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Created January 16, 2024 04:27
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TCA: Example of creating an Analytics component to get before/after state
struct MyFeature: Reducer {
struct State {
var count = 0
enum Action { case inc }
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .inc:
state.count += 1
return .none
struct MyAnalytics: AnalyticsReducer {
@Dependency(\.analyticsClient) private var analyticsClient
func analytics(before: MyFeature.State, after: MyFeature.State, action: MyFeature.Action) -> Effect<MyFeature.Action> {
switch action {
case .inc:
return analyticsClient.send("Count increased from \(before.count) to \(after.count)")
public protocol AnalyticsReducer {
associatedtype State
associatedtype Action
func analytics(before: State, after: State, action: Action) -> Effect<Action>
public struct _AnalyticsReducer<Base: Reducer, Analytics: AnalyticsReducer>: Reducer where Analytics.State == Base.State, Analytics.Action == Base.Action {
let base: Base
let analytics: Analytics
base: Base,
analytics: Analytics
) {
self.base = base = analytics
public func reduce(into state: inout Base.State, action: Base.Action) -> Effect<Base.Action> {
let before = state
let baseEffects = self.base.reduce(into: &state, action: action)
let after = state
return .merge(
baseEffects, before, after: after, action: action)
extension ReducerBuilder {
public static func buildPartialBlock<R0: Reducer, R1: AnalyticsReducer>(accumulated: R0, next: R1) -> _AnalyticsReducer<R0, R1>
where R0.State == State, R0.Action == Action {
return .init(base: accumulated, analytics: next)
public static func buildExpression<R: AnalyticsReducer>(_ expression: R) -> R
where R.State == State, R.Action == Action {
return expression
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