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Created July 15, 2014 15:12
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Affil Tracking
// This is a utility function that breaks a URL into an object
// parseUri 1.2.2
// (c) Steven Levithan <>
// MIT License
function parseUri(d){for(var a=parseUri.options,d=a.parser[a.strictMode?"strict":"loose"].exec(d),c={},b=14;b--;)c[a.key[b]]=d[b]||"";c[]={};c[a.key[12]].replace(a.q.parser,function(d,b,e){b&&(c[][b]=e)});return c}
parseUri.options={strictMode:!1,key:"source protocol authority userInfo user password host port relative path directory file query anchor".split(" "),q:{name:"queryKey",parser:/(?:^|&)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g},parser:{strict:/^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?((((?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)([^?#]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/,loose:/^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/}};
function getCampaignMedium(landinguri, campcode, refuri){
/**********Campaign management plugin *********************/
//setup the different campaign channels available
var channels = {
//is there a campaign code?
//yes there is
//derive channel from campcode
var ccparts = [], i=0;
//define all possible campaign code separators
var separators = ["|", "-", "_", ":"];
//find out which separator is being used and split by it
while(ccparts.length < 2 && i < separators.length){
ccparts = campcode.toLowerCase().split(separators[i]);
//check if the first part of the camp code defines the channel
//it does so just return its value
return channels[ccparts[0]];
}else if(landinguri.queryKey.s_kwcid || landinguri.queryKey.mckv){
//the url contains a paid campaign name
//covers the anomoly of mckv starting with dem
if(landinguri.queryKey.mckv && landinguri.queryKey.mckv.match(/^dem/i)){
return channels.dem;
return channels.sem;
//is another unknown paid campaign
return channels.other;
}else if(refuri && != "" && !{
//no campaign code so derive channel from referrer etc
//look at referrer etc
//is this natural search?
return channels.seo;
}else if(\.|linkedin\.|twitter\.|myspace\.|youtube\.|ning\.|^t\.co|xanga\./i)){
//no - its social from a key social network
return channels.soc;
}else if(\.|friendster\.|vimeo\.com|bebo\.com|hi5\.com|yuku\.com|cafemom\.com|xanga\.com|livejournal\.com|blogspot\.com|wordpress\.com|myspace\.com|digg\.com|reddit\.com|stumbleupon\.com|twine\.com|yelp\.com|mixx\.com|chime\.in|delicious\.com|tumblr\.com|disqus\.com|intensedebate\.com|plurk\.com|slideshare\.net|backtype\.com|netvibes\.com|mister-wong\.com|diigo\.com|flixster\.com|12seconds\.tv|zooomr\.com|identi\.ca|jaiku\.com|flickr\.com|imeem\.com|dailymotion\.com|photobucket\.com|fotolog\.com|smugmug\.com|classmates\.com|myyearbook\.com|mylife\.com|tagged\.com|brightkite\.com|hi5\.com|yuku\.com|cafemom\.com|plus\.google\.com|instagram\.com|prezi\.com|newsvine\.com|pinterest\.com|wiebo\.com|nevkontakte\.com|qzone\.qq\.com|cloob\.com/i)){
//no - its social from another social network
return channels.soc_other
//no matching referrer but it is a referred visitor
return channels.other_ref;
//no camp code nor ref uri
// all dimension and campaign tracking must be set before the pageview is sent
//make sure there is a query params and not gclid - we won't touch campaign overrides where a gclid is present
if(landinguri.query != "" && !landinguri.queryKey.gclid){
var landinguri = parseUri(document.URL); //split out the landing uri
var refuri = parseUri(document.referrer); // split out the referring uri
//is there an affil query parameter?
//get the campaign medium (channel)
var campmedium = getCampaignMedium(landinguri, landinguri.queryKey.affil, refuri);
//set the custom dimension 9 with the campaign code (affil)
ga('set', 'dimension9', landinguri.queryKey.affil);
//if the campaign medium is not seo or direct
if(campmedium != "seo" && campmedium != "direct"){
//not seo or direct (which ga handles well anyway) so lets override the campaign vars
ga('set', {
'campaignName': landinguri.queryKey.affil,
'campaignMedium': campmedium,
}else if(landinguri.queryKey.lpaffil){
//no but there is a lpaffil parameter
//so set the custom dimension 10
ga('set', 'dimension10', landinguri.queryKey.lpaffil);
}else if(landinguri.queryKey.intaffil){
//no but there is a intaffil parameter
//so set the custom dimension 11
ga('set', 'dimension11', landinguri.queryKey.intaffil);
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