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Last active May 25, 2024 14:53
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ROS timelines
% !TEX program = latexmk
% !TEX options = -xelatex --shell-escape -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -file-line-error -f "%DOC%"
\documentclass[preview,tikz,dvipsnames, border=12pt,convert={density=600, png}]{standalone}
% Fonts
% Math, Vectors, Magnitude
% Color
% Figures
\usetikzlibrary{quotes,angles,calc,shapes,arrows.meta,positioning, decorations.markings, backgrounds}
event/.style = {circle, fill, minimum size=1, line width=.1pt},
timeline/.style = {draw, thick, shorten <=10pt,shorten >=10pt},
% pics/ubuntu/.style args={#1/#2} {
% code={
% \node[event=1pt, shading=axis, left color=UbuntuPurple, right color = UbuntuOrange, shading angle = 135] (#2) at (0,0){};
% \node[below=0.1 of bionic]{\texttt{Bionic}};
% }
% },
% event/.default = 10pt,
% block/.style = {draw, rectangle, minimum height=2em, minimum width=3em},
% sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance=1cm, minimum size = 0.5cm},
arrow/.style={thick, ->},
line/.style={thick, -},
white background/.style={
show background rectangle,
tight background,
background rectangle/.style={
\newcommand{\distrubuntu}[2]{% name, year
\node[event=1.5pt, shading=axis, left color=UbuntuPurple, right color = UbuntuOrange, shading angle=135] (#1) at (\x,-1){};
\node[below=0.1 of #1]{\textcolor{UbuntuPurple}{\texttt{#1}}};
\newcommand{\distrros}[2]{% name, year
\node[event=1.5pt, fill=ROSBlue] (#1) at (\x,-2.5){};
\node[below=0.1 of #1]{\textcolor{ROSBlue}{\texttt{#1}}};
\newcommand{\distrrostwo}[2]{% name, year
\node[event=1.5pt, fill=ROSBlue] (#1) at (\x,-4){};
\node[below=0.1 of #1]{\textcolor{ROSBlue}{\texttt{#1}}};
\newcommand{\pythonversion}[2]{% name, year
\node[event=1.5pt, shading=axis, left color=PythonBlue, right color=PythonYellow, shading angle=45] (Python#2) at (\x,-5.5){};
\node[below=0.1 of Python#2]{\textbf{#1}};
white background,
\node(year) at (\xLogo, 0) {\textbf{Year}};
\foreach \x in {0,2,...,16}
\node (\year) at (\x,0) {\textbf{\year}};
% ubuntu
\node[inner sep=0pt] (ubuntu) at (\xLogo,-1) {
\draw[timeline, UbuntuPurple] (xenial) -- (bionic);
\draw[timeline, UbuntuPurple] (bionic) -- (focal);
\draw[timeline, UbuntuPurple] (focal) -- (jammy);
\draw[timeline, UbuntuPurple] (jammy) -- (noble);
% ros
\node[inner sep=0pt] (ros) at (\xLogo,-2.5) {
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (kinetic) -- (lunar);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (lunar) -- (melodic);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (melodic) -- (noetic);
\node[inner sep=0pt] (ros2) at (\xLogo,-4) {
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (foxy) -- (galactic);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (galactic) -- (humble);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (humble) -- (iron);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (iron) -- (jazzy);
\node[event=1.5pt, fill=ROSBlue] (eloquent) at (\x,-4){};
\node[below=0.1 of eloquent,align=center]{\rosdistro{dashing}\\\rosdistro{eloquent}};
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (eloquent) -- (foxy);
\node[event=1.5pt, fill=ROSBlue] (ardent) at (\x,-4){};
\node[below=0.1 of ardent,align=center]{\rosdistro{ardent}-\\\rosdistro{crystal}};
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (ardent) -- (eloquent);
% Python
\node[inner sep=0pt] (python) at (\xLogo,-5.5) {
\draw[timeline, PythonBlue] (Python2016) -- (Python2018);
\draw[timeline, PythonBlue] (Python2018) -- (Python2020);
\draw[timeline, PythonBlue] (Python2020) -- (Python2022);
\draw[timeline, PythonBlue] (Python2022) -- (Python2024);
% !TEX program = latexmk
% !TEX options = -xelatex --shell-escape -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -file-line-error -f "%DOC%"
\documentclass[preview,tikz,dvipsnames, border=12pt,convert={density=600, png}]{standalone}
% Fonts
% Math, Vectors, Magnitude
% Color
% Figures
\usetikzlibrary{quotes,angles,calc,shapes,arrows.meta,positioning, decorations.markings, backgrounds}
event/.style = {circle, fill, minimum size=1, line width=.1pt},
timeline/.style = {draw, thick, shorten <=10pt,shorten >=10pt},
% pics/ubuntu/.style args={#1/#2} {
% code={
% \node[event=1pt, shading=axis, left color=UbuntuPurple, right color = UbuntuOrange, shading angle = 135] (#2) at (0,0){};
% \node[below=0.1 of bionic]{\texttt{Bionic}};
% }
% },
% event/.default = 10pt,
% block/.style = {draw, rectangle, minimum height=2em, minimum width=3em},
% sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance=1cm, minimum size = 0.5cm},
arrow/.style={thick, ->},
line/.style={thick, -},
white background/.style={
show background rectangle,
tight background,
background rectangle/.style={
\newcommand{\distrubuntu}[2]{% name, year
\node[event=1.5pt, shading=axis, left color=UbuntuPurple, right color = UbuntuOrange, shading angle=135] (#1) at (\x,-1){};
\node[below=0.1 of #1]{\textcolor{UbuntuPurple}{\texttt{#1}}};
\newcommand{\distrros}[2]{% name, year
\node[event=1.5pt, fill=ROSBlue] (#1) at (\x,-2.5){};
\node[below=0.1 of #1]{\textcolor{ROSBlue}{\texttt{#1}}};
\newcommand{\distrrostwo}[2]{% name, year
\node[event=1.5pt, fill=ROSBlue] (#1) at (\x,-4){};
\node[below=0.1 of #1]{\textcolor{ROSBlue}{\texttt{#1}}};
white background,
\node(year) at (\xLogo, 0) {\textbf{Year}};
\foreach \x in {0,2,...,16}
\node (\year) at (\x,0) {\textbf{\year}};
% ubuntu
\node[inner sep=0pt] (ubuntu) at (\xLogo,-1) {
\draw[timeline, UbuntuPurple] (xenial) -- (bionic);
\draw[timeline, UbuntuPurple] (bionic) -- (focal);
\draw[timeline, UbuntuPurple] (focal) -- (jammy);
\draw[timeline, UbuntuPurple] (jammy) -- (noble);
% ros
\node[inner sep=0pt] (ros) at (\xLogo,-2.5) {
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (kinetic) -- (lunar);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (lunar) -- (melodic);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (melodic) -- (noetic);
\node[inner sep=0pt] (ros2) at (\xLogo,-4) {
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (foxy) -- (galactic);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (galactic) -- (humble);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (humble) -- (iron);
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (iron) -- (jazzy);
\node[event=1.5pt, fill=ROSBlue] (eloquent) at (\x,-4){};
\node[below=0.1 of eloquent,align=center]{\rosdistro{dashing}\\\rosdistro{eloquent}};
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (eloquent) -- (foxy);
\node[event=1.5pt, fill=ROSBlue] (ardent) at (\x,-4){};
\node[below=0.1 of ardent,align=center]{\rosdistro{ardent}-\\\rosdistro{crystal}};
\draw[timeline, ROSBlue] (ardent) -- (eloquent);
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