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Created January 28, 2019 23:43
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A simple way to run promises with limited concurrency.
* Creates and immediately starts running a new PromisePool.
* Note the pool currently has a fixed size, but dynamic sizing could be added. Also fns for size, isRunning. Does not track return values.
* @param producer
* A function that does some work concurrently. If the function returns a
* Promise, the producer will be called again when the Promise resolves and
* the new work will be added to the stack. If the function returns nothing,
* the pool will drain and stop.
* @param concurrency
* The number of producers to run at once.
function PromisePool(producer, concurrency) {
this.isRunning = true;
this.pool = [];
for (let i = 0; i < concurrency; i++) {
* Adds work to the pool.
* @param v A Promise to add to the pool.
PromisePool.prototype._push = function(v) {
if (v) this.pool.push(v);
* Drains the pool. Returns a Promise that resolves when the pool is empty.
PromisePool.prototype.stop = async function() {
this.isRunning = false;
await Promise.all(this.pool);
console.log('Stopped with pool size: ' + this.pool.length);
* Converts a function that does work into something the pool understands.
* @param producer A function that does work and returns a Promise.
PromisePool.prototype._producerToItem = function(producer) {
const pr = producer();
if (!pr) {
const result = pr.then(() => {
Utils.removeFromArray(result, this.pool);
if (this.isRunning) this._push(this._producerToItem(producer, this.pool));
console.log('Pool size: ' + this.pool.length);
return result;
* Creates a `PromisePool` from a list of promises.
* @param arr The list of promises.
* @param conc The concurrency.
PromisePool.fromArray = function(arr, conc) {
const pool = new PromisePool(() => {
if (arr.length) return arr.shift();
}, conc);
return pool;
// =====
// Tests
// =====
// An example Promise-generating function; does nothing for `n` milliseconds
async function sleep(n) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, n));
console.log('slept for ' + n + 'ms');
// An example Promise-generating function; sleeps for a random time then logs how many times it has been called
var i = 0;
async function doThings() {
await sleep(Math.floor(Math.random() * 500));
// Runs doThings with a concurrency of 4 until `p.stop()` is called
// On average, this should run `doThings` 16 times per second:
// 4 concurrency * (1000ms / average of 250ms sleep per doThings() call
var p = new PromisePool(doThings, 4);
// Stop running `doThings` after 2 seconds, then test the array version
setTimeout(() => p.stop().then(() => PromisePool.fromArray([
], 3)), 2000);
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