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Created November 20, 2020 13:47
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A gist illustrating testing in Python using unittest
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Some exercising of Python test functionality based on:
Generating tests dynamically with unittest
Supressing log output to console:
The tests in this file are run using:
./ -v
Ian Hopkinson 2020-11-18
import unittest
import logging
def factorial(n):
"""Return the factorial of n, an exact integer >= 0.
>>> [factorial(n) for n in range(6)]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
>>> factorial(30)
>>> factorial(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be >= 0
Factorials of floats are OK, but the float must be an exact integer:
>>> factorial(30.1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be exact integer
>>> factorial(30.0)
It must also not be ridiculously large:
>>> factorial(1e100)
Traceback (most recent call last):
OverflowError: n too large
import math
if not n >= 0:
raise ValueError("n must be >= 0")
if math.floor(n) != n:
raise ValueError("n must be exact integer")
if n+1 == n: # catch a value like 1e300
raise OverflowError("n too large")
result = 1
factor = 2
while factor <= n:
result *= factor
factor += 1
return result
class TestFactorial(unittest.TestCase):
test_cases = [(0, 1, "zero"),
(1, 1, "one"),
(2, 2, "two"),
(3, 5, "three"), # should be 6
(4, 24, "four"), # should be 24
(5, 120, "five")]
def test_that_factorial_30(self):
self.assertEqual(factorial(30), 265252859812191058636308480000000)
def test_that_factorial_argument_is_positive(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def test_that_a_list_of_factorials_is_calculated_correctly(self):
# nosetests does not run subTests correctly:
# It does not report which case fails, and stops on failure
for test_case in self.test_cases:
with self.subTest(msg=test_case[2]):
print("Running test {}".format(test_case[2]), flush=True)"Running test {}".format(test_case[2]))
self.assertEqual(factorial(test_case[0]), test_case[1], "Failure on {}".format(test_case[2]))
@unittest.skip("demonstrating skipping")
def test_nothing(self):"shouldn't happen")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Doctests will run if they are invoked before unittest but not vice versa
# nosetest will only invoke the unittests by default
import doctest
# If you want your generated tests to be separate named tests then do this
# This is from
def make_test_function(description, a, b):
def test(self):
self.assertEqual(factorial(a), b, description)
return test
testsmap = {
'test_one_factorial': [1, 1],
'test_two_factorial': [2, 3],
'test_three_factorial': [3, 6]}
for name, params in testsmap.items():
test_func = make_test_function(name, params[0], params[1])
setattr(TestFactorial, 'test_{0}'.format(name), test_func)
# This supresses logging output to console, like the --nologcapture flag in nosetests
logging.getLogger().propagate = False
# Finally we run the tests
unittest.main(buffer=True) # supresses print output, like --nocapture in nosetests or you can use -b
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