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Last active February 24, 2017 01:15
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Swifty KVO - Type-safe access, no 'stringly-typed' garbage here ;)
public protocol KeyPathCollection: RawRepresentable, Hashable {
static var allKeyPaths: [Self] { get }
public extension KeyPathCollection where RawValue: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int { return self.rawValue.hashValue }
class KeyPathBox {
weak var object: AnyObject?
var closure: () -> Void
init(object: AnyObject, closure: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.object = object
self.closure = closure
public class KeyPathObserver<KeyPath: KeyPathCollection>: NSObject where KeyPath.RawValue == String {
//MARK: - Private Properties
private typealias KeyPathClosure = () -> Void
private let target: AnyObject
private let allKeyPaths: [KeyPath]
private var observers = [KeyPath: [KeyPathBox]]()
//MARK: - Lifecycle
public required init(target: AnyObject) {
self.allKeyPaths = KeyPath.allKeyPaths = target
deinit { self.unobserveKeyPaths() }
private var context: UInt8 = 0
private func observeKeyPaths() {
for k in KeyPath.allKeyPaths {, forKeyPath: k.rawValue, options: .new, context: &context)
private func unobserveKeyPaths() {
for k in KeyPath.allKeyPaths {, forKeyPath: k.rawValue)
//MARK: - Dispatch
public func onChange<T>(_ object: AnyObject, _ keyPath: KeyPath, closure: @escaping (KeyPath, T) -> Void) {
var items = self.observers[keyPath] ?? []
let result = {
guard let value = keyPath.rawValue) else { return }
if let value = value as? T {
closure(keyPath, value)
} else {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
let expectedType: Any.Type
if let firstChild = mirror.children.first?.value {
expectedType = type(of: firstChild)
} else {
expectedType = type(of: value)
fatalError("Type Mismatch: Expected \(T.self) got \(expectedType)")
items.append(KeyPathBox(object: object, closure: result))
self.observers[keyPath] = items
public override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
context == &self.context,
let keyPath = keyPath,
let keypath = KeyPath(rawValue: keyPath),
let observers = self.observers[keypath]
else { return }
.filter { $0.object != nil }
.forEach { $0.closure() }
name: String foo
age: Int 42
let foo = Foo(), .name) { (kp: Foo.KeyPath, name: String) in
print("\(kp): \(name.dynamicType.self) \(name)")
}, .age) { (kp: Foo.KeyPath, age: Int) in
print("\(kp): \(age.dynamicType.self) \(age)")
} = "foo"
foo.age = 42
class Foo: NSObject {
//MARK: - KeyPath
lazy var observer: KeyPathObserver<KeyPath> = KeyPathObserver<KeyPath>(target: self)
enum KeyPath: String, Hashable, KeyPathCollection {
case name
case age
static let allKeyPaths: [KeyPath] = [.name, .age]
//MARK: - Properties
dynamic var name: String = ""
dynamic var age: Int = 0
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IanKeen commented Feb 24, 2017

Updated for Swift 3

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