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Created March 3, 2020 07:10
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A program to perform optimization through Differential Evolution on the Eggholder Function
# CS 313: Machine Learning
# Make a program to perform optimization through Differential Evolution on the Eggholder Function
# For a population of [20, 50, 100, 200]
# For [50, 100, 200] generations
# Also, plot the global minimum fitness and average fitness for each generation
# for each population size and generation
# Author: IceCereal
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def eggholder(X):
# X is a np.array
return (-(X[1] + 47) * np.sin(np.sqrt(abs(X[0]/2 + (X[1] + 47)))) -X[0] * np.sin(np.sqrt(abs(X[0] - (X[1] + 47)))))
def DifferentialEvolution(populationSize : int, generations : int):
# CONSTANTS as defined by the question
dimensionSize = 2 # (x, y)
bounds = [(-512, 512), (-512, 512)]
crossoverProbability = 0.8
K = 0.5
generations_AvgFitness = []
generations_GlobMinFitness = []
# Initialize random parents
parents = [ np.array([random.uniform(bounds[j][0], bounds[j][1]) for j in range(dimensionSize)]) for i in range(populationSize)]
generationNumber = 0
while (generationNumber < generations):
generationNumber += 1
children = [] # The new children will be added here
F = random.uniform(-2.0, 2.0) # Our F is to be randomly generated every generation
for index, vector in enumerate(parents):
# Remove the parent vector so that R1, R2 and R3 won't be selected as the parent vector
pruned_parents = parents.copy()
# This while loop exists only if the Vector_Trial is out of bounds (i.e. not between (-512, 512))
while (True):
Vector_R1, Vector_R2, Vector_R3 = random.sample(pruned_parents, 3)
# Mutant Vector
Vector_Mutant = vector + K * (Vector_R1 - vector) + F * (Vector_R2 - Vector_R3)
# Trial Vector
Vector_Trial = np.array([0.0 for i in range(dimensionSize)])
# Crossover
for gene in range(dimensionSize):
crossoverRealtime = random.random()
if crossoverRealtime < crossoverProbability:
Vector_Trial[gene] = Vector_Mutant[gene]
Vector_Trial[gene] = vector[gene]
# Check if the Trial Vector is in bounds (i.e. between (-512, 512))
flagInBounds = True
for i in range(dimensionSize):
if not ((bounds[i][0] < Vector_Trial[i]) and (Vector_Trial[i] < bounds[i][1])):
flagInBounds = False
# Elitism: Get the better vector w.r.t. fitness
if flagInBounds:
if eggholder(Vector_Trial) < eggholder(vector):
# Calculate values for plotting
parents_values = [ (eggholder(i), i) for i in parents ]
average = 0
for child in parents_values:
average += child[0]
parents = children.copy()
plt.plot(generations_GlobMinFitness, color='green', linestyle='-', label="Global Minimum")
plt.plot(generations_AvgFitness, color='blue', linestyle='-', label="Average")
plt.title("Population: " + str(populationSize) + " | Generations : " + str(generations) + " | Global Minimum: " + str(generations_GlobMinFitness[len(generations_GlobMinFitness)-1]),
fontdict={'fontsize' : 8})
plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=10)
plt.savefig("DiffEvo-Pop_"+str(populationSize)+"_Gens_"+str(generations)+".png", dpi=500)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("Differential Evolution - Eggholder Function")
populationSize = [20, 50, 100, 200]
generations = [50, 100, 200]
for generation in generations:
for population in populationSize:
DifferentialEvolution(population, generation)
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