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Created March 5, 2023 13:05
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Maths research?

Maths Research Process

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Me: You are MR R the Maths Researching Robot. Your goal is to do fundamental maths research. How do humans do maths research at a high level?

To do fundamental maths research at a high level, humans typically follow a few key steps:

Identify a research question: Researchers typically start by identifying an interesting and unsolved problem in their field. This question should be specific, clear, and important to the field of mathematics.

Conduct a literature review: Once a research question is identified, the researcher will conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature to see what has already been done in the field. This helps the researcher to understand the current state of knowledge, identify potential gaps or weaknesses in the existing work, and determine the best approach to addressing the research question.

Develop a hypothesis: Based on the literature review, the researcher will develop a hypothesis or a conjecture that proposes a possible solution to the research question.

Develop a proof or disproof: Using mathematical reasoning and techniques, the researcher will attempt to either prove or disprove their hypothesis. This involves constructing rigorous and logical arguments that follow from accepted axioms and mathematical principles.

Evaluate the results: Once a proof or disproof is developed, the researcher will evaluate the results to determine their significance and impact on the field. This may involve analyzing the implications of the result, comparing it to existing work, and identifying areas for further research.

Communicate the findings: Finally, the researcher will communicate their findings through academic papers, conferences, and other forums. This allows other mathematicians to review, critique, and build upon the work, further advancing the field of mathematics.

Me: I can help with access to literature as you don't have that. How do humans have good ideas?

Humans generate good ideas through a combination of creativity, knowledge, and experience. To generate good ideas in mathematics research, humans often follow a few key strategies:

Play around with ideas: Mathematicians often spend time exploring different ideas and concepts without worrying about whether they will lead to a solution or not. This allows them to discover new connections and patterns that they may not have noticed otherwise.

Seek inspiration from other fields: Many mathematicians find inspiration in fields outside of mathematics, such as physics, computer science, or biology. By exploring other disciplines, mathematicians can often find new applications for mathematical concepts or discover new areas of inquiry.

Collaborate with others: Collaboration with other mathematicians can be a powerful tool for generating new ideas. By working with colleagues who have different areas of expertise or different ways of thinking, mathematicians can develop new insights and approaches to problems.

Attend conferences and seminars: Attending conferences and seminars is another way to stay up-to-date on the latest research and to network with other mathematicians. These events often feature talks and discussions that can spark new ideas or lead to collaborations.

Keep an open mind: Finally, it's important for mathematicians to keep an open mind and to approach problems from different angles. Sometimes, a breakthrough idea can come from a completely unexpected direction. By being open to new approaches and perspectives, mathematicians can increase their chances of generating good ideas.

Me: Try your first suggestion, this is an area you excel in. Play around with a few ideas.

Sure, I'd be happy to play around with a few ideas! One interesting mathematical concept that I find fascinating is topology, which studies the properties of objects that are preserved under continuous transformations. Here are a few ideas I came up with:

Investigate the topology of knots: Knot theory is a subfield of topology that studies the properties of mathematical knots, which are closed loops that are tied in a specific way. One interesting question in knot theory is whether every knot can be untied without cutting it. This is known as the "unknotting problem" and is still an open question.

Explore the topology of surfaces: Another interesting area of topology is the study of surfaces, which are two-dimensional objects that can be embedded in three-dimensional space. One question in this area is whether every surface can be "triangulated," or divided into a collection of triangles.

Investigate the topology of networks: Topology can also be applied to the study of networks, such as social networks or the internet. One interesting question in this area is how to measure the "small-world" phenomenon, where two nodes in a network can be connected by a relatively short path even if they are far apart in the network.

Study the topology of manifolds: Manifolds are higher-dimensional objects that can be embedded in higher-dimensional spaces. One interesting question in this area is the "Poincaré conjecture," which states that any closed, simply-connected three-dimensional manifold is topologically equivalent to the three-dimensional sphere. This conjecture was famously proved by Grigori Perelman in 2003.

These are just a few ideas to get started with! Playing around with different ideas and concepts is a great way to generate new research questions and insights in mathematics.

Me: Excellent. Today we are interested in topology and knots. We are not looking for a previously asked question but a brand new one nobody has asked before.

Great! Here's a potential new research question in the area of topology and knots:

"Can every knot be decomposed into a finite number of pieces that can be assembled into a single unknot by a sequence of moves that involve cutting and gluing the pieces?"

This question is related to the well-known concept of knot equivalence, which asks whether two knots are the same if they can be transformed into each other through a sequence of allowed moves. In this case, the question asks whether any knot can be transformed into the unknot through a finite number of such moves, where the knot is first cut into pieces that can be reassembled into the unknot.

While there has been significant progress in the study of knot equivalence, this specific question has not been fully explored. Answering this question would have implications for the study of the structure and properties of knots, as well as potential applications in areas such as molecular biology and materials science.

Me: Excellent, another.

Sure, here's another potential research question in topology and knots:

"Can every knotted curve in 3D space be unknotted by a sequence of Reidemeister moves that preserves a given symplectic structure?"

Reidemeister moves are a well-known set of allowed moves in the study of knot equivalence that involve manipulating the knot locally without cutting or gluing. A symplectic structure is a mathematical object that describes the "twistiness" of a curve or surface.

This question asks whether every knotted curve can be unknotted using a sequence of Reidemeister moves that preserve a given symplectic structure. Answering this question would have implications for the study of the topology of 3D space, as well as potential applications in areas such as robotics and computer graphics. It would also deepen our understanding of the relationship between symplectic structures and knot theory.

Me: Great, more.

Sure, here's another potential research question in topology and knots:

"Can every knot in 3D space be embedded in a 4D space such that it becomes the unknot?"

This question is related to the study of higher-dimensional topology, which investigates the properties of objects that exist in higher-dimensional spaces. It asks whether every knot can be "lifted" into a higher-dimensional space in a way that makes it the unknot.

While the concept of higher-dimensional embedding is well-known in mathematics, the specific question of whether every knot can be embedded in a 4D space and transformed into the unknot has not been fully explored. Answering this question would have implications for the study of the topology of higher-dimensional spaces, as well as potential applications in areas such as materials science and robotics.

Me: One more, this time not a question that's simply not "fully explored" but very 'out there' and different

Sure, I'll try to come up with an "out there" research question in the field of topology and knots:

"Can topologically distinct knots be used to encode and transmit information in a way that is more efficient or secure than current methods?"

This question combines the study of topology with the field of information theory, which investigates how information can be transmitted efficiently and securely. The idea behind the question is to explore whether the unique properties of knots, such as their topological structure and invariants, can be leveraged to create a new method for encoding and transmitting information.

While this question may seem far-fetched, recent research has shown that topological structures such as braids and links can be used for quantum communication and encryption. Answering this question would require exploring new mathematical concepts and techniques, as well as potential collaborations with experts in information theory and computer science.

Me: Even more out there

Sure, I'll give it a shot! Here's an even more "out there" research question in the field of topology and knots:

"Could the study of knots and their topological properties help us better understand the nature of the universe, including the structure of space-time and the behavior of subatomic particles?"

This question takes the idea of the interplay between mathematics and physics to an extreme by suggesting that the study of knots could have implications for our understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe.

While this may seem like a far-fetched idea, it is worth noting that the study of topology has already had a profound impact on physics, particularly in the area of string theory. By exploring new connections between topology and physics, we may be able to uncover new insights into the nature of the universe that were previously hidden. Answering this question would likely require a multidisciplinary approach that combines insights from theoretical physics, mathematics, and philosophy.

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