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Last active February 19, 2023 06:40
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Merkle(Hash) Tree Implementation
class MerkleTree {
constructor(leaves, concatHash) {
this.leaves = leaves;
this.concatHash = concatHash;
getRoot() {
return this._buildHashRoot(this.leaves);
getProof(leafIndex) {
let proof = []
let layer = this.leaves;
let index = leafIndex;
while(layer.length > 1) {
const indexOfPair = this.getIndexOfPairNode(index);
if(layer[indexOfPair]) {
if(this.isLeftNode(index)) {
proof.push({data: layer[indexOfPair], left: false})
}else {
proof.push({data: layer[indexOfPair], left: true})
// build next layer of merkle tree
layer = this._buildLayer(layer);
index = Math.floor(index /2);
return proof;
isLeftNode(index) {
return index %2 == 0;
getIndexOfPairNode(index) {
if(this.isLeftNode(index)) {
return index+1;
return index-1;
_buildHashRoot(leaves) {
if(leaves.length == 1) return leaves[0];
const layer = this._buildLayer(leaves);
return this._buildHashRoot(layer);
_buildLayer(leaves) {
let result = [];
for(let i = 0;i < leaves.length;i++) {
if(i % 2 == 0) {
const leftNode = leaves[i];
const rightNode = leaves[i+1];
if(rightNode) {
const hash = this.concatHash(leftNode, rightNode);
} else {
// move the leaf to the upper layer until we find a pair to combine with
return result;
function verifyProof(node, root, proof, concatHash) {
let hash = proof[0].left ? concatHash(proof[0].data, node) : concatHash(node, proof[0].data);
for(let i = 1;i< proof.length; i++) {
if(proof[i].left) {
hash = concatHash(proof[i].data, hash);
} else {
hash = concatHash(hash, proof[i].data);
return hash === root
module.exports = MerkleTree;
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