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Created April 9, 2022 13:02
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# Language EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# Language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} -- TODO
module Generic.Applicative where
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Kind
import Generic.Applicative.Internal
import Generic.Applicative.Idiom
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Applicative -- TODO
type LeftBias :: tagKind -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
newtype LeftBias tag f g a = LeftBias (Sum f g a)
-- deriving newtype Generic1
deriving newtype Functor
-- | An applicative instance of 'Data.Functor.Sum.Sum' biased to the
-- left.
-- It injects 'pure' into the 'InL' constructor:
-- @
-- pure = LeftBias . InL . pure
-- @
instance Idiom tag f g => Applicative (LeftBias tag f g) where
pure :: a -> LeftBias tag f g a
pure = LeftBias . InL . pure
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (LeftBias tag f g a -> LeftBias tag f g b -> LeftBias tag f g c)
liftA2 (·) (LeftBias (InL as)) (LeftBias (InL bs)) = LeftBias $ InL $ liftA2 (·) as bs
liftA2 (·) (LeftBias (InL as)) (LeftBias (InR bs)) = LeftBias $ InR $ liftA2 (·) (idiom @_ @tag as) bs
liftA2 (·) (LeftBias (InR as)) (LeftBias (InL bs)) = LeftBias $ InR $ liftA2 (·) as (idiom @_ @tag bs)
liftA2 (·) (LeftBias (InR as)) (LeftBias (InR bs)) = LeftBias $ InR $ liftA2 (·) as bs
-- | An applicative instance of 'Data.Functor.Sum.Sum' biased to the
-- right.
-- It injects 'pure' into the 'InR' constructor:
-- @
-- pure = LeftBias . InR . pure
-- @
type RightBias :: tagKind -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
newtype RightBias tag f g a = RightBias (Sum f g a)
-- deriving newtype Generic1
deriving newtype Functor
instance Idiom tag g f => Applicative (RightBias tag f g) where
pure :: a -> RightBias tag f g a
pure a = RightBias (InR (pure a))
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (RightBias tag f g a -> RightBias tag f g b -> RightBias tag f g c)
liftA2 (·) (RightBias (InL as)) (RightBias (InL bs)) = RightBias $ InL $ liftA2 (·) as bs
liftA2 (·) (RightBias (InL as)) (RightBias (InR bs)) = RightBias $ InL $ liftA2 (·) as (idiom @_ @tag bs)
liftA2 (·) (RightBias (InR as)) (RightBias (InL bs)) = RightBias $ InL $ liftA2 (·) (idiom @_ @tag as) bs
liftA2 (·) (RightBias (InR as)) (RightBias (InR bs)) = RightBias $ InR $ liftA2 (·) as bs
data Serve tag
instance (Idiom tag l l', Idiom tag' l' r') => Idiom (Serve tag) l (LeftBias tag' l' r') where
idiom :: l ~> LeftBias tag' l' r'
idiom ls = LeftBias $ InL $ idiom @_ @tag ls
instance (Idiom tag l l', Idiom tag' r' l') => Idiom (Serve tag) l (RightBias tag' l' r') where
idiom :: l ~> RightBias tag' l' r'
idiom ls = RightBias $ InL $ idiom @_ @tag ls
-- instance (Idiom tag l' r, Idiom tag' r' l') => Idiom (Serve tag) (RightBias tag' l' r') r where
-- idiom :: RightBias tag' l' r' ~> r
-- idiom (RightBias (InL ls')) = idiom @_ @tag ls'
-- idiom (RightBias (InR rs')) = idiom @_ @tag (idiom @_ @tag' @r' @l' rs')
Served :: [SumKind k] -> [SumKind k]
type family
Served sums where
Served '[] = '[]
Served '[sum] = '[sum]
Served (LeftBias tag:sums) = LeftBias (Serve tag):Served sums
Served (RightBias tag:sums) = RightBias (Serve tag):Served sums
Served (sum:sums) = sum:Served sums
type Idiomatically :: (k -> Type) -> [SumKind k] -> (k -> Type)
type Idiomatically f sums = Generically1 (NewSums (Served sums) f)
-- >> liftA2 (+) (Ok2 [1,2,3,4]) (Ok4 (Just 1000))
-- Ok3 [Just 1001,Just 1002,Just 1003,Just 1004]
data Ok a = Ok1 a | Ok2 [a] | Ok3 [Maybe a] | Ok4 (Maybe a) | Ok5 a | Terminal String
deriving stock (Show, Generic1)
-- deriving (Functor, Applicative)
-- via Idiomatically Ok '[LeftBias Initial, LeftBias Inner, RightBias Outer, RightBias Initial, LeftBias Terminal]
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} -- TODO
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# Language EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Generic.Applicative.Idiom where
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Applicative
import Generic.Applicative.Internal
-- | An 'Idiom' captures an "applicative homomorphism" between two
-- applicatives, indexed by a @tag@.
-- Based on:
-- < Abstracting with Applicatives>.
type Idiom :: tagKind -> (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Idiom tag f g where
idiom :: f ~> g
data Id
instance (Applicative f, f ~ g) => Idiom Id f g where
idiom :: f ~> g
idiom = id
data Comp tag1 tag2
instance (Idiom tag1 f g, Idiom tag2 g h) => Idiom (Comp tag1 tag2) f h where
idiom :: f ~> h
idiom = idiom @_ @tag2 @g @h . idiom @_ @tag1 @f @g
data Initial
instance (Identity ~ id, Applicative f) => Idiom Initial id f where
idiom :: Identity ~> f
idiom (Identity a) = pure a
data Terminal
instance (Applicative f, Monoid m) => Idiom Terminal f (Const m) where
idiom :: f ~> Const m
idiom = mempty
instance (Applicative f, Monoid m) => Idiom Terminal f Proxy where
idiom :: f ~> Proxy
idiom = mempty
-- Data.Functor.Compose
data Inner
instance (Applicative f, Applicative inner, comp ~ Compose f inner) => Idiom Inner f comp where
idiom :: f ~> Compose f inner
idiom as = Compose (fmap pure as)
data Outer
instance (Applicative outer, Applicative f, comp ~ Compose outer f) => Idiom Outer f comp where
idiom :: f ~> Compose outer f
idiom as = Compose (pure as)
-- Data.Functor.Product
type family
CheckIdiomDup f where
CheckIdiomDup (Product _ _) = True
CheckIdiomDup _ = False
data Dup
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g, IdiomDup (CheckIdiomDup g) f g) => Idiom Dup f g where
idiom :: f ~> g
idiom = idiomDup
class (CheckIdiomDup g ~ tag, Applicative f, Applicative g) => IdiomDup tag f g where
idiomDup :: f ~> g
idiomDup = undefined
instance (Applicative f, CheckIdiomDup f ~ False, f ~ f') => IdiomDup False f f' where
idiomDup :: f ~> f
idiomDup = id
instance (f ~ g, IdiomDup (CheckIdiomDup g') g g') => IdiomDup True f (Product g g') where
idiomDup :: f ~> Product g g'
idiomDup as = Pair as (idiomDup as)
data tag1 &&& tag2
instance (Idiom tag1 f g, Idiom tag2 f h) => Idiom (tag1 &&& tag2) f (Product g h) where
idiom :: f ~> Product g h
idiom as = Pair (idiom @_ @tag1 as) (idiom @_ @tag2 as)
data Fst
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Idiom Fst (Product f g) f where
idiom :: Product f g ~> f
idiom (Pair fs _) = fs
data Snd
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Idiom Snd (Product f g) g where
idiom :: Product f g ~> g
idiom (Pair _ gs) = gs
newtype Cartesian f a = Cartesian (Product Identity f a)
deriving stock Functor
instance Alternative f => Applicative (Cartesian f) where
pure :: a -> Cartesian f a
pure a = Cartesian (Pair (pure a) empty)
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (Cartesian f a -> Cartesian f b -> Cartesian f c)
liftA2 (·) (Cartesian (Pair (Identity a) as)) (Cartesian (Pair (Identity b) bs)) = Cartesian (Pair (Identity (a · b)) (fmap (a ·) bs <|> liftA2 (·) as (pure b <|> bs)))
{-# Language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# Language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# Language DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# Language EmptyCase #-}
{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# Language InstanceSigs #-}
{-# Language LambdaCase #-}
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# Language PolyKinds #-}
{-# Language RankNTypes #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# Language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# Language TypeApplications #-}
{-# Language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# Language TypeOperators #-}
{-# Language UndecidableInstances #-}
module Generic.Applicative.Internal where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Void
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Control.Applicative -- TODO
type SumKind :: Type -> Type
type SumKind k = (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
type (~>) :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
absurdZero :: Const Void a -> b
absurdZero (Const void) = absurd void
absurdV1 :: V1 a -> b
absurdV1 = \case
-- This is following a couple of requirements:
-- 1. I want to use the more user-facing Data.Functor vocabulary
-- rather than GHC.Generics.
-- 2. I want to get rid of nested functors
-- (Par1 :*: Par1) :*: (Par1 :*: Par1)
-- intead I want
-- Product (Product Identity Identity) (Product Identity Identity)
-- 3. I don't want to terminate the sums or products with @Const
-- Void@ or @Const ()@.
-- 4. The sums should be replaced by a type-level list of sums, such
-- that the user can override its Applicative behaviour.
-- 'ConvSum' (1. and 2.) translates to Sum, Product and Compose and
-- flattens the representation, but this results in terminating
-- functors @Const Void@ and @Const ()@.
-- 'ConvBæSum' (3.) removes terminating @Const Void@ and @Const ()@.
-- @ReplaceSums [sum1, sum2, ..] rep1@ replaces the sums of a
-- representation @rep1@.
type ConvSum :: (k -> Type) -> Constraint
class ConvSum (rep1 :: k -> Type) where
type ToSum (rep1 :: k -> Type) (end :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type
convToSum :: Proxy end -> rep1 ~> ToSum rep1 end
convToSumSkip :: end ~> ToSum rep1 end
convFromSum :: ToSum rep1 end a -> (rep1 a -> res) -> (end a -> res) -> res
instance (ConvSum rep1, ConvSum rep1') => ConvSum (rep1 :+: rep1') where
type ToSum (rep1 :+: rep1') end = ToSum rep1 (ToSum rep1' end)
convToSum :: forall end. Proxy end -> (rep1 :+: rep1') ~> ToSum rep1 (ToSum rep1' end)
convToSum end (L1 l1) = convToSum @_ @_ @(ToSum rep1' end) (asToSum end) l1 where
asToSum :: Proxy end -> Proxy (ToSum rep1' end)
asToSum = mempty
convToSum end (R1 r1) = convToSumSkip @_ @rep1 @(ToSum rep1' end)
(convToSum end r1)
convToSumSkip :: end ~> ToSum rep1 (ToSum rep1' end)
convToSumSkip end = convToSumSkip @_ @rep1
(convToSumSkip @_ @rep1' end)
convFromSum :: forall end res a. ToSum rep1 (ToSum rep1' end) a -> ((rep1 :+: rep1') a -> res) -> (end a -> res) -> res
convFromSum sum fromSum fromEnd =
convFromSum sum (fromSum . L1) $ \sum' ->
convFromSum sum' (fromSum . R1) fromEnd
instance ConvSum V1 where
type ToSum V1 end = end
convToSum :: Proxy end -> V1 ~> end
convToSum _ = absurdV1
convToSumSkip :: end ~> end
convToSumSkip = id
convFromSum :: end a -> (rep1 a -> res) -> (end a -> res) -> res
convFromSum end _ fromEnd = fromEnd end
instance ConvSum rep1 => ConvSum (D1 meta rep1) where
type ToSum (D1 meta rep1) end = ToSum rep1 end
convToSum :: Proxy end -> D1 meta rep1 ~> ToSum rep1 end
convToSum end (M1 d1) = convToSum end d1
convToSumSkip :: end ~> ToSum rep1 end
convToSumSkip = convToSumSkip @_ @rep1
convFromSum :: ToSum rep1 end a -> (D1 meta rep1 a -> res) -> (end a -> res) -> res
convFromSum sum fromD1 = convFromSum sum (fromD1 . M1)
instance ConvProduct rep1 => ConvSum (C1 meta rep1) where
type ToSum (C1 meta rep1) end = Sum (ToProduct rep1 (Const ())) end
convToSum :: forall end. Proxy end -> C1 meta rep1 ~> Sum (ToProduct rep1 (Const ())) end
convToSum Proxy (M1 c1) = InL
(convToProduct @_ @rep1 c1 (Const ()))
convToSumSkip :: end ~> Sum (ToProduct rep1 (Const ())) end
convToSumSkip = InR
convFromSum :: Sum (ToProduct rep1 (Const ())) end a -> (C1 meta rep1 a -> res) -> (end a -> res) -> res
convFromSum (InL prod) fromC1 fromEnd = convFromProduct @_ @rep1 @(Const ()) prod $ \r end -> fromC1 (M1 r)
convFromSum (InR end) fromC1 fromEnd = fromEnd end
-- ×
type ConvProduct :: (k -> Type) -> Constraint
class ConvProduct (rep1 :: k -> Type) where
type ToProduct (rep1 :: k -> Type) (end :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type
convToProduct :: rep1 a -> end a -> ToProduct rep1 end a
convFromProduct :: ToProduct rep1 end a -> (rep1 a -> end a -> res) -> res
instance (ConvProduct rep1, ConvProduct rep1') => ConvProduct (rep1 :*: rep1') where
type ToProduct (rep1 :*: rep1') end = ToProduct rep1 (ToProduct rep1' end)
convToProduct :: (rep1 :*: rep1') a -> end a -> ToProduct rep1 (ToProduct rep1' end) a
convToProduct (r :*: r') end = convToProduct r (convToProduct r' end)
convFromProduct :: ToProduct rep1 (ToProduct rep1' end) a
-> ((rep1 :*: rep1') a -> end a -> res) -> res
convFromProduct prod next =
convFromProduct prod $ \r end ->
convFromProduct end $ \r' end' ->
next (r :*: r') end'
instance ConvProduct U1 where
type ToProduct U1 end = end
convToProduct :: U1 a -> end a -> end a
convToProduct U1 = id
convFromProduct :: end a -> (U1 a -> end a -> res) -> res
convFromProduct end fromU1 = fromU1 U1 end
instance ConvField rep1 => ConvProduct (S1 meta rep1) where
type ToProduct (S1 meta rep1) end = Product (ToField rep1) end
convToProduct :: S1 meta rep1 a -> end a -> Product (ToField rep1) end a
convToProduct (M1 s1) end = Pair (convToField s1) end
convFromProduct :: Product (ToField rep1) end a -> (S1 meta rep1 a -> end a -> res) -> res
convFromProduct (Pair field end) next =
next (M1 (convFromField field)) end
type ConvField :: (k -> Type) -> Constraint
class ConvField (rep1 :: k -> Type) where
type ToField (rep1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type)
convToField :: rep1 ~> ToField rep1
convToField :: Coercible (rep1 a) (ToField rep1 a) => rep1 a -> ToField rep1 a
convToField = coerce
convFromField :: ToField rep1 ~> rep1
convFromField :: Coercible (ToField rep1 a) (rep1 a) => ToField rep1 a -> rep1 a
convFromField = coerce
instance ConvField (K1 tag a) where
type ToField (K1 tag a) = Const a
instance ConvField (Rec1 f) where
type ToField (Rec1 f) = f
instance ConvField Par1 where
type ToField Par1 = Identity
instance (Functor rep1, ConvField rep1') => ConvField (rep1 :.: rep1') where
type ToField (rep1 :.: rep1') = Compose rep1 (ToField rep1')
convToField :: (rep1 :.: rep1') ~> Compose rep1 (ToField rep1')
convToField (Comp1 rs) = Compose (convToField <$> rs)
convFromField :: Compose rep1 (ToField rep1') ~> (rep1 :.: rep1')
convFromField (Compose rs) = Comp1 (convFromField <$> rs)
-- Bæ +
type SumTag :: Type
data SumTag = RightZero | NormalSum | NotSum
CheckSum :: (k -> Type) -> SumTag
type family
CheckSum rep1 where
CheckSum (Sum rep1 (Const Void)) = RightZero
CheckSum (Sum rep1 rep') = NormalSum
CheckSum rep = NotSum
type BæSum :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
type BæSum rep1 = BæSum_ (CheckSum rep1) rep1
type ConvBæSum :: (k -> Type) -> Constraint
type ConvBæSum rep1 = ConvBæSum_ (CheckSum rep1) rep1
ConvBæSum_ :: SumTag -> (k -> Type) -> Constraint
class CheckSum rep1 ~ tag
=> ConvBæSum_ tag (rep1 :: k -> Type) where
type BæSum_ tag (rep1 :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type
convBæSum :: rep1 ~> BæSum rep1
convHæSum :: BæSum rep1 ~> rep1
instance (ConvBæProduct rep1, CheckSum (Sum rep1 (Const Void)) ~ RightZero, void ~ Void) => ConvBæSum_ RightZero (Sum rep1 (Const void)) where
type BæSum_ RightZero (Sum rep1 (Const void)) = BæProduct rep1
convBæSum :: Sum rep1 (Const Void) ~> BæProduct rep1
convBæSum = \case
InL r -> convBæProduct r
InR v1 -> absurdZero v1
convHæSum :: BæProduct rep1 ~> Sum rep1 (Const Void)
convHæSum bæProd = InL (convHæProduct bæProd)
instance ( CheckSum (Sum rep1 rep1') ~ NormalSum
, ConvBæProduct rep1
, ConvBæSum rep1' )
=> ConvBæSum_ NormalSum (Sum rep1 rep1') where
type BæSum_ NormalSum (Sum rep1 rep1') = Sum (BæProduct rep1) (BæSum rep1')
convBæSum :: Sum rep1 rep1' ~> Sum (BæProduct rep1) (BæSum rep1')
convBæSum = \case
InL r -> InL (convBæProduct r)
InR r' -> InR (convBæSum r')
convHæSum :: Sum (BæProduct rep1) (BæSum rep1') ~> Sum rep1 rep1'
convHæSum (InL bæProd) = InL (convHæProduct bæProd)
convHæSum (InR bæSum) = InR (convHæSum bæSum)
instance CheckSum rep1 ~ NotSum
=> ConvBæSum_ NotSum rep1 where
type BæSum_ NotSum rep1 = rep1
convBæSum :: rep1 ~> rep1
convHæSum :: rep1 ~> rep1
convBæSum = id
convHæSum = id
-- Bæ ×
type ProductTag :: Type
data ProductTag = RightOne | NormalProduct | NotProduct
CheckProduct :: (k -> Type) -> ProductTag
type family
CheckProduct rep1 where
CheckProduct (Product rep1 (Const ())) = RightOne
CheckProduct (Product rep1 rep') = NormalProduct
CheckProduct rep = NotProduct
type BæProduct :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
type BæProduct rep1 = BæProduct_ (CheckProduct rep1) rep1
type ConvBæProduct :: (k -> Type) -> Constraint
type ConvBæProduct rep1 = ConvBæProduct_ (CheckProduct rep1) rep1
type ConvBæProduct_ :: ProductTag -> (k -> Type) -> Constraint
class tag ~ CheckProduct rep1
=> ConvBæProduct_ tag (rep1 :: k -> Type) where
type BæProduct_ tag (rep1 :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type
convBæProduct :: rep1 ~> BæProduct rep1
convHæProduct :: BæProduct rep1 ~> rep1
instance unit ~ () => ConvBæProduct_ RightOne (Product rep1 (Const unit)) where
type BæProduct_ RightOne (Product rep1 (Const unit)) = rep1
convBæProduct :: Product rep1 (Const ()) ~> rep1
convBæProduct (Pair r (Const ())) = r
convHæProduct :: rep1 ~> Product rep1 (Const ())
convHæProduct r = Pair r (Const ())
instance ( CheckProduct (Product rep1 rep1') ~ NormalProduct
, ConvBæProduct rep1'
=> ConvBæProduct_ NormalProduct (Product rep1 rep1') where
type BæProduct_ NormalProduct (Product rep1 rep1') = Product rep1 (BæProduct rep1')
convBæProduct :: Product rep1 rep1' ~> Product rep1 (BæProduct rep1')
convBæProduct (Pair r r') = Pair r (convBæProduct r')
convHæProduct :: Product rep1 (BæProduct rep1') ~> Product rep1 rep1'
convHæProduct (Pair r bæProd) = Pair r (convHæProduct bæProd)
instance CheckProduct rep1 ~ NotProduct
=> ConvBæProduct_ NotProduct rep1 where
type BæProduct_ NotProduct rep1 = rep1
convHæProduct :: rep1 ~> rep1
convBæProduct :: rep1 ~> rep1
convHæProduct = id
convBæProduct = id
type Flatten :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
type Flatten rep1 = ToSum rep1 (Const Void)
flatten :: ConvSum rep1 => rep1 ~> Flatten rep1
flatten = convToSum (Proxy @(Const Void))
nest :: ConvSum rep1 => Flatten rep1 a -> rep1 a
nest flat = convFromSum flat id absurdZero
-- NewSums
ReplaceSums :: [SumKind k] -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
type family
ReplaceSums sums rep1 where
ReplaceSums (sum:sums) (Sum rep1 rep1') = rep1 `sum` ReplaceSums sums rep1'
ReplaceSums '[] rep1 = rep1
replaceSums :: forall sums rep1. rep1 ~> ReplaceSums sums rep1
replaceSums = unsafeCoerce
placeSums :: forall sums rep1. ReplaceSums sums rep1 ~> rep1
placeSums = unsafeCoerce
type NewSums :: [SumKind k] -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
newtype NewSums sums f a = NewSums { reduce :: f a }
instance (Generic1 f, ConvBæSum_ (CheckSum (ToSum (Rep1 f) (Const Void))) (ToSum (Rep1 f) (Const Void)), ConvSum (Rep1 f)) => Generic1 @k (NewSums @k sums f) where
type Rep1 (NewSums sums f) = ReplaceSums sums (BæSum_ (CheckSum (ToSum (Rep1 f) (Const Void))) (ToSum (Rep1 f) (Const Void)))
from1 :: NewSums sums f ~> ReplaceSums sums (BæSum_ (CheckSum (ToSum (Rep1 f) (Const Void))) (ToSum (Rep1 f) (Const Void)))
from1 = replaceSums @sums . convBæSum . flatten . from1 . reduce
to1 :: ReplaceSums sums (BæSum_ (CheckSum (ToSum (Rep1 f) (Const Void))) (ToSum (Rep1 f) (Const Void))) ~> NewSums sums f
to1 = NewSums . to1 . nest . convHæSum . placeSums @sums
type Generically1 :: forall k. (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
newtype Generically1 f a = Generically1 (f a)
deriving newtype Generic1
-- | @since
instance (Generic1 f, Functor (Rep1 f)) => Functor (Generically1 f) where
fmap :: (a -> a') -> (Generically1 f a -> Generically1 f a')
fmap f (Generically1 as) = Generically1
(to1 (fmap f (from1 as)))
(<$) :: a -> Generically1 f b -> Generically1 f a
a <$ Generically1 as = Generically1
(to1 (a <$ from1 as))
-- | @since
instance (Generic1 f, Applicative (Rep1 f)) => Applicative (Generically1 f) where
pure :: a -> Generically1 f a
pure a = Generically1
(to1 (pure a))
(<*>) :: Generically1 f (a1 -> a2) -> Generically1 f a1 -> Generically1 f a2
Generically1 fs <*> Generically1 as = Generically1
(to1 (from1 fs <*> from1 as))
liftA2 :: (a1 -> a2 -> a3)
-> (Generically1 f a1 -> Generically1 f a2 -> Generically1 f a3)
liftA2 (·) (Generically1 as) (Generically1 bs) = Generically1
(to1 (liftA2 (·) (from1 as) (from1 bs)))
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