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Last active December 22, 2015 05:28
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Save IanVaughan/6423953 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My VIM help


  • CTRL+Q - Turns on flow-control (if you turned it off by mistake)
  • CTRL+a - increment number
  • :cw - toggle quickfix list
  • CTRL+E - scroll window down (cursor stays)
  • CTRL+Y - scroll window up (cursor stays)
  • :r - retrive (:r filename - loads file at cursor. :r !ls - loads ls at cur)


  • :x - exit (with save)
  • :e <path> - open path
  • :w - write (save)
  • :e! - restore file (lose changes)
  • :saveas <path> - save to new file
  • :edit - open file in buffer

Search/Find/Moving around

  • 100G - line 100
  • gg - line 1
  • G - last line
  • g; - go back to last edit point (move back though changelist)
  • g, - move forward through changelist
  • CTRL+o CTRL+i - prev/next goto
  • two backticks - go back to where you were
  • gi - go back to last insert
  • {, } - prev, next paragraph
  • w - start of next word (only alphanumeric + underscore)
  • e - end of word
  • W - start of next word
  • E - end of word
  • % - matching bracket
  • * - next occurence of word
  • # - previous occurence
  • fp - find next p
  • Fp - find previous p
  • tp - fp but move cursor before
  • Tp - Fp but move cursor before
  • , - find next occurrence
  • ; - find previous occurrence
  • 3fa - find 3rd occurrence of a
  • ^ - go to first non-space char on line
  • $ - end of line
  • / - search forwards
  • ? - search backwards
  • :/s/old/new/g - subtitue old for new
  • :1,10s/ - only between lines 1 and 10
  • :%s/ - whole file


  • u - Undo
  • CTRL+r - Redo
  • !! - repeat last command
  • v - visual select
  • V - select line
  • a - Insert after cursor (append)
  • A - Insert end of line
  • o - Insert new line (open)
  • O - Insert new line before
  • cw - (change) replace to end of word
  • dw - delete to end of word
  • dd - cut line
  • yy - Copy line (yank)
  • p - paste (put)
  • P - Paste before
  • 0y$ - yank from beginning to end of line
  • ye - yank to end of line
  • dt" - remove everything until "
  • J - join lines
  • < - indent left
  • > - indent right
  • = - autoindent
  • CTRL+v + move down - block select
  • I#ESC - comment each line
  • CTRL+n - complete word
  • CTRL+p - complete word (previous)
  • X - delete char to left of cursor
  • s - delete char and enter insert mode


  • :ls - list buffers
    • a - active
    • # - alternate buffer
    • + - buffer modified
    • h - hidden (unsaved changes and is not currently loaded in a window)
  • CTRL-^ - switch between active and alternate buffers
  • :bn - buffer next
  • :bp - buffer previous
  • :bd! - remove buffer (lossing changes)


  • ctrl-w w - cycle between windows
  • :split - split window or sp
  • :vsplit - vertically split window
  • CTRL+w hjkl - switch windows
  • CTRL+w c - close window
  • CTRL+w n - new window
  • CTRL+w s - new split horizontally
  • ctrl+w v - new split vertically
  • :sp <filename> - split window and open fiename
  • :vsp <filename> - split virtially and open filename
  • ctrl+w +/- - resize windows


  • :tabe <file> - open file in new tab
  • :tabedit <file>
  • gt - next tab
  • gT - prev tab
  • 2gt - goto tab 2
  • :tabclose - close all windows in current tab
  • :tabonly - close all tabs execpt current one
  • ctrl-w T - move current window into its own tab
  • :ls - list buffers
  • :b22 - goto buffer 22
  • :b <match> - goto buffer (tab to complete)


  • qa - record actions in macro a
  • q - end macro
  • @a - playback a
  • @@ - playback last macro


  • [s, ]s - move to next/prev mispealt word
  • z= - find suggested alternatives
  • zg - add to dictionary
  • zw - mark as misplealt

Ruby and Rails

  • :Rake - Run rake
  • :A [file] - Alternate file/spec or load
  • :AS [file] - As above but split horizontally
  • :AV [file] - As above but split vertically
  • :AT [file] - As above but open in new tab
  • :Elib [file] - Edit lib file or Gemfile
  • :Espec [file] - Edit spec file or spec_helper
  • :Ctags - Ctags for the project
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