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Created July 5, 2016 21:17
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JSONPatch - a simple, crude implementation of calculating and applying patches to Json objects
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace Abodit
public class JPatch
public string op { get; set; } // add, remove, replace
public string path { get; set; }
public JToken value { get; set; }
private JPatch() { }
public static string Extend(string path, string extension)
// TODO: JSON property name needs escaping for path ??
return path + "/" + extension;
private static JPatch Build(string op, string path, string key, JToken value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
return new JPatch { op = op, path = path, value = value };
return new JPatch { op = op, path = Extend(path, key), value = value };
public static JPatch Add(string path, string key, JToken value)
return Build("add", path, key, value);
public static JPatch Remove(string path, string key)
return Build("remove", path, key, null);
public static JPatch Replace(string path, string key, JToken value)
return Build("replace", path, key, value);
public static string CalculatePatch(string leftString, string rightString)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftString)) leftString = "{}";
var left = JToken.Parse(leftString);
var right = JToken.Parse(rightString);
var result = JPatch.CalculatePatch(left, right);
var pts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
return pts;
public static IEnumerable<JPatch> CalculatePatch(JToken left, JToken right, string path = "")
if (left.Type != right.Type)
yield return JPatch.Replace(path, "", right);
yield break;
if (left.Type == JTokenType.Array)
if (left.Children().SequenceEqual(right.Children())) // TODO: Need a DEEP EQUALS HERE
yield break;
// No array insert or delete operators in jpatch (yet?)
yield return JPatch.Replace(path, "", right);
yield break;
if (left.Type == JTokenType.Object)
var lprops = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)left).OrderBy(p => p.Key);
var rprops = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)right).OrderBy(p => p.Key);
foreach (var removed in lprops.Except(rprops, MatchesKey.Instance))
yield return JPatch.Remove(path, removed.Key);
foreach (var added in rprops.Except(lprops, MatchesKey.Instance))
yield return JPatch.Add(path, added.Key, added.Value);
var matchedKeys = lprops.Select(x => x.Key).Intersect(rprops.Select(y => y.Key));
var zipped = matchedKeys.Select(k => new { key = k, left = left[k], right = right[k] });
foreach (var match in zipped)
string newPath = path + "/" + match.key;
foreach (var patch in CalculatePatch(match.left, match.right, newPath))
yield return patch;
yield break;
// Two values, same type, not JObject so no properties
if (left.ToString() == right.ToString())
yield break;
yield return JPatch.Replace(path, "", right);
/// <summary>
/// Special sentinel value meaning that there has been no change
/// </summary>
public static readonly JToken NoChange = new JObject();
public static string CalculateDelta(string leftString, string rightString)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftString)) return rightString;
var left = JToken.Parse(leftString);
var right = JToken.Parse(rightString);
var result = JPatch.CalculateDelta(left, right);
var pts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
return pts;
public static JToken CalculateDelta(JToken left, JToken right)
if (left.Type != right.Type)
return right;
if (left.Type == JTokenType.Array)
if (left.Children().SequenceEqual(right.Children())) // TODO: Need a DEEP EQUALS HERE
return NoChange;
return right;
if (left.Type == JTokenType.Object)
// Both sides are JObjects with properties, build a delta from
// any properties that are different (or null for have gone away)
var newObject = new JObject();
var lprops = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)left).OrderBy(p => p.Key);
var rprops = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)right).OrderBy(p => p.Key);
foreach (var removed in lprops.Except(rprops, MatchesKey.Instance))
newObject.Add(removed.Key, null);
foreach (var added in rprops.Except(lprops, MatchesKey.Instance))
newObject.Add(added.Key, added.Value);
var matchedKeys = lprops.Select(x => x.Key).Intersect(rprops.Select(y => y.Key));
var zipped = matchedKeys.Select(k => new { key = k, left = left[k], right = right[k] });
foreach (var match in zipped)
var deltaSub = CalculateDelta(match.left, match.right);
if (object.ReferenceEquals(deltaSub, NoChange)) continue; // No difference
newObject.Add(match.key, deltaSub);
return newObject;
// Two values, same type, not JObject so no properties
if (left.ToString() == right.ToString())
return NoChange;
return right;
public static string ApplyDelta(string leftString, string deltaString)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftString)) return deltaString;
var left = JToken.Parse(leftString);
var delta = JToken.Parse(deltaString);
var result = JPatch.ApplyDelta(left, delta);
var pts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
return pts;
public static JToken ApplyDelta(JToken left, JToken right)
if (left.Type == JTokenType.Object && right.Type == JTokenType.Object)
JObject newObject = new JObject();
// Both sides are JObjects with properties
var lprops = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)left).OrderBy(p => p.Key);
var rprops = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)right).OrderBy(p => p.Key);
foreach (var keep in lprops.Except(rprops, MatchesKey.Instance))
newObject.Add(keep.Key, keep.Value);
foreach (var added in rprops.Except(lprops, MatchesKey.Instance))
newObject.Add(added.Key, added.Value);
var matchedKeys = lprops.Select(x => x.Key).Intersect(rprops.Select(y => y.Key));
var zipped = matchedKeys.Select(k => new { key = k, left = left[k], right = right[k] });
foreach (var match in zipped)
// Descend into the property and apply delta for value of property
var deltaSub = ApplyDelta(match.left, match.right);
newObject.Add(match.key, deltaSub);
return newObject;
// In all other cases, e.g. different types, same primitive type, both array, ...
return right;
private class MatchesKey : IEqualityComparer<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>
public static MatchesKey Instance = new MatchesKey();
public bool Equals(KeyValuePair<string, JToken> x, KeyValuePair<string, JToken> y)
return x.Key.Equals(y.Key);
public int GetHashCode(KeyValuePair<string, JToken> obj)
return obj.Key.GetHashCode();
using NUnit.Framework;
using Abodit;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Linq;
namespace TestSync
public class TestJsonPatches
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}",
"{a:1, b:2}",
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"remove\",\"path\":\"/c\",\"value\":null}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch remove works for a simple value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:{d:1,e:2}}",
"{a:1, b:2}",
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"remove\",\"path\":\"/c\",\"value\":null}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch remove works for a complex value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:3}",
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/c\",\"value\":3}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch add works for a simple value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:{d:1,e:2}}",
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/c\",\"value\":{\"d\":1,\"e\":2}}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch add works for a complex value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:4}",
TestName="JsonPatch replace works for int")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:\"foo\"}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:\"bar\"}",
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"replace\",\"path\":\"/c\",\"value\":\"bar\"}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch replace works for string")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:{foo:1}}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:{bar:2}}",
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"remove\",\"path\":\"/c/foo\",\"value\":null},{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/c/bar\",\"value\":2}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch replace works for object")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}",
"{c:3, b:2, a:1}",
ExpectedResult = "[]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch order does not matter")]
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"remove\",\"path\":\"/a/b/c\",\"value\":null},{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/a/b/d\",\"value\":{\"c\":1}}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch handles deep nesting")]
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"replace\",\"path\":\"\",\"value\":[5,6,7]}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch handles a simple array and replaces it")]
ExpectedResult = "[{\"op\":\"replace\",\"path\":\"/a\",\"value\":[5,6,7]}]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch handles a simple array under a property and replaces it")]
ExpectedResult = "[]",
TestName = "CalculatePatch handles same array")]
public string CalculatePatchesWorksAsExpected(string leftString, string rightString)
var left = JToken.Parse(leftString);
var right = JToken.Parse(rightString);
var patches = JPatch.CalculatePatch(left, right).ToList();
var pts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(patches);
return pts;
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}",
"{a:1, b:2}",
ExpectedResult = "{\"c\":null}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta remove works for a simple value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:{d:1,e:2}}",
"{a:1, b:2}",
ExpectedResult = "{\"c\":null}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta remove works for a complex value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:3}",
ExpectedResult = "{\"c\":3}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta add works for a simple value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:{d:1,e:2}}",
ExpectedResult = "{\"c\":{\"d\":1,\"e\":2}}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta add works for a complex value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:4}",
ExpectedResult = "{\"c\":4}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta replace works for int")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:\"foo\"}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:\"bar\"}",
ExpectedResult = "{\"c\":\"bar\"}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta replace works for string")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:{foo:1}}",
"{a:1, b:2, c:{bar:2}}",
ExpectedResult = "{\"c\":{\"foo\":null,\"bar\":2}}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta replace works for object")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}",
"{c:3, b:2, a:1}",
ExpectedResult = "{}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta order does not matter")]
ExpectedResult = "{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":null,\"d\":{\"c\":1}}}}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta handles deep nesting")]
ExpectedResult = "[5,6,7]",
TestName = "CalculateDelta handles a simple array and replaces it")]
ExpectedResult = "{\"a\":[5,6,7]}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta handles a simple array under a property and replaces it")]
ExpectedResult = "{}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta handles same array")]
public string JsonPatchesWorks(string leftString, string rightString)
var left = JToken.Parse(leftString);
var right = JToken.Parse(rightString);
var delta = JPatch.CalculateDelta(left, right);
var pts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(delta);
return pts;
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2}", "{c:3}", ExpectedResult = "{a:1,b:2,c:3}",
TestName = "Apply delta can add a simple value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2}", "{c:{d:1,e:2}}", ExpectedResult="{a:1,b:2,c:{d:1,e:2}}",
TestName = "ApplyDelta can add a complex value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}", "{c:4}", ExpectedResult = "{a:1,b:2,c:4}",
TestName = "ApplyDelta can replace a simple int value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:\"foo\"}", "{c:\"bar\"}", ExpectedResult = "{a:1,b:2,c:bar}",
TestName = "ApplyDelta can replace a simple string value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}", "{c:{d:1,e:2}}", ExpectedResult = "{a:1,b:2,c:{d:1,e:2}}",
TestName = "ApplyDelta can replace a simple value with a complex value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:{foo:1}}", "{c:{bar:2}}", ExpectedResult = "{a:1,b:2,c:{foo:1,bar:2}}",
TestName = "ApplyDelta can add a deeper nested value")]
[TestCase("{a:1, b:2, c:3}", "{c:4, d:5}", ExpectedResult = "{a:1,b:2,d:5,c:4}",
TestName = "ApplyDelta can mix add and replace")]
[TestCase("[1,2,3,4]", "[5,6,7]", ExpectedResult = "[5,6,7]",
TestName = "ApplyDelta handles a simple array and replaces it")]
[TestCase("{a:[1,2,3,4]}", "{a:[5,6,7]}", ExpectedResult = "{a:[5,6,7]}",
TestName = "ApplyDelta handles a simple array under a property and replaces it")]
[TestCase("{a:[1,2,3,4]}", "{}", ExpectedResult = "{a:[1,2,3,4]}",
TestName = "CalculateDelta handles identity operation")]
public string ApplyDeltaWorks(string leftString, string deltaString)
var left = JToken.Parse(leftString);
var delta = JToken.Parse(deltaString);
var result = JPatch.ApplyDelta(left, delta);
var pts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
return pts.Replace("\"", ""); // Make specification easier by removing quotes
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ravibha commented Jul 20, 2017

Great utility! Any plans on adding the comparison for array of objects (JArray)?

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