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Created October 10, 2018 04:18
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protocol AutoObjectiveCBridgeable: _ObjectiveCBridgeable where _ObjectiveCType == ObjcType {
associatedtype ObjcType
func toObjectiveC() -> ObjcType
static func fromObjectiveC(_ instance: ObjcType) -> Self
extension AutoObjectiveCBridgeable {
// MARK: - _ObjectiveCBridgeable
func _bridgeToObjectiveC() -> ObjcType {
return toObjectiveC()
static func _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: ObjcType, result: inout Self?) {
if !_conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(source, result: &result) {
fatalError("Unable to bridge \(ObjcType.self) to \(self)")
static func _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: ObjcType, result: inout Self?) -> Bool {
result = Self.fromObjectiveC(source)
return true
static func _unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: ObjcType?) -> Self {
var result: Self?
_forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(source!, result: &result)
return result!
struct Foo: AutoObjectiveCBridgeable {
let value: Int
func toObjectiveC() -> NSFoo {
return NSFoo(value: value)
static func fromObjectiveC(_ instance: NSFoo) -> Foo {
return Foo(value: instance.value)
class NSFoo: NSObject {
let value: NSInteger
init(value: NSInteger) {
self.value = value
let a = Foo(value: 42)
a.value // 42
(a as NSFoo).value // 42
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