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Created April 24, 2020 16:57
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PropertyWrapper: Convert to/from raw type during decoding/encoding
import Foundation
public protocol CodingStrategy {
associatedtype Converted
associatedtype RawValue: Codable
static func toRaw(_ value: Converted) throws -> RawValue
static func toValue(_ raw: RawValue) throws -> Converted
public struct Convertible<T: CodingStrategy>: Codable {
public let rawValue: T.RawValue
public let wrappedValue: T.Converted
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
try self.init(rawValue: T.RawValue(from: decoder))
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try rawValue.encode(to: encoder)
public init(wrappedValue value: T.Converted) {
self.wrappedValue = value
self.rawValue = try! T.toRaw(value)
public init(rawValue: T.RawValue) throws {
self.rawValue = rawValue
self.wrappedValue = try T.toValue(rawValue)
public var projectedValue: T.RawValue { return rawValue }
extension Convertible: Equatable where T.RawValue: Equatable, T.Converted: Equatable { }
extension Convertible: Hashable where T.RawValue: Hashable, T.Converted: Hashable { }
extension Optional: CodingStrategy where Wrapped: CodingStrategy {
public static func toRaw(_ value: Optional<Wrapped.Converted>) throws -> Optional<Wrapped.RawValue> {
return try
public static func toValue(_ raw: Optional<Wrapped.RawValue>) throws -> Optional<Wrapped.Converted> {
return try
extension KeyedDecodingContainer {
public func decode<T: CodingStrategy, U>(_ type: Convertible<T>.Type, forKey key: KeyedDecodingContainer.Key) throws -> Convertible<T> where T.RawValue == U? {
guard let value = try decodeIfPresent(T.RawValue.self, forKey: key) else { return try Convertible<T>(rawValue: nil) }
return try Convertible<T>(rawValue: value)
extension KeyedEncodingContainer {
public mutating func encode<T: CodingStrategy, U>(_ value: Convertible<T>, forKey key: KeyedEncodingContainer<K>.Key) throws where T.RawValue == U? {
guard let value = value.rawValue else { return }
try encode(value, forKey: key)
public struct Timestamp: CodingStrategy {
public static func toRaw(_ value: Date) throws -> TimeInterval {
return value.timeIntervalSince1970
public static func toValue(_ raw: TimeInterval) throws -> Date {
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: raw)
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IanKeen commented Apr 24, 2020


{"value": 1587747480}
struct Foo: Codable {
   @Convertible<Timestamp> var value: Date

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