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Ian Whitney IanWhitney

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IanWhitney / gist:4557251
Created January 17, 2013 16:27
Getting rid of the Podcast app and returning to Narnia
1) In iTunes, go to Apps, find the Podcasting app. Select it and delete it.
2) Still in iTunes, click on your phone (or ipod touch, ipad, etc).
3) Click Podcasts
4) Check "Sync Podcasts"
5) Sync your phone
IanWhitney / gist:4562057
Last active December 11, 2015 06:49
Setting up and using a text search field in redis.
Movies.each do |movie|
$redis.set "title_search:#{movie.title}", "#{}"
search_string = "titanic"
matching_keys = $redis.keys "title_search:*#{search_string}*"
matched_ids = []
matching_keys.each do |key|
matched_ids << $redis.get(key)
IanWhitney / controller_stubbing.rb
Created February 13, 2013 19:07
Stubbing a controller method. I had to do this to test an API controller that required authorization.
def setup
IanWhitney / gist:4955714
Created February 14, 2013 19:42
Using inject to take two arrays and use them to populate a hash
@required_keys = [:email_address,:subject]
@optional_keys = [:email_from]
@params = {:email_address=>"", :subject=>"email subject", :email_from=>"", :extra=>"not used"}
all_params = (@required_keys + @optional_keys).inject({}) do |result, element|
result[element] = @params[element]
=> {:email_address=>"", :subject=>"email subject", :email_from=>""}
IanWhitney / custom_enumerable.rb
Created March 14, 2013 15:46
Required methods for a custom enumerable if you want to pass it to PartialRenderer.
require 'forwardable'
class CustomEnum
extend Forwardable
include Enumerable
def_delegators :@collection, :size, :each, :blank?
attr_accessor :collection
def initialize()
self.collection = []

That watching bad movies is 'bad for you'

There are two arguments presented here. The first is that watching bad movies is somehow boring and awful. The second is that people who say they enjoy bad movies actually enjoy the mocking of those movies and the people who made them.

The first argument can be true, but it depends wholly on the movie and the situation. Watching, say, Blood Freak by yourself is a pretty dire experience that I wouldn't recommend. Watching Blood Freak with some friends and a few drinks? That's a fun shared experience. Years later you can say, "Remember when we watched that movie about the guy who turned into a blood-thirsty turkey?" and have a good time reminiscing.

This isn't just true of bad movies, it's true of all movies, an art form that was designed for the communal experience.

JJHo and JT extend their second argument by joking about reading bad novels or listening to bad music, as if no one does those. So why would anyone do this for movies?

IanWhitney / times.csv
Created January 6, 2014 16:05
Mirroring task completion time
2014-01-05T12:54:59-0600 6.5937
2014-01-05T12:56:11-0600 6.6516
2014-01-05T12:56:14-0600 4.6443
2014-01-05T12:56:44-0600 6.3162
2014-01-05T12:57:26-0600 6.2678
2014-01-05T12:58:03-0600 6.2010
2014-01-05T12:58:32-0600 5.8272
2014-01-05T12:59:04-0600 7.2103
2014-01-05T12:59:55-0600 7.2239
2014-01-05T13:00:37-0600 7.7785
IanWhitney /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Reading material suggested during the Torquebox OOD class in Durham, 2014
IanWhitney / house.rb
Created March 14, 2014 00:45
Probably not what you want, right?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts "This is the house that Jack built."
puts ""
puts "This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built."
puts ""
puts "This is the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built."
puts ""
puts "This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built."
puts ""
IanWhitney / hash.rb
Created September 15, 2014 14:34
Hash creation with default empty array
x ={|h,k| h[k] = []}