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Created April 30, 2019 04:58
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import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
class ability{
Map<String, Integer> Abilities = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
Extra Abilites that the player could have: defaults [None]
Every Ability created can have called Ability_Reductor:
Does Ability reduce every round: defaults [0]
Mana: 200
Mana_Reductor: 3
public int addAbility(String abilityName, int abilityValue){
Abilities.put(abilityName, abilityValue);
return 1;
public int addAbility_Reductor(String abilityName, int ability_Reductor){
if (checkAbilityExist(abilityName)){
StringBuilder abilityReductorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String abilityName_Reductor = abilityReductorBuilder.toString();
this.addAbility(abilityName_Reductor, ability_Reductor);
return 1;
return -1;
public boolean checkAbilityExist(String abilityName){
return Abilities.containsKey(abilityName);
public int getAbilityValue(String abilityName){
if (checkAbilityExist(abilityName))
return Abilities.get(abilityName);
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public Map<String, Integer> getAllAbilities(){
return Abilities;
public int deleteAbility(String abilityName){
return 1;
class gainObject{
private String name; // Object name: defaults ["Object-Ice"]
private String description_long; // Long Description of Object: defaults [null]
private String description_short; // Short Description of Object: defaults [null]
private int levelUsable; // The level at which the main player can unlock it: defaults [0]
private int objectSize; // Size of the Object: defaults [1]
private int objectType;
Object Types:
0 - Consumable
1 - Attack
private int objectType_Value; // The value of the object, [i.e. Knife: Attack: 10]: defaults [1]
name = "Object-Ice";
description_long = null;
description_short = null;
levelUsable = 0;
objectSize = 1;
objectType_Value = 1;
public int setName(String sentName){
name = sentName;
return 1;
public int setDescription_Long(String sentDescription_Long){
description_long = sentDescription_Long;
return 1;
public int setDescription_Short(String sentDescription_Short){
description_short = sentDescription_Short;
return 1;
public int setLevelUsable(int sentLevelUsable){
levelUsable = sentLevelUsable;
return 1;
public int setObjecSize(int sentObjectSize){
objectSize = sentObjectSize;
return 1;
public int setObjectType(int sentObjectType, int sentObjectType_Value){
if ( (sentObjectType == 1) || (sentObjectType == 0) ){
objectType = sentObjectType;
objectType_Value = sentObjectType_Value;
return 1;
return 0;
public String getName(){
return name;
public String getDescripitionLong(){
return description_long;
public String getDescripitionShort(){
return description_short;
public int getLevelUsable(){
return levelUsable;
public int getObjectSize(){
return objectSize;
public int getObjectType(){
return objectType;
public int consumeValue(){
if (objectType == 0){
return objectType_Value;
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public int attackValue(){
if (objectType == 1){
return objectType_Value;
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
class mainPlayer{
String name; // Character name: defaults ["Ice"]
String description_long; // Long Description of Character: defaults [null]
String description_short; // Short Description of Character: defaults [null]
int level; // Character Level: defaults [0]
int healthPoints; // HP: defaults [100]
int healthPoints_Reductor; // Does HP reduce every round: defaults [0]
int experiencePoints; // XP: defaults [0]
name = "Ice";
description_long = null;
description_short = null;
level = 0;
healthPoints = 100;
healthPoints_Reductor = 0;
experiencePoints = 0;
public int setName(String sentName){ = sentName;
return 1;
public int setDescription_Long(String sentDescLong){
this.description_long = sentDescLong;
return 1;
public int setDescription_Short(String sentDescShort){
this.description_short = sentDescShort;
return 1;
public int setLevel(int sentLevel){
this.level = sentLevel;
return 1;
public int setHP(int sentHealthPoints){
this.healthPoints = sentHealthPoints;
return 1;
public int setHP_Reductor(int sentHealthPoints_Reductor){
this.healthPoints_Reductor = sentHealthPoints_Reductor;
return 1;
public int setXP(int sentExperiencePoints){
this.experiencePoints = sentExperiencePoints;
return 1;
class NPC{
String name; // Name of the NPC: defaults ["NPC-Ice"]
String description_long; // Long Description of Character: defaults [null]
String description_short; // Short Description of Character: defaults [null]
Map<Integer, String> DescriptionMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
Pull up this description when I say so, essentially.
0 - Okay, go to that room
1 - You will die soon
2 - blah de blah de blah
<This action requires this Description>
int healthPoints; // HP: defaults [100]
int healthPoints_Reductor; // Does HP reduce every round: defaults [0]
int typeNPC;
NPC Types:
0 - Friendly
1 - Guide
2 - Enemy
*/ // defaults [0]
int attackingLevel; // Level at which the NPC attacks: defaults [0] (range 0 - 10)
public NPC(){
name = "NPC-Ice";
description_long = null;
description_short = null;
healthPoints = 100;
healthPoints_Reductor = 0;
typeNPC = 0;
attackingLevel = 0;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public void setDescription_long(String description_long) {
this.description_long = description_long;
public void setDescription_short(String description_short) {
this.description_short = description_short;
public void setHealthPoints(int healthPoints) {
this.healthPoints = healthPoints;
public void setHealthPoints_Reductor(int healthPoints_Reductor) {
this.healthPoints_Reductor = healthPoints_Reductor;
public int setTypeNPC(int typeNPC) {
if ( (typeNPC >= 0) && (typeNPC <= 2)){
this.typeNPC = typeNPC;
return 1;
return -1;
public void setAttackingLevel(int attackingLevel) {
if ((attackingLevel >=0) && (attackingLevel <=10))
this.attackingLevel = attackingLevel;
if (attackingLevel > 10)
this.attackingLevel = 10;
if (attackingLevel < 0)
this.attackingLevel = 0;
public void addTo_DescriptionMap(int key, String value) {
DescriptionMap.put(key, value);
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getDescription_long() {
return description_long;
public String getDescription_short() {
return description_short;
public int getHealthPoints() {
return healthPoints;
public int getHealthPoints_Reductor() {
return healthPoints_Reductor;
public int getTypeNPC() {
return typeNPC;
public int getAttackingLevel() {
return attackingLevel;
public Map<Integer, String> getDescriptionMap() {
return DescriptionMap;
public int Attack(){
Random rand = new Random(3010);
int attackMagnitude = rand.nextInt(attackingLevel);
return attackMagnitude;
// NOTE: Core will adjust the actual value to be scaled depending on MP's HP
class Door{
private List<Integer> coordinatesFrom; // Door opens from these coords
private List<Integer> coordinatesTo; // Door opens to these coords
Boolean key_required; // Boolean that checks whether the key is required
int key_id; // If key_required: True, key_id represents the key id for the door
public Door(){
key_required = false;
key_id = -1;
public int setFromCoords(List<Integer> sentCoordinatesFrom){
return 1;
public int setToCoords(List<Integer> sentCoordinatesTo){
return 1;
public int setCoords(List<Integer> sentCoordinatesFrom, List<Integer> sentCoordinatesTo){
return 1;
public int setKeyRequired(Boolean sentKey_Required){
key_required = sentKey_Required;
return 1;
public int setKeyID(int sentKey_ID){
key_id = sentKey_ID;
return 1;
public List<Integer> getCoordinatesFrom(){
return coordinatesFrom;
public List<Integer> getCoordinatesTo(){
return coordinatesTo;
public List<List> getCoordinates(){
List<List> coordinates = new ArrayList<List>();
return coordinates;
public Boolean getKeyRequired(){
return key_required;
public int getKeyID(){
return key_id;
class Key{
private int key_id; // Engine set key_id
private Boolean hasKey; // Not sure if this will be useful, but I'll keep it here for now
public Key(){
key_id = 0;
hasKey = false;
public int getKey_id() {
return key_id;
public Boolean getHasKey() {
return hasKey;
public void setKey_id(int key_id) {
this.key_id = key_id;
public void setHasKey(Boolean hasKey) {
this.hasKey = hasKey;
class Room{
private List<Integer> coordinates; // The X, Y coordinates of the room. Internal property set by Core Engine
private String name; // Room name: defaults ["Unknown"]
private String description_long; // Long Description of Room: defaults ["There seems to be nothing special here"]
private String description_short; // Short Description of Room: defaults ["There seems to be nothing special here"]
// TODO: implement an array of Gainbjects
public Room(List<Integer> sentCoordinates){
coordinates = new ArrayList<Integer>();
name = "Unknown";
description_long = "There seems to be nothing special about here";
description_short = "There seems to be nothing special about here";
public int changeCoordinates(List<Integer> sentCoordinates){
return 1;
public int setName(String sentRoomName){
name = sentRoomName;
return 1;
public int setDescription_Long(String sentDescription_Long){
description_long = sentDescription_Long;
return 1;
public int setDescription_Short(String sentDescription_Short){
description_short = sentDescription_Short;
return 1;
public List<Integer> getCoordinates(){
return coordinates;
public String getName(){
return name;
public String getDescription_Long(){
return description_long;
public String getDescription_Short(){
return description_short;
class buildGame{
String authorName; // defaults ["IceCereal's-Discipile"]
String gameName; // defaults ["The-Game-Of-Ice"]
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
Date curDate = new Date();
public buildGame(){
authorName = "IceCereal's-Discipile";
gameName = "The-Game-Of-Ice";
public String getAuthorName() {
return authorName;
public void setAuthorName(String authorName) {
this.authorName = authorName;
public String getGameName() {
return gameName;
public void setGameName(String gameName) {
this.gameName = gameName;
public static void main(String[] args) {
buildGame bg = new buildGame();
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter Game Author:\t");
System.out.println("Enter Game Name:\t");
mainPlayer mp = new mainPlayer();
System.out.println("Main Character's Name:\t");
System.out.println("Main Character's Health:\t");
System.out.println("Main Character's Health Reductor:\t");
List<Integer> Coords = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ability abilities = new ability();
abilities.addAbility("mana", 100);
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