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Created May 24, 2021 09:17
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public class Connect4Hub: Hub {
private readonly ILogger < Connect4Hub > _logger;
public const string OnGameReady = "OnGameReady";
public const string NotifySecondPlayer = "NotifySecondPlayer";
public const string NotifyGameHost = "NotifyGameHost";
public const string NotifyOnGameOver = "NotifyOnGameOver";
public const string NotifyOnDraw = "NotifyOnDraw";
public const string NotifyOnPlayerLeft = "NotifyOnPlayerLeft";
private const string Connect4Group = "Connect4";
public Connect4Hub(ILogger < Connect4Hub > logger) {
_logger = logger;
public async Task JoinedQueue() {
await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, Connect4Group);
public async Task GameReady(GameBoard board) {
await Clients.Group(Connect4Group).SendAsync(OnGameReady, board);
public async Task OnPlayerDisconnected(Guid userId) {
await Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, Connect4Group);
_logger.LogWarning("User left");
await Clients.Group(Connect4Group).SendAsync(NotifyOnPlayerLeft, userId);
public async Task OnOpponentMoveReceived(GameBoard board) {
await Clients.Group(Connect4Group).SendAsync(NotifyGameHost, board);
public async Task OnHostMoveReceived(GameBoard board) {
await Clients.Group(Connect4Group).SendAsync(NotifySecondPlayer, board);
public async Task OnGameOver(GameBoard board, WinningPlay winningPlay) {
await Clients.Group(Connect4Group).SendAsync(NotifyOnGameOver, board, winningPlay);
public async Task OnDraw(GameBoard board) {
await Clients.Group(Connect4Group).SendAsync(NotifyOnDraw, board);
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