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Last active September 4, 2022 15:23
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eDnotifier source
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, Any, Union, Callable
import lxml.etree
from lxml.etree import HTML
from datetime import date
from dataclasses import dataclass
try: import regex as re # regex is usually faster than standard re
except: import re
__title__ = 'ednevnik'
__author__ = ''
__license__ = 'MIT'
HOST = ''
LOGIN = f'{HOST}/login'
CLASS = f'{HOST}/class'
EXAM = f'{HOST}/exam' # loads all exams
GRADE_ALL = f'{HOST}/grade/all'
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.63 Safari/537.36'
PATTERN1 = re.compile(r'\s\s+') # for removing multiple spaces, tabs and newlines
def _fix_text(string): return PATTERN1.sub(' ', string)
# namedtuples, if typehints aren't required
Grade = namedtuple('Grade', 'note date category grade')
Exam = namedtuple('Exam', 'subject note date')
Subject = namedtuple('Subject', 'name teacher grades exams href')
School = namedtuple('School', 'name city class_teacher class_ school_year')
class Grade:
note: str # biljeska
date: date # samo DD, MM, YYYY
category: Optional[str] # rubrika vrednovanja
grade: Optional[int] # ocjena, None ako je biljeska
class Exam:
subject: str
note: str
date: date
class Subject:
name: str
teacher: str
grades: list[Grade]
exams: Optional[list[Exam]]
href: str
class School:
name: str
city: str
class_teacher: str
class_: str # always uppercase
school_year: str
class Utils:
def _extract_school_info(parser: lxml.etree.HTMLParser):
# you don't need to understand this
main_div = parser.xpath('//div[@class="school"]')[0]
class_div, school_name_div, _ = main_div.getchildren()
a1, a2 = class_div.getchildren()
class_ = a1.text.upper()
school_year = a2.text
a1, a2 = school_name_div.getchildren()
b1, b2 = a1.getchildren()
school_name = b1.text
school_city = b2.text.strip('; ')
_, b1 = a2.getchildren()
class_teacher = b1.text
return school_name, school_city, class_teacher, class_, school_year
def _extract_grade_info(grade: lxml.etree.Element, s1, s2):
a1, a2, a3, a4 = grade.getchildren()
raw_date = a1[0].text
# python 3.8+ only
note = c2[0].text if (c2 := a2.getchildren()) else None
category = c3[0].text if (c3 := a3.getchildren()) else None
mark = c4[0].text if (c4 := a4.getchildren()) else None
date_ = Utils._convert_date(raw_date, s1, s2)
return note, date_, category, mark
def _extract_exam_info(exam: lxml.etree.Element, s1, s2):
# if ValueError or TypeError occurs here, you might have done too much requests
assert exam is not None, 'Too much requests, please slow down'
subject, note, raw_date = map(lambda t: t[0].text, exam.getchildren())
note = _fix_text(note)
return subject, note, Utils._convert_date(raw_date, s1, s2)
def _convert_date(raw_date: str, first_half: int, second_half: int):
D, M = map(int, raw_date.strip('.').split('.')) # day and month (last character is a dot)
return date(day=D, month=M, year=2000 + (first_half if 9 <= M <= 12 else second_half))
class EDNClient(Utils):
_session: aiohttp.ClientSession # set within factory function, passed to __init__
subjects: dict[str, Subject]
tasks: dict[str, asyncio.Task]
school: Optional[School]
def __init__(self, session, load_grades, load_exams):
self._session = session
self.subjects = {}
self.tasks = {} = None # set during load_course
self.tasks['course'] = self._schedule_event(self._load_course, "load_course")
if load_grades: self.tasks['grades'] = self._schedule_event(self._load_grades, "load_grades")
if load_exams: self.tasks['exams'] = self._schedule_event(self._load_exams, "load_exams")
@classmethod # factory function
async def login(cls, email: str, password: str, headers=None, load_grades=False, load_exams=False):
def _get_csrf_token(html):
return HTML(html).xpath("//input[@name='csrf_token']")[0].attrib.get('value')
session = aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers or DEFAULT_HEADERS)
login_page = await (await session.get(LOGIN)).text()
csrf = _get_csrf_token(login_page)
login = await
LOGIN, data={
'username': email,
'password': password,
'csrf_token': csrf
}, allow_redirects=False)
session.cookie_jar.update_cookies({'cnOcjene': login.cookies['cnOcjene'].value})
return cls(session, load_grades, load_exams)
async def _load_course(self, initial_html=None):
if initial_html is None:
course = await self._session.get(CLASS) # idk why /course doesn't work here
initial_html = await course.text()
parser = HTML(initial_html)
# moved to a separate method = School(*self._extract_school_info(parser))
# fetch subjects
subjects = parser.xpath('//div[@class="content"]/ul')[0]
for s in subjects.iterchildren():
a = s[0]
name, teacher, _ = a.getchildren()
name = name.text
teacher = _fix_text(teacher.text.strip())
href = a.attrib['href']
self.subjects[str(name)] = Subject(name, teacher, [], [], href)
async def _load_grades(self):
course = await self._session.get(GRADE_ALL)
parser = HTML(await course.text())
table = parser.xpath('//div[@class="content"]')[0]
# we loaded the grades, now need to wait to get subjects set
await self.tasks['course']
# split the school year into two semesters
s1, s2 = map(int,'/'))
for subject in table.iterchildren():
grades = subject.getchildren()
# hope for compatibility (two places where subject name appears)
try: subject_name = grades[0].attrib['data-action-id']
except: subject_name = grades[0][0].text
for grade in grades[-1:1:-1]:
note, date_, category, mark = self._extract_grade_info(grade, s1, s2)
self.subjects[subject_name].grades.append(Grade(note, date_, category, int(mark) if mark else None))
async def _load_exams(self):
exams = await self._session.get(EXAM, allow_redirects=False)
# rarely, this might be a redirect to /class, with an error stating
# a class was not selected and exams couldn't be displayed
for _ in range(5):
if exams.status != 302: break
await asyncio.sleep(1)
exams = await self._session.get(EXAM, allow_redirects=False)
raise RuntimeError('couldn\'t fetch /exam after 5 retries (got a redirect)')
parser = HTML(await exams.text())
table = parser.xpath('//div[@class="content"]')[0]
await self.tasks['course']
s1, s2 = map(int,'/'))
# grouped by months
for parent in table.iterchildren():
children = parent.getchildren()
for exam_ in children[2:]:
subject, note, date_ = self._extract_exam_info(exam_, s1, s2)
except Exception as e:
# This is pretty rare.
with open('last_exam.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(await exams.text())
raise RuntimeError('eDnevnik unknown error. Webpage instance saved at /last_error.html') from e
if subject not in self.subjects: # this should not happen
raise RuntimeError(f"Loaded an exam for invalid subject '{subject}': [{date_}] '{note}'")
self.subjects[subject].exams.append(Exam(subject, note, date_))
def _schedule_event(self, coro, event_name=None, *args, **kwargs):
wrapped = self._run_event(coro, *args, **kwargs)
return asyncio.create_task(wrapped, name=event_name or "None")
async def _run_event(self, coro, event_name=None, *args, **kwargs):
await coro(*args, **kwargs)
except asyncio.CancelledError: pass
except Exception as e:
# print(f"Exception in event '{event_name}': {e}")
async def close(self):
await self._session.close()
import discord
from discord.ext import tasks
from datetime import date, time, datetime
from ednevnik import EDNClient
PASSWORD = '1234567890'
CHANNEL_ID = 901462505237413898
ROLE_ID = 933447083527135362 # officially the role the bot will mention
def check_new_exam(subject: str, note: str, date_: date) -> bool:
# Custom function that should check whether an exam is new
# and return the appropriate boolean value. This function
# depends on what type of database is used to store information
# about exams that have been registered before.
bot = discord.Bot()
target_channel: discord.TextChannel # set after on_ready
@tasks.loop(minutes=3) # Can be adjusted
async def checker():
client = await EDNClient.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD, load_exams=True)
await client.tasks['exams']
for subject in client.subjects.values():
for exam in subject.exams:
if check_new_exam(, exam.note,
e = discord.Embed(
title="Novi ispit!",
description=f"```less\n[{}] {exam.subject} ({exam.note})```",,
timestamp = datetime.combine(, time(hour=3)).timestamp()
await target_channel.send(
f"<@&{ROLE_ID}> <t:{round(timestamp)}:R>",
# also want to store the newly added exam into the database
await client.close()
async def checker_setup():
global target_channel
target_channel = bot.get_channel(CHANNEL_ID) or await bot.fetch_channel(CHANNEL_ID)
async def on_ready():
assert (USERNAME, PASSWORD) != ('', '1234567890'), 'Did you forget to set your credentials?'
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