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Created January 14, 2022 05:00
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555 Timer Block Diagram using CircuiTikZ
% !TEX program = pdflatex
% !TEX options = --shell-escape -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error "%DOC%"
% Block diagrams & Flowcharts
% ========================================
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=latex']
block/.style = {draw, fill=white, rectangle, minimum height=2em, minimum width=2em},
background rectangle/.style={fill=white},
% Circuits
% ========================================
\usepackage[americanvoltages, americancurrents, fulldiodes,siunitx]{circuitikz}
dot on notQ/.style={flipflop def={t4=\ctikztextnot{Q}, n4=1}},
% Custom parameters for flipflops
invert async SR/.style={flipflop def={%
tu={\ctikztextnot{RST}}, td={\ctikztextnot{SET}}}},
add clk SR/.style={flipflop def={c2=1, t2={CLK}}},
dot on RST/.style={flipflop def={nd=1}},
dot invert RST/.style={flipflop def={nu=1}}
% Math
% ========================================
\begin{circuitikz}[align=center, show background rectangle]
\tikzstyle{title} = [font=\bfseries\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont]
% Rectangle : Upper left -- Lower right
% Voltage divider
\fill[fill=green!70!blue] (-1.5, 0.5) rectangle (0.5, 9.5)
node [title, text width=2cm,midway, left=1.5cm, green!70!blue]{{Voltage divider}};
% Comparators
\fill[fill=magenta!70] (2.5, 8.5) rectangle (5.5, 1.5);
\path (2.5, 8.5 |- 5.5, 1.5) -- (5.5, 1.5) node [title, midway, below, magenta!70]{Comparators};
% Flip-flop
\fill[fill=orange] (6.5, 7) rectangle (9.5, 3);
\path (6.5, 7 |- 9.5, 3) -- (9.5, 3) node [title, midway, below, orange]{SR flip-flop};
% Transistor
\fill[fill=cyan!60!black] (9, 1.25) rectangle (11, 0.25);
\path (9, 1.25) node [title, left, cyan!70!black]{Discharge\\Transistor};
% \path (9, 1.25 |- 11, 0.25) -- (11, 0.25) node [title, midway, below, cyan!70!black]{Discharge\\Transistor};
% GND + Comp
\draw{} (0, -1) node [label=-90:GND] (GND) {}
(4, 3) node [op amp, noinv input up] (1_3comp){}
(4, 7) node [op amp, noinv input up] (2_3comp){}
% GND -- VCC
(GND) to [short, o-] ++(0,1)
to [R, l=\SI{5}{\kilo\ohm}] ++(0,3) -- (GND |- 1_3comp.+) coordinate (1_3VCC) -- (1_3comp.+)
(1_3VCC) to [R, l=\SI{5}{\kilo\ohm}, *-*] (GND |- 2_3comp.-) coordinate (2_3VCC)
(2_3VCC) to [R, l=\SI{5}{\kilo\ohm}, -o] ++(0, 4)
node [label=VCC] (VCC) {}
(2_3comp.-) -- ++(-1, 0) coordinate (ctl_line)
to [short, *-o] (ctl_line |- VCC) node [label=90:CTL\\VOLT](CTL_VLT){}
(ctl_line) -- (2_3VCC)
(1_3comp.-) to [short, -o] (1_3comp.- -| -2.5, 0) node [label=180:TRIGGER](TRIG) {}
(2_3comp.+) to [short, -o] (2_3comp.+ -| -2.5, 0) node [label=180:THRESH](THRESH) {}
% SR flip-flop
(8, 5) node[flipflop SR, dot on notQ, invert async SR, dot invert RST, add clk SR] (SR) {}
(SR.up) to [short, -o] (SR.up |- VCC) node [label=90:RESET](RESET){}
% Plug comparators to SR flip-flop
(2_3comp.out) -- (2_3comp.out |- 1) -- ( 1)
(1_3comp.out) -- (1_3comp.out |- 3) -- ( 3)
% Discharge transistor
(10, 0.5) node [npn, rotate=-90] (npn) {}
( 4) -- ( 4 -| npn.B) coordinate (disch_line) to [short, *-] (npn.B)
(npn.E) -- (npn.E -| GND)
(npn.C) to [short, -o] (npn.C -| 14.5,0) node [label=0:DISCH](DISCH){}
% Output inverter
\coordinate (out_not) at ($(disch_line)+(2,0)$);
% UP LEft and DOwn RIght
\coordinate (onot_uple) at ($(out_not)+(-1.5, 1)$);
\coordinate (onot_dori) at ($(out_not)+(1.5, -1)$);
\fill[fill=red!70] (onot_uple) rectangle (onot_dori);
\path (onot_uple |- onot_dori) -- (onot_dori) node [title, midway, below, red!70]{Output\\Inverter};
% Output
(disch_line) ++(2, 0) node[not port](out_not){}
(disch_line) -- (
(out_not.out) to [short, -o] (out_not.out -| DISCH) node [label=0:OUT](OUT){}
(1_3VCC) node [left] {$\dfrac{1}{3}$VCC}
(2_3VCC) node [left] {$\dfrac{2}{3}$VCC}
(VCC) node [below left] {8}
(GND) node [above left] {1}
(THRESH) node [above right] {6}
(TRIG) node [above right] {2}
(RESET) node [below left] {4}
(CTL_VLT) node [below left] {5}
(DISCH) node [above left] {7}
(OUT) node [above left] {3}
\draw[black, thick, dashed] (-2, 10) rectangle (14, -0.5);
\path (14, 10) node [title, below left]{555\\Timer};
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