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Last active April 12, 2018 06:43
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A simple in-memory graph
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace AboditUnits.Graph
public partial class Graph<TNode, TRelation>
/// <summary>
/// A relationship between two objects
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("{Start} -- {Predicate} --> {End}")]
public struct Edge
public readonly TNode Start;
public readonly TRelation Predicate;
public readonly TNode End;
public Edge(TNode start, TRelation predicate, TNode end)
this.Start = start;
this.Predicate = predicate;
this.End = end;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (!(obj is Edge)) return false;
Edge other = (Edge) obj;
return this.Start.Equals(other.Start)
&& this.Predicate.Equals(other.Predicate)
&& this.End.Equals(other.End);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.Start.GetHashCode() ^ this.Predicate.GetHashCode() ^ this.End.GetHashCode();
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AboditUnits.Graph
/// <summary>
/// An in-memory graph of statements (subject, predicate, object)
/// </summary>
public partial class Graph<TNode, TRelation> : IEnumerable<TNode>
where TNode : class, IEquatable<TNode>
where TRelation : IEquatable<TRelation>
/// <summary>
/// Limit the number of edges that can be attached to any node
/// </summary>
public int Limit { get; set; } = 10000;
protected readonly ConcurrentDictionary<TNode, PredicateNext> StartIndexedEdges = new ConcurrentDictionary<TNode, PredicateNext>();
protected readonly ConcurrentDictionary<TNode, PredicatePrevious> EndIndexedEdges = new ConcurrentDictionary<TNode, PredicatePrevious>();
/// <summary>
/// Add a statement, returns true if it was added, false if already there
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Direct loops back to self are not allowed
/// </remarks>
public bool AddStatement(TNode start, TRelation predicate, TNode end)
if (start == null || end == null) throw new Exception("Trying to relate a null");
// If something is a synonym of itself, really don't care
if (start == end) return false;
return this.AddStatement(new Edge(start, predicate, end));
/// <summary>
/// Add a statement, returns true if it was added, false if already there
/// </summary>
private bool AddStatement(Edge statement)
var forward = new PredicateNext(statement.Predicate, statement.End);
if (!StartIndexedEdges.TryAdd(statement.Start, forward))
var current = StartIndexedEdges[statement.Start];
// Skip if the statement is already there
if (current.Predicate.Equals(statement.Predicate) && current.End == statement.End)
return false;
int i = Limit;
while (current.Next != null)
current = current.Next;
// Skip if the statement is already there
if (current.Predicate.Equals(statement.Predicate) && current.End == statement.End)
return false;
if (i-- < 0) throw new Exception("Infinite loop possible");
current.Next = forward;
var reverse = new PredicatePrevious(statement.Predicate, statement.Start);
if (!EndIndexedEdges.TryAdd(statement.End, reverse))
var current = EndIndexedEdges[statement.End];
// Skip if the statement is already there
if (current.Predicate.Equals(statement.Predicate) && current.Start == statement.Start)
return false;
int i = Limit;
while (current.Next != null)
current = current.Next;
// Skip if the statement is already there
if (current.Predicate.Equals(statement.Predicate) && current.Start == statement.Start)
return false;
if (i-- < 0) throw new Exception("Infinite loop possible");
current.Next = reverse;
return true;
public IEnumerable<TNode> Nodes
// Every node in the graph must be either a start node or an end node or it wouldn't be here
return this.StartIndexedEdges.Select(x => x.Key).Concat(this.EndIndexedEdges.Select(x => x.Key)).Distinct();
/// <summary>
/// Examine every node in the graph for ones of type T
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<T> GetNodes<T>() where T:TNode => this.Nodes.OfType<T>();
/// <summary>
/// Get all the edges of the graph
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Edge> Edges
return this.StartIndexedEdges
.SelectMany(e => e.Value.Select(pn => new Edge(e.Key, pn.Predicate, pn.End)));
/// <summary>
/// Find all the outgoing edges from a vertex with a given predicate (or null)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A single step in the graph away from a node
/// </remarks>
public IEnumerable<Edge> Follow(TNode start, TRelation predicate = default(TRelation))
PredicateNext startLink = null;
if (StartIndexedEdges.TryGetValue(start, out startLink))
foreach (var pn in startLink.Where(pn =>
EqualityComparer<TRelation>.Default.Equals(predicate, default(TRelation)) || pn.Predicate.Equals(predicate)))
yield return new Edge(start, pn.Predicate, pn.End);
/// <summary>
/// Find all the outgoing edges from a vertex with a given predicate (or null)
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Edge> Back(TNode end, TRelation predicate)
PredicatePrevious endLink = null;
if (EndIndexedEdges.TryGetValue(end, out endLink))
foreach (var pn in endLink.Where(pn =>
EqualityComparer<TRelation>.Default.Equals(predicate, default(TRelation)) || pn.Predicate.Equals(predicate)))
yield return new Edge(pn.Start, pn.Predicate, end);
/// <summary>
/// Find all the outgoing edges from a vertex with a given predicate (or null) and keep following edges of that type
/// match only nodes of type T. Return the results as a tree (can be flattened using SelectMany).
/// </summary>
public Graph<T, TRelation> Successors<T>(TNode start, TRelation predicate)
where T : class, TNode, IEquatable<T>
var visited = new HashSet<TNode>();
var stack = new Stack<TNode>();
var result = new Graph<T, TRelation>();
while (stack.Count > 0)
start = stack.Pop();
var outgoing = this.Follow(start, predicate);
foreach (var edge in outgoing)
T inEnd = edge.Start as T;
T outEnd = edge.End as T;
if (inEnd == null || outEnd == null) continue;
result.AddStatement(new Graph<T, TRelation>.Edge(inEnd, edge.Predicate, outEnd));
if (!visited.Contains(outEnd))
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Perform a search of the graph following a given predicate looking for nodes of type T
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<T> Search<T>(TNode start, TRelation predicate, ISearchOrder<TNode> stack) where T : class, TNode
var visited = new HashSet<TNode>();
while (stack.Count > 0)
start = stack.Dequeue();
var outgoing = this.Follow(start, predicate);
foreach (var edge in outgoing)
T outEnd = edge.End as T;
if (outEnd == null) continue;
if (!visited.Contains(outEnd))
yield return outEnd;
/// <summary>
/// Union two graphs
/// </summary>
public Graph<TNode, TRelation> Union(Graph<TNode, TRelation> other)
var result = new Graph<TNode, TRelation>();
foreach (var edge in this.Edges.Concat(other.Edges).ToList()) // ToList for debugging
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Intersect two graphs
/// </summary>
public Graph<TNode, TRelation> Intersect(Graph<TNode, TRelation> other)
var result = new Graph<TNode, TRelation>();
// As a struct, this should just work - if they have the same start, Predicate and end
var commonEdges = this.Edges.Intersect(other.Edges);
foreach (var edge in commonEdges)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Topological sort approx
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<TNode> TopologicalSortApprox()
var nodesWithNoIncomingLinks = Nodes.Except(StartIndexedEdges.SelectMany(e => e.Value).Select(pn => pn.End)).ToList();
// L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
var l = new List<TNode>();
//S ← Set of all nodes with no incoming edges
var s = new Queue<TNode>(nodesWithNoIncomingLinks);
var visited = new HashSet<TNode>(nodesWithNoIncomingLinks);
//while S is non - empty do
while (s.Count > 0)
// remove a node n from S
var n = s.Dequeue();
// add n to tail of L
// for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
foreach (var e in this.Follow(n, default(TRelation)))
if (visited.Contains(e.End))
// remove edge e from the graph
// if m has no other incoming edges then
// insert m into S
//if graph has edges then
// return error(graph has at least one cycle)
// return L(a topologically sorted order)
return l;
public IEnumerator<TNode> GetEnumerator()
return this.GetNodes<TNode>().GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
using System;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using AboditUnits.Graph;
using FluentAssertions;
namespace AboditUnitsTest
public class GraphTests
Graph<string, Relation> A;
Graph<string, Relation> B;
Graph<string, Relation> C;
static readonly string a = "a";
static readonly string b = "b";
static readonly string c = "c";
static readonly string d = "d";
static readonly string e = "e";
static readonly string f = "f";
public GraphTests()
A = new Graph<string, Relation>();
A.AddStatement(a, Relation.RDFSType, b);
A.AddStatement(a, Relation.RDFSType, c);
A.AddStatement(b, Relation.RDFSType, d);
A.AddStatement(c, Relation.RDFSType, e);
A.AddStatement(d, Relation.RDFSType, f);
A.AddStatement(e, Relation.RDFSType, f);
foreach (var edge in A.Edges)
Console.WriteLine(" " + edge);
B = new Graph<string, Relation>();
B.AddStatement(a, Relation.RDFSType, b);
B.AddStatement(a, Relation.RDFSType, c);
B.AddStatement(b, Relation.RDFSType, d);
foreach (var edge in B.Edges)
Console.WriteLine(" " + edge);
C = new Graph<string, Relation>();
C.AddStatement(a, Relation.RDFSType, f);
foreach (var edge in C.Edges)
Console.WriteLine(" " + edge);
public void CanIntersectGraphs()
var AwithA = A.Intersect(A);
var AwithB = A.Intersect(B);
var BwithA = B.Intersect(A);
var BwithC = B.Intersect(C);
var CwithB = C.Intersect(B);
AwithA.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(A.Nodes.Count(), "Intersection with self should preserve graph nodes");
AwithA.Edges.Should().HaveCount(A.Edges.Count(), "Intersection with self should preserve graph edges");
AwithB.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(B.Nodes.Count(), "B is a subgraph of A");
BwithA.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(B.Nodes.Count(), "A is a supergraph of B");
BwithC.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(0, "B is disjoint from C");
CwithB.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(0, "C is disjoint from B");
public void UnionWithSelfIsIdentity()
var AwithA = A.Union(A);
AwithA.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(A.Nodes.Count(), "Union with self should preserve graph nodes");
AwithA.Edges.Should().HaveCount(A.Edges.Count(), "Union with self should preserve graph edges");
public void UnionWithSubgraph()
var AwithB = A.Union(B);
var BwithA = B.Union(A);
AwithB.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(A.Nodes.Count(), "B is a subgraph of A");
BwithA.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(A.Nodes.Count(), "A is a supergraph of B");
public void UnionWithDisjoint()
var BwithC = B.Union(C);
var CwithB = C.Union(B);
BwithC.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(B.Nodes.Count() + C.Nodes.Count() - 1, "B is disjoint from C but shares one node");
CwithB.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(B.Nodes.Count() + C.Nodes.Count() - 1, "C is disjoint from B but shares one node");
BwithC.Edges.Should().HaveCount(B.Edges.Count() + C.Edges.Count(), "B is disjoint from C");
CwithB.Edges.Should().HaveCount(B.Edges.Count() + C.Edges.Count(), "B is disjoint from C");
public void TopoSortSimple()
var aSorted = string.Join("", A.TopologicalSortApprox());
//var fSorted = string.Join("", A.TopologicalSortApprox());
//var cSorted = string.Join("", A.TopologicalSortApprox());
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AboditUnits.Graph
public interface ISearchOrder<T>
int Count { get; }
T Dequeue();
void Enqueue(T value);
public class BreadthFirstSearch<T> : ISearchOrder<T>
private readonly Queue<T> queue = new Queue<T>();
public int Count => queue.Count;
public T Dequeue()
return queue.Dequeue();
public void Enqueue(T value)
public class DepthFirstSearch<T> : ISearchOrder<T>
private readonly Stack<T> stack = new Stack<T>();
public int Count => stack.Count;
public T Dequeue()
return stack.Pop();
public void Enqueue(T value)
public class RandomFirstSearch<T> : ISearchOrder<T>
private readonly Random r = new Random();
private readonly List<T> queue = new List<T>();
public int Count => queue.Count;
public T Dequeue()
int index = r.Next(queue.Count);
var result = queue[index];
return result;
public void Enqueue(T value)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace AboditUnits.Graph
public partial class Graph<TNode, TRelation>
/// <summary>
/// A predicate, object pair pointing forwards (stored in a linked list)
/// </summary>
public class PredicateNext : IEnumerable<PredicateNext>
const int limit = 10000;
public TRelation Predicate;
public TNode End;
public PredicateNext Next { get; set; }
public PredicateNext(TRelation predicate, TNode end)
this.Predicate = predicate;
this.End = end;
public IEnumerable<PredicateNext> Chain()
var current = this;
int i = limit;
while (current != null)
yield return current;
current = current.Next;
if (i-- < 0) throw new Exception("Infinite loop possible");
public IEnumerator<PredicateNext> GetEnumerator()
return this.Chain().GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace AboditUnits.Graph
public partial class Graph<TNode, TRelation>
/// <summary>
/// A predicate, object pair pointing backwards (stored in a linked list)
/// </summary>
public class PredicatePrevious : IEnumerable<PredicatePrevious>
const int limit = 10000;
public TRelation Predicate;
public TNode Start;
public PredicatePrevious Next;
public PredicatePrevious(TRelation predicate, TNode start)
this.Predicate = predicate;
this.Start = start;
public IEnumerable<PredicatePrevious> Chain()
var current = this;
int i = limit;
while (current != null)
yield return current;
current = current.Next;
if (i-- < 0) throw new Exception("Infinite loop possible");
public IEnumerator<PredicatePrevious> GetEnumerator()
return this.Chain().GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace AboditUnits.Graph
/// <summary>
/// A relationship between two nodes in a graph, e.g. parent, child, antonym, synonym, ...
/// </summary>
public class Relation : IEquatable<Relation>
public string Name { get; }
private Relation(string name) { this.Name = name; }
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Relation> identityMap = new Dictionary<string, Relation>();
public static Relation GetByName(string name)
Relation result;
if (!identityMap.TryGetValue(name, out result))
result = new Relation(name);
identityMap.Add(name, result);
return result;
public static readonly Relation Antonym = GetByName("antonym");
public static readonly Relation Synonym = GetByName("synonym");
public static readonly Relation MemberMeronymOf = GetByName("memberMeronymOf"); // mereonym
public static readonly Relation PartMeronymOf = GetByName("partMeronymOf"); // mereonym
public static readonly Relation HolonymOf = GetByName("holonymOf"); // holonym
public static readonly Relation SimilarTo = GetByName("similarTo");
public static readonly Relation ClassifiedByTopic = GetByName("classifiedByTopic");
public static readonly Relation ClassifiedByRegion = GetByName("classifiedByRegion");
public static readonly Relation ClassifiedByUsage = GetByName("classifiedByUsage");
public static readonly Relation PertainsTo = GetByName("pertainsTo");
public static readonly Relation DerivationallyRelated = GetByName("derivationallyRelated");
public static readonly Relation Related = GetByName("related");
public static readonly Relation Domain = GetByName("domain");
public static readonly Relation Range = GetByName("range");
public static readonly Relation WordFor = GetByName("wordFor");
public static readonly Relation Superlative = GetByName("superlative");
public static readonly Relation Comparative = GetByName("comparative");
public static readonly Relation NounForm = GetByName("noun");
public static readonly Relation VerbForm = GetByName("verb");
public static readonly Relation AdjectiveForm = GetByName("adjective");
public static readonly Relation AdverbForm = GetByName("adverb");
public static readonly Relation PastTense = GetByName("pastTense");
public static readonly Relation FutureTense = GetByName("futureTense");
public static readonly Relation PastParticiple = GetByName("pastParticple");
public static readonly Relation PresentParticiple = GetByName("presentParticiple");
public static readonly Relation FirstPersonSingular = GetByName("firstPersonSingular");
public static readonly Relation FirstPersonPlural = GetByName("firstPersonPlural");
public static readonly Relation SingularForm = GetByName("singular");
public static readonly Relation PluralForm = GetByName("plural");
public static readonly Relation RDFSType = GetByName("type");
public bool Equals(Relation other)
// Can use reference equals since identity mapped
return ReferenceEquals(this, other);
public override string ToString()
return "--" + this.Name + "-->";
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