.0.1 recommends version 0.5.1-b-build.1079+mc1.19.2 of mod 'Create' (create), but only the wrong version is present: 0.5.1-c-build.1160+mc1.19.2!
- You should install version 0.5.1-b-build.1079+mc1.19.2 of mod 'Create' (create) for the optimal experience.
- Mod 'JourneyMapIntegration' (jmi) 0.13-44 recommends version 11 or later of waystones, which is missing!
- You should install version 11 or later of waystones for the optimal experience.
[13:47:18] [main/INFO]: Loading 293 mods:
- adorn 3.9.1+1.19.2
- alternate-current 1.7.0
- amethyst_core 1.2.2+1.19
\-- common-protection-api 1.0.0
- amethyst_imbuement 1.19-40
|-- common-protection-api 1.0.0
|-- conditional-mixin 0.3.2
|-- fzzy_config 0.1.1+1.19
|-- playerabilitylib 1.6.0
\-- structurized-reborn 1.19-01
- appleskin 2.5.1+mc1.19
- architectury 6.5.85
- artifacts 7.1.1+fabric
|-- expandability 6.0.0
\-- step-height-entity-attribute 1.0.0
- bclib 2.1.8
- bellsandwhistles 0.4.4
- betteradvancements
- betterchunkloading 1.19.2-2.3
- bettercombat 1.7.1+1.19
- betterdeserttemples 1.19.2-Fabric-2.2.2
\-- org_reflections_reflections 0.10.2
- betterdungeons 1.19.2-Fabric-3.2.1
- betterend 2.1.7
- betterendisland 1.19.2-Fabric-1.0
- betterfortresses 1.19.2-Fabric-1.0.6
- betterjungletemples 1.19.2-Fabric-1.0.1
- bettermineshafts 1.19.2-Fabric-3.2.1
- betternether 7.1.5
- betteroceanmonuments 1.19.2-Fabric-2.1.1
- betterwitchhuts 1.19.2-Fabric-2.1.0
- bookshelf 16.3.20
- botanypots 9.0.38
- botanytrees 5.0.12
- botarium 1.8.2
\-- team_reborn_energy 2.2.0
- bushierflowers 0.0.1-1.19.2
- byg
- cacao 1.2
- cardinal-components 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-base 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-block 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-chunk 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-entity 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-item 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-level 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-scoreboard 5.0.2
\-- cardinal-components-world 5.0.2
- casualness_delight 1.19.2-0.2a
- chefsdelight 1.0.3-fabric-1.19.2
\-- structurized-reborn 1.19-01
- chunksending 1.19.2-2.8
- cloth-config 8.3.115
\-- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
- clumps 9.0.0+14
- clutter 1.19.2-0.2.1
- coffee_delight 1.4
- compact_storage 5.0_lts_b2_1.19.2
- configured 2.0.0
- connectivity 1.19.2-4.5
- corgilib
|-- com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.6
\-- com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.6
- corndelight 1.0.4
- create 0.5.1-c-build.1160+mc1.19.2
|-- com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305 3.0.2
|-- flywheel 0.6.9-6
|-- forge_tags 3.0
|-- milk 1.0.51
| \-- dripstone_fluid_lib 2.0.1
|-- porting_lib_accessors 2.1.1096+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_base 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- mm 2.3
| |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_common 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_constants 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_lazy_registration 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_loot 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_model_generators 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_model_loader 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| \-- porting_lib_models 2.1.1096+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_entity 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| \-- porting_lib_constants 2.1.1096+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_extensions 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_common 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| \-- porting_lib_constants 2.1.1096+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_fake_players 2.1.1096+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_networking 2.1.1096+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_obj_loader 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_common 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_constants 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| \-- porting_lib_model_loader 2.1.1096+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_transfer 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_common 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| \-- porting_lib_constants 2.1.1096+1.19.2
|-- reach-entity-attributes 2.3.0
\-- registrate-fabric 1.1.58-MC1.19.2
- create_deco_casing 3.0.0
- create_enchantment_industry 1.0.1
\-- create_dragon_lib 1.0.1
- create_new_age 1.0.1
\-- org_joml_joml 1.10.5
- create_so 1.5+fabric-1.19.2
- createbigcannons 0.5.3.a-nightly-c20a91e
\-- ritchiesprojectilelib 1.0.0-40ef15b+1.19.2-fabric
|-- porting_lib_base 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- mm 2.3
| |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_common 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_constants 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_lazy_registration 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_loot 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_model_generators 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| |-- porting_lib_model_loader 2.1.1096+1.19.2
| \-- porting_lib_models 2.1.1096+1.19.2
\-- porting_lib_networking 2.1.1096+1.19.2
- createoreexcavation 1.2.2
\-- chunk-storage-api-fabric 1.0.3
- creativecore 2.9.3
- creeperoverhaul 2.0.9
- crittersandcompanions 1.19.2-2.0.2
- croptopia 2.2.2
|-- com_typesafe_config 1.4.1
|-- io_leangen_geantyref_geantyref 1.3.11
|-- org_spongepowered_configurate-core 4.1.2
\-- org_spongepowered_configurate-hocon 4.1.2
- culturaldelights 0.14.10+1.19.2
\-- terraform-wood-api-v1 4.2.0
- cupboard 1.19.2-2.1
- deeperdarker 1.2.5
\-- customportalapi 0.0.1-beta63-1.19.X
- delightfulcreators 1.1.7
- diagonalfences 4.2.6
- discholder 2.0.0
\-- libgui 6.0.1+1.19
|-- jankson 4.1.1+j1.2.1
\-- libninepatch 1.1.0
- doespotatotick fabric-quilt-1.19.2-3.6.0
- dungeons_arise 2.1.56
- dungeons_arise_seven_seas 1.0.2
- easyanvils 4.0.11
- endermanoverhaul 0.0.0
- enderzoology 4.0.1
- endrem 5.2.0
- ends_delight 1.19.2-1.0
- entitycollisionfpsfix
- expandeddelight
- explorify-fabric 1.19-1.3.0
- extendedgears 2.1.0-1.19.2-0.5.1.c-fabric
- fabric-api 0.76.1+1.19.2
|-- fabric-api-base 0.4.15+8f4e8eb390
|-- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.14+93d8cb8290
|-- fabric-biome-api-v1 9.1.1+16f1e31390
|-- fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.2+e415d50e90
|-- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.25+cafc6e8e90
|-- fabric-client-tags-api-v1 1.0.5+b35fea8390
|-- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.16+f71b366f90
|-- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.1+413cbbc790
|-- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.33+df3654b390
|-- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.42+df3654b390
|-- fabric-content-registries-v0 3.5.2+7c6cd14d90
|-- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.3.0+4bc6e26290
|-- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.8+aeb40ebe90
|-- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 5.3.9+413cbbc790
|-- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.35+0d0f210290
|-- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.5.4+9244241690
|-- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.4.34+562bff6e90
|-- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.36+df3654b390
|-- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.24+b6b6abb490
|-- fabric-item-api-v1 1.6.6+b7d1888890
|-- fabric-item-groups-v0 0.3.39+9244241690
|-- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.25+5c4fce2890
|-- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.23+df3654b390
|-- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.4+1b46dc7890
|-- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.1.13+83a8659290
|-- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.16+9e7660c690
|-- fabric-message-api-v1 5.0.7+93d8cb8290
|-- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.24+33fbc73890
|-- fabric-models-v0 0.3.21+c6af733c90
|-- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.2.12+def3f86d90
|-- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.29+df3654b390
|-- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 4.2.2+d8ef690890
|-- fabric-particles-v1 1.0.14+4d0d570390
|-- fabric-recipe-api-v1 1.0.2+413cbbc790
|-- fabric-registry-sync-v0 0.9.33+9244241690
|-- fabric-renderer-api-v1 1.2.1+1adbf27790
|-- fabric-renderer-indigo 0.8.0+1adbf27790
|-- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.24+df3654b390
|-- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.19+6e0787e690
|-- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.11+4d0d570390
|-- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.27+df3654b390
|-- fabric-rendering-v1 1.12.1+d8ef690890
|-- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.1.2+aae9039d90
|-- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.8.4+edbdcddb90
|-- fabric-screen-api-v1 1.0.32+4d0d570390
|-- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.8+1cc24b1b90
|-- fabric-sound-api-v1 1.0.2+c4f28df590
|-- fabric-textures-v0 1.0.24+aeb40ebe90
|-- fabric-transfer-api-v1 2.1.6+413cbbc790
\-- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 1.3.3+08b73de490
- fabric-language-kotlin 1.10.17+kotlin.1.9.22
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect 1.9.22
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib 1.9.22
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.22
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.22
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm 0.23.1
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.7.3
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.7.3
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.5.0
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.2
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.2
\-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.2
- fabricloader 0.15.3
\-- mixinextras 0.3.2
- farmersdelight 1.19.2-
- farmersrespite 2.2.5
\-- porting_lib 2.1.815+1.19.2
\-- serialization_hooks 0.3.26
- fastload 2.6.11
- ferritecore 5.0.3
- festive_delight 1.0.0
- flowerpatch 2.0.3
- forgeconfigapiport 4.2.11
- framework 0.6.16
\-- org_javassist_javassist 3.29.2-GA
- ftbchunks 1902.4.4-build.326
- ftbessentials 1902.3.4-build.109
- ftblibrary 1902.4.1-build.236
- ftbqoptimizer 1.2.0-1.19.2
- ftbquests 1902.5.7-build.326
\-- team_reborn_energy 2.2.0
- ftbteams 1902.2.14-build.123
- furnitureexpanded 1.1-1.19.2
- fwaystones 3.0.8+mc1.19.2
- fzzy_core 0.2.7+1.19
- geckolib3 3.1.40
\-- com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib 20
- goblintraders 1.8.1
- handcrafted 2.0.6
- icarus 1.14
- iceberg 1.0.46
- integrated_api 1.2.7+1.19.2
- integrated_stronghold 1.0.2+1.19.2
- inventorysorter 1.8.10-1.19
\-- kyrptconfig 1.4.14-1.19
- itemfilters 1902.2.9-build.51
- jade 8.7.3
- java 17
- jmi 0.13-44
- journeymap 5.9.7
\-- journeymap-api-fabric 1.19.1-1.9-fabric-SNAPSHOT
- krypton 0.2.1
\-- com_velocitypowered_velocity-native 3.1.2-SNAPSHOT
- lazydfu 0.1.3
- lithium 0.11.1
- lootr
- memoryleakfix 1.1.2
- midnightlib 1.0.0
- mighty_mail 1.0.14
- minecraft 1.19.2
- missions 0.2.5
- modernfix 5.12.0+mc1.19.2
\-- mixinextras 0.3.2
- moonlight 1.19.2-2.3.6
- moremobvariants 1.0.1
- mythicmounts 1.19.2-7.2
- naturalist 4.0.3
- nethersdelight 1.0.1
\-- disable_custom_worlds_advice 3.0
- owo 0.8.5+1.19
\-- blue_endless_jankson 1.2.1
- paladins 0.9.6+1.19.2
- patchouli 1.19.2-77-FABRIC
\-- fiber 0.23.0-2
- pickupnotifier 4.2.4
- pineapple_delight 1.0.6
- player-animator 1.0.2
- polymer-all 0.2.28+1.19.2
|-- polymer 0.2.28+1.19.2
| |-- packet_tweaker 0.3.0+1.18.2
| \-- polymer-registry-sync-manipulator 0.0.3+1.19.2
|-- polymer-autohost 0.1.4+1.19.2
| \-- polymer-registry-sync-manipulator 0.0.3+1.19.2
\-- polymer-blocks-ext 0.1.0-alpha.9+1.19.2
- puffish_skills 0.4.0
- puzzleslib 4.4.3
|-- cardinal-components-base 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-block 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-chunk 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-entity 5.0.2
\-- cardinal-components-world 5.0.2
- railways 1.5.1+fabric-mc1.19.2
\-- mm 2.3
- recipe-book-delight 0.3.0-1.19.2
|-- dark-matter-base 2.2.0-1.19.2
|-- dark-matter-enums 2.2.0-1.19.2
|-- dark-matter-minecraft 2.2.0-1.19.2
\-- dark-matter-recipe-book 2.2.0-1.19.2
- resourcefulconfig 1.0.20
- resourcefullib 1.1.24
- respitecreators 1.2.0
- rottencreatures 1.0.1
\-- reach-entity-attributes 2.3.0
- roughlyenoughitems 9.1.682
\-- error_notifier 1.0.9
- runes 0.9.8+1.19
- simplyskills 0.14.1-beta
- simplyswords 1.47.0-1.19.2
- skinlayers3d 1.6.2
- sliceanddice 2.3.2
- smoothchunk 1.19.2-3.5
- spark 1.10.37
\-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.1-SNAPSHOT
- spell_engine 0.9.25+1.19
- spell_power 0.9.12+1.19
- starlight 1.1.1+fabric.ae22326
- structory 1.0.1
- structureessentials 1.19.2-3.2
- supplementaries 1.19.2-2.4.17
- terrablender
- the_bumblezone 6.9.0+1.19.2
\-- fake-player-api 0.5.0
- toms_storage 1.5.9
- travelersbackpack 1.19.2-8.2.33
\-- reach-entity-attributes 2.3.0
- treechop 0.18.6
- trinkets 3.4.2
- twilightforest 4.2.357
|-- here-be-no-dragons 1.0.0
|-- javax_annotation_javax_annotation-api 1.3.2
|-- mm 2.3
\-- reach-entity-attributes 2.3.0
- universal-graves 2.1.3+1.19.2
|-- common-protection-api 1.0.0
|-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.1-SNAPSHOT
|-- hologram-api 0.2.2+1.19
|-- placeholder-api 2.0.0-pre.1+1.19.2
|-- server_translations_api 1.4.18+1.19.2
| \-- packet_tweaker 0.3.0+1.18.2
\-- sgui 1.1.5+1.19.1
- vanityslots 1.2.8
- visualworkbench 4.2.4
- wizards 0.9.17+1.19
- yet-another-config-lib 2.2.0-for-1.19.2
- yungsapi 1.19.2-Fabric-3.8.10
- yungsextras 1.19.2-Fabric-3.1.0
[13:47:19] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/gallo/Desktop/Modpacktesting/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER
[13:47:19] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16
[13:47:19] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[13:47:19] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'endermanoverhaul-fabric-1.19.2-fabric-refmap.json' for endermanoverhaul.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:47:19] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'extendedgears-fabric-refmap.json' for extendedgears.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:47:19] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'FTBQuestsOptimizer.refmap.json' for ftbqoptimizer.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:47:19] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Lithium: 114 options available, 3 override(s) found
[13:47:20] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for ModernFix 5.12.0+mc1.19.2: 55 options available, 1 override(s) found
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Option 'mixin.bugfix.item_cache_flag' overriden (by mods [lithium]) to 'false'
[13:47:20] [main/INFO]: Applying Nashorn fix
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'NethersDelight-refmap.json' for nethersdelight.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'ritchiesprojectilelib-fabric-refmap.json' for ritchiesprojectilelib-fabric.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'simplyswords-common-refmap.json' for simplyswords-common.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'yungsextras.refmap.json' for yungsextras.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'yungsextras.refmap.json' for yungsextras_fabric.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: io/github/apace100/apoli/power/factory/condition/ConditionFactory (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io/github/apace100/apoli/power/factory/condition/ConditionFactory)
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target io.github.apace100.apoli.power.factory.condition.ConditionFactory was not found from mod artifacts
[13:47:20] [main/INFO]: Loaded config for: betterchunkloading.json
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: earth/terrarium/botarium/fabric/energy/FabricBlockEnergyContainer (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: earth/terrarium/botarium/fabric/energy/FabricBlockEnergyContainer)
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target was not found create_new_age.mixins.json:FabricBlockEnergyContainerMixin from mod create_new_age
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_293 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_293)
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_293 was not found creativecore.fabric.mixins.json:VertexFormatMixin from mod creativecore
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_304 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_304)
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_304 was not found ftblibrary-fabric.mixins.json:KeyMappingAccessor from mod ftblibrary
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'alloc.blockstate.StateMixin' as rule 'mixin.alloc.blockstate' (added by mods [ferritecore]) disables it and children
[13:47:20] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'world.player_chunk_tick.ThreadedAnvilChunkStorageMixin' as rule '' (added by mods [krypton]) disables it and children
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Mixin "eu.pb4.polymer.mixin.block.packet.ChunkDeltaUpdateS2CPacketMixin" was disabled by Connectivity Mod (connectivity). Reason: Compat. This might cause issues and isn't generally supported!
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_5616 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_5616)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_5616 was not found registrate-fabric.mixins.json:accessor.BlockEntityRenderersAccessor from mod registrate-fabric
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: nourl/mythicmetals/abilities/Abilities (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: nourl/mythicmetals/abilities/Abilities)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target nourl.mythicmetals.abilities.Abilities was not found simplyswords.mixins.json:MythicMetalsAbilityMixin from mod simplyswords
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: nourl/mythicmetals/MythicMetals (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: nourl/mythicmetals/MythicMetals)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target nourl.mythicmetals.MythicMetals was not found simplyswords.mixins.json:MythicMetalsInitMixin from mod simplyswords
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: dev/latvian/mods/kubejs/recipe/RecipesEventJS (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: dev/latvian/mods/kubejs/recipe/RecipesEventJS)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target dev.latvian.mods.kubejs.recipe.RecipesEventJS was not found sliceanddice.mixins.json:RecipeEventJSMixin from mod sliceanddice
[13:47:21] [main/INFO]: Loaded config for: structureessentials.json
[13:47:21] [main/INFO]: [MemoryLeakFix] Will be applying 2 memory leak fixes!
[13:47:21] [main/INFO]: [MemoryLeakFix] Currently enabled memory leak fixes: [entityMemoriesLeak, biomeTemperatureLeak]
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_5614$class_5615 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_5614$class_5615)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_5614$class_5615 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_5614$class_5615)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1163 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1163)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1163 was not found from mod mm
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1142 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1142)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1142 was not found from mod mm
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_898 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_898)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_898 was not found from mod mm
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_761 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_761)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_761 was not found from mod mm
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_759 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_759)
[13:47:21] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_759 was not found from mod mm
[13:47:22] [main/INFO]: Initializing MixinExtras via com.llamalad7.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.3.2).
[13:47:24] [main/WARN]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method method_21740 in modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.remove_biome_temperature_cache.BiomeMixin from mod modernfix cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded.
[13:47:24] [main/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for method_21740 in modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.remove_biome_temperature_cache.BiomeMixin from mod modernfix, previously written by Skipping method.
[13:47:24] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.generator to auto sync (file hash)
[13:47:24] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.main to auto sync (content diff)
[13:47:24] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config to auto sync (file hash)
[13:47:24] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.biomes to auto sync (file hash)
[13:47:25] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: org/spongepowered/asm/synthetic/args/Args$6 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/spongepowered/asm/synthetic/args/Args$6)
[13:47:25] [main/INFO]: Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into getNeighborPathNodeType from
[13:47:25] [main/INFO]: Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into getPathNodeType from
[13:47:25] [main/INFO]: Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into getOpacityIfCached from ca.spottedleaf.starlight.mixin.common.blockstate.BlockStateBaseMixin
[13:47:25] [main/INFO]: Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into method_26229 from me.jellysquid.mods.lithium.mixin.block.flatten_states.AbstractBlockStateMixin
[13:47:25] [main/INFO]: Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into isConditionallyFullOpaque from ca.spottedleaf.starlight.mixin.common.blockstate.BlockStateBaseMixin
[13:47:25] [main/INFO]: Injecting BlockStateBase cache population hook into getAllFlags from me.jellysquid.mods.lithium.mixin.util.block_tracking.AbstractBlockStateMixin
[13:47:25] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 2.0, nodeHeight 24.0, extensionBottom 0.0, extensionHeight 24.0 took 56 milliseconds
[13:47:25] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 2.0, nodeHeight 16.0, extensionBottom 0.0, extensionHeight 16.0 took 75 milliseconds
[13:47:26] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 1.0, nodeHeight 16.0, extensionBottom 6.0, extensionHeight 15.0 took 130 milliseconds
[13:47:27] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping yungsapi_fabric.mixins.json:IncreaseStructureWeightLimitMixinFabric from mod yungsapi->@ModifyConstant::yungsapi_increaseWeightLimitProd(I)I with priority 1000, already redirected by integrated_api.mixins.json:structures.StructurePoolMixin from mod integrated_api->@ModifyConstant::integrated_api_increaseWeightLimitProd(I)I with priority 1000
[13:47:30] [ServerMain/INFO]: Building unoptimized datafixer
[13:47:30] [ServerMain/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[13:47:32] [ServerMain/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
[13:47:32] [ServerMain/INFO]: Loaded 1179 advancements
[13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.19.2
[13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[13:47:33] [Server console handler/ERROR]: Exception handling console input The handle is invalid
at Method) ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes( ~[?:?]
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead( ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at afh$ [server-1.19.2.jar:?]
[13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
[13:47:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
[13:47:46] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[13:47:46] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[13:47:46] [Worker-Main-9/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[13:47:46] [Worker-Main-5/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 1%
[13:47:47] [Worker-Main-3/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 2%
[13:47:47] [Worker-Main-9/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[13:47:48] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 8%
[13:47:48] [Worker-Main-3/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 11%
[13:47:49] [Worker-Main-12/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[13:47:49] [Worker-Main-12/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 19%
[13:47:50] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 23%
[13:47:50] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 27%
[13:47:51] [Worker-Main-13/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 32%
[13:47:51] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 38%
[13:47:52] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 42%
[13:47:52] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 45%
[13:47:53] [Worker-Main-8/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52%
[13:47:53] [Worker-Main-8/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 57%
[13:47:54] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 61%
[13:47:54] [Worker-Main-12/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 66%
[13:47:55] [Worker-Main-5/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%
[13:47:55] [Worker-Main-12/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 77%
[13:47:57] [Worker-Main-8/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 82%
[13:47:57] [Worker-Main-8/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 82%
[13:47:57] [Worker-Main-3/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
[13:47:57] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 88%
[13:47:58] [Worker-Main-13/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 93%
[13:47:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 13481 ms
[13:47:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (25.126s)! For help, type "help"
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /advancement (grant|revoke)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /attribute <target> <attribute> (get|base|modifier)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /execute (run|if|unless|as|at|store|positioned|rotated|facing|align|anchored|in)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /bossbar (add|remove|list|set|get)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /clear [<targets>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /clone <begin> <end> <destination> [replace|masked|filtered]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /data (merge|get|remove|modify)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /datapack (enable|disable|list)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /debug (start|stop|function)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /defaultgamemode (survival|creative|adventure|spectator)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /difficulty [peaceful|easy|normal|hard]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /effect (clear|give)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /me <action>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /enchant <targets> <enchantment> [<level>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /experience (add|set|query)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /xp -> experience
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /fill <from> <to> <block> [replace|keep|outline|hollow|destroy]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /forceload (add|remove|query)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /function <name>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /gamemode (survival|creative|adventure|spectator)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /gamerule (announceAdvancements|commandBlockOutput|disableElytraMovementCheck|disableRaids|doDaylightCycle|doEntityDrops|doFireTick|doImmediateRespawn|doInsomnia|doLimitedCrafting|doMobLoot|doMobSpawning|doPatrolSpawning|doTileDrops|doTraderSpawning|doWardenSpawning|doWeatherCycle|drowningDamage|fallDamage|fireDamage|forgiveDeadPlayers|freezeDamage|keepInventory|logAdminCommands|maxCommandChainLength|maxEntityCramming|mobGriefing|naturalRegeneration|playersSleepingPercentage|randomTickSpeed|reducedDebugInfo|sendCommandFeedback|showDeathMessages|spawnRadius|spectatorsGenerateChunks|universalAnger)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /give <targets> <item> [<count>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /help [<command>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /item (replace|modify)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /kick <targets> [<reason>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /kill [<targets>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /list [uuids]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /locate (structure|biome|poi)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /loot (replace|insert|give|spawn)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /msg <targets> <message>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /tell -> msg
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /w -> msg
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /particle <name> [<pos>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /place (feature|jigsaw|structure|template)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /playsound <sound> (master|music|record|weather|block|hostile|neutral|player|ambient|voice)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /reload
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /recipe (give|take)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /say <message>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /schedule (function|clear)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /scoreboard (objectives|players)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /seed
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /setblock <pos> <block> [destroy|keep|replace]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /spawnpoint [<targets>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /setworldspawn [<pos>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /spectate [<target>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /spreadplayers <center> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> (<respectTeams>|under)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /stopsound <targets> [*|master|music|record|weather|block|hostile|neutral|player|ambient|voice]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /summon <entity> [<pos>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /tag <targets> (add|remove|list)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /team (list|add|remove|empty|join|leave|modify)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /teammsg <message>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /tm -> teammsg
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /teleport (<location>|<destination>|<targets>)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /tp -> teleport
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /tellraw <targets> <message>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /time (set|add|query)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /title <targets> (clear|reset|title|subtitle|actionbar|times)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /trigger <objective> [add|set]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /weather (clear|rain|thunder)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /worldborder (add|set|center|damage|get|warning)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /jfr (start|stop)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /ban-ip <target> [<reason>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /banlist [ips|players]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /ban <targets> [<reason>]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /deop <targets>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /op <targets>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /pardon <targets>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /pardon-ip <target>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /perf (start|stop)
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /save-all [flush]
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /save-off
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /save-on
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /setidletimeout <minutes>
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /stop
[13:50:03] [Server thread/INFO]: /whitelist (on|off|list|add|remove|reload)
[13:57:23] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: UUID of player AmAgallito is d10a81b2-ea1a-4d95-a195-0f24f539ca2f
[13:57:23] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito[/] logged in with entity id 249 at (7.5, 72.0, 2.5)
[13:57:23] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito joined the game
[13:57:25] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito lost connection: Disconnected
[13:57:25] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito left the game
[14:00:30] [User Authenticator #2/INFO]: UUID of player AmAgallito is d10a81b2-ea1a-4d95-a195-0f24f539ca2f
[14:00:30] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito[/] logged in with entity id 366 at (7.5, 72.0, 2.5)
[14:00:30] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito joined the game
[14:00:30] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito lost connection: Disconnected
[14:00:30] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito left the game
[14:08:42] [User Authenticator #3/INFO]: UUID of player AmAgallito is d10a81b2-ea1a-4d95-a195-0f24f539ca2f
[14:08:42] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito[/] logged in with entity id 385 at (7.5, 72.0, 2.5)
[14:08:42] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito joined the game
[14:08:43] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito lost connection: Disconnected
[14:08:43] [Server thread/INFO]: AmAgallito left the game
=[], biomeTags=[minecraft:is_jungle, minecraft:is_forest]}
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [CaC] Added spawn entry for entity <crittersandcompanions:shima_enaga> with data: {weight=3, minGroup=2, maxGroup=3, biomes=[minecraft:snowy_plains], biomeTags=[]}
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [CaC] Added spawn entry for entity <crittersandcompanions:dumbo_octopus> with data: {weight=4, minGroup=1, maxGroup=1, biomes=[minecraft:ocean, minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:deep_ocean, minecraft:lukewarm_ocean], biomeTags=[]}
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [CaC] Added spawn entry for entity <crittersandcompanions:dumbo_octopus> with data: {weight=6, minGroup=1, maxGroup=1, biomes=[minecraft:warm_ocean], biomeTags=[]}
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [CaC] Added spawn entry for entity <crittersandcompanions:dragonfly> with data: {weight=6, minGroup=1, maxGroup=1, biomes=[minecraft:river], biomeTags=[]}
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [CaC] Added spawn entry for entity <crittersandcompanions:sea_bunny> with data: {weight=32, minGroup=1, maxGroup=2, biomes=[minecraft:ocean, minecraft:deep_ocean], biomeTags=[]}
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [CaC] Added spawn entry for entity <crittersandcompanions:sea_bunny> with data: {weight=32, minGroup=1, maxGroup=3, biomes=[minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:lukewarm_ocean], biomeTags=[]}
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [CaC] Added spawn entry for entity <crittersandcompanions:sea_bunny> with data: {weight=64, minGroup=1, maxGroup=4, biomes=[minecraft:warm_ocean], biomeTags=[]}
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: Loading DDConfig...
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: Bypassed Mojang DFU
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: Instantiating Mojang DFU
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: Building unoptimized datafixer
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod diagonalfences
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static method 'void io.github.cottonmc.cotton.gui.impl.LibGuiCommon.onInitialize()'
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at com.kenza.discholder.registry.ModRegistries.onInit(
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at com.kenza.discholder.DiscHolderFabric.onInitialize(
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints(
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotServer.main(
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main(
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: Hello Fabric world!
[13:47:37] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod easyanvils
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod enderzoology
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Loading common config for enderzoology
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id enderzoology
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering Mod Blocks for ends_delight
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering Mod Features for ends_delight
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Hello Fabric world!
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: ExpandAbility here, who dis?
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: DEBUG: FALSE
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: PREGEN_CHUNK_RADIUS: 5
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: PREGEN_CHUNK_AREA: 121
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Initializing FestiveDelightMod
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 4 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 2 keys and 6 values
[13:47:38] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_2535$Anonymous$8bdf68aaa87c4ceeb1e83d2ef97e76bb (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_2535$Anonymous$8bdf68aaa87c4ceeb1e83d2ef97e76bb)
[13:47:38] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_2535$Anonymous$3a62c984c65440b1b3141c2102c1829a (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_2535$Anonymous$3a62c984c65440b1b3141c2102c1829a)
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:request_map_data
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:request_chunk_change
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:teleport_from_map
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:sync_tx
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:update_force_load_expiry
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbchunks:server_config_request
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Mod [FTB XMod Compat] not detected. Install it if you want FTB Chunks integration with KubeJS, Game Stages, Waystones, FTB Ranks/Luckperms and/or Common Protection API
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftblibrary:edit_nbt_response
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Enabling FTB Quests Optimizer
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:submit_task
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:claim_reward
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:get_emergency_items
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:claim_all_rewards
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:claim_choice_reward
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:toggle_pinned
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:toggle_chapter_pinned
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:toggle_editing_mode
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:force_save
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:set_custom_image
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:task_screen_config_resp
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:change_progress
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:create_object
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:create_task_at
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:delete_object
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:edit_object
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:move_chapter
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:move_quest
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:change_chapter_group
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:move_chapter_group
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:copy_quest
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:copy_chapter_image
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbquests:sync_structures_request
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Mod [FTB XMod Compat] not detected. Install it if you want FTB Quests integration with KubeJS, JEI/REI and/or Game Stages
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:open_gui
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:update_settings
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:send_message
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:create_party
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id ftbteams:player_gui_operation
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id itemfilters:main/14e7fa1454283aec8ae811ef844ada28
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id itemfilters:main/8f6a899247753217b9d86ab427a2b279
[13:47:38] [main/INFO]: Initializing ServerSide Packet Registries
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Compression will use Java, encryption will use Java
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Reading config file...
[13:47:39] [main/WARN]: The following mission types are available but ignored due to their absence in the config file: [vote]
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Definitely not up to no good
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Giving mobs a fresh coat of paint...
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod pickupnotifier
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod puzzleslib
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Registered bogey styles from railways
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Registering data fixers
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Registering tracks for Hex Casting
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Registering tracks for Oh The Biomes You'll Go
[13:47:39] [Worker-Bootstrap-9/INFO]: 27 Datafixer optimizations took 18 milliseconds
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Registering tracks for Blue Skies
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Registering tracks for Twilight Forest
[13:47:39] [main/INFO]: Registering tracks for Biomes O' Plenty
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider ReiServerPlugin [amethyst_imbuement] for REIPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider AdornReiServer [adorn] for REIPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider ReiServerPlugin [amethyst_imbuement] for REIPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:request_tags_c2s
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider ReiCompat [travelersbackpack] for REIPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider TwilightForestREIServerPlugin [twilightforest] for REIPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider ReiServerPlugin [amethyst_imbuement] for REIServerPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider AdornReiServer [adorn] for REIServerPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider ReiServerPlugin [amethyst_imbuement] for REIServerPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider ReiCompat [travelersbackpack] for REIServerPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider TwilightForestREIServerPlugin [twilightforest] for REIServerPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIServerPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIPlugin
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:delete_item
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item_grab
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item_hotbar
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:move_items
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:move_items_new
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registering Items for simplyskills
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: C:\Users\gallo\Desktop\Modpacktesting\config
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: structureessentials mod initialized
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Loaded config literal{Common Configs}
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Loaded config literal{Client Configs}
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registered region minecraft:overworld to index 0 for type OVERWORLD
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registered region minecraft:nether to index 0 for type NETHER
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registered region byg:region_0 to index 1 for type OVERWORLD
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registered region byg:region_1 to index 2 for type OVERWORLD
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registered region byg:region_2 to index 3 for type OVERWORLD
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Registered region byg:region_3 to index 4 for type OVERWORLD
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Config loaded
[13:47:40] [main/INFO]: Tom's Storage Setup starting
[13:47:41] [main/INFO]: Registered the FluidEffect with Unique ID of minecraft:water for minecraft:water 81000 with the ID 0
[13:47:41] [main/INFO]: Registered the FluidEffect with Unique ID of minecraft:lava for minecraft:lava 81000 with the ID 1
[13:47:41] [main/INFO]: Registered the FluidEffect with Unique ID of travelersbackpack:potion for travelersbackpack:potion_still 27000 with the ID 2
[13:47:41] [main/INFO]: Registered the FluidEffect with Unique ID of travelersbackpack:milk for travelersbackpack:milk_still 81000 with the ID 3
[13:47:41] [main/INFO]: Registered the FluidEffect with Unique ID of create:potion for create:potion 27000 with the ID 4
[13:47:42] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod visualworkbench
[13:47:42] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values
[13:47:42] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values
[13:47:42] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[13:47:42] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 0 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[13:47:42] [main/ERROR]: Failed to start the minecraft server
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'fwaystones'!
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.lambda$invokeEntrypoints$2( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at ~[fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.server.Main.main( [server-intermediary.jar:?]
at [fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( [fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotServer.main( [fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main( [fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: CONFIG_SCREEN_PROVIDERS
at io.wispforest.owo.config.ConfigWrapper.<clinit>( ~[owo-lib-0.8.5+1.19.jar:?]
at wraith.fwaystones.FabricWaystones.<clinit>( ~[wraith-waystones-3.0.8+mc1.19.2.jar:?]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
at java.lang.Class.forName( ~[?:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.DefaultLanguageAdapter.create( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointStorage$NewEntry.getOrCreate( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointContainerImpl.getEntrypoint( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( ~[fabric-loader-0.15.3.jar:?]
... 6 more
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