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Type Classes and Constraints

Reddit discussion.

Disclaimer 1: Type classes are great but they are not the right tool for every job. Enjoy some balance and balance to your balance.

Disclaimer 2: I should tidy this up but probably won’t.

Disclaimer 3: Yeah called it, better to be realistic.

Type classes are a language of their own, this is an attempt to document features and give a name to them.

Work in progress.

Type classes without methods — Constraining types, precluding exotic types

(Hackage) EDSL, Ivory

-- | Things that can be safely stored in references.
class IvoryVar a => IvoryStore a where

-- simple types
instance IvoryStore IBool
instance IvoryStore IChar
instance IvoryStore Uint8
instance IvoryStore Uint16
instance IvoryStore Uint32
instance IvoryStore Uint64
instance IvoryStore Sint8
instance IvoryStore Sint16
instance IvoryStore Sint32
instance IvoryStore Sint64
class    Signature a
instance Signature (Full a)
instance Signature b => Signature (a :-> b)

used to constraint arguments to Sym

data AST dom a where
  Sym  :: Signature a => dom a -> AST dom a
  (:$) :: Typeable  a => AST dom (a :-> b) -> AST dom (Full a) -> AST dom b 

7.4.1. Enforcing First-Order Target Code

We have seen that restricting programs so that higher-order types only appear for expressions that the code generator knows how to handle ensures that we can generate first-order code from FunC. This restriction can be enforced by constraining the type of Lam:

Lam :: Type a => (FunC a -> FunC b) -> FunC (a -> b)

The Type class captures simple types that can be stored in variables in the target language (e.g. Int, Bool, Float, Array Int Int, etc.). This is a class without methods, and it is only used to restrict the set of expressions we can construct. We will now argue why the restricted type of Lam rules out arbitrary higher-order types. […]

Uses Representable similarly by not using the method rep in certain functions (the authors credit A Lightweight Implementation of Generics and Dynamics with the type class Representable):

data Rep :: Type -> Type where
  Bool  :: Rep Bool
  (:->) :: (Representable a, Representable b) => Rep a -> Rep b -> Rep (a -> b)

class Representable a where
  rep :: Rep a

instance Representable Bool where
  rep :: Rep Bool
  rep = Bool

instance (Representable a, Representable b) => Representable (a -> b) where
  rep :: Rep (a -> b)
  rep = rep :-> rep


class TypedLambda exp where
  tlam :: (Representable a, Representable b) => (exp a -> exp b) -> exp (a -> b)
  tapp :: (Representable a, Representable b) => exp (a -> b) -> (exp a -> exp b)

This is similar to the upcoming type-indexed type representation of Typeable which is also kind polymorphic:

data TypeRep (a :: k) -- abstract

class Typeable (a :: k) where
  typeRep :: TypeRep a

(pdf) Type Classes and Instance Chains: A Relational Approach

class HasNone t l
instance HasNone t Nil
instance Fail (TypeExists t) => HasNone t (Cons t ts)
instance HasNone t ts => HasNone t (Cons u ts)

“Next, we discuss the HasNone predicate. As this class is only used as a pre-condition for instances, it does not need any member functions.”

(hackage) reflection

reddit: “With reflection you can make up instances on the fly, but still reason about the resulting types and not lose coherence.”

Provides functions that take type class methods (mappend / mempty) as arguments:

foldBy    :: Foldable t => (m -> m -> m) -> m -> t m -> m
foldMapBy :: Foldable t => (m -> m -> m) -> m -> (a -> m) -> t a -> m

We recover fold, foldMap by supplying the Monoid methods explicitly:

fold :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => t m -> m
fold = foldBy mappend mempty
foldMap :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap = foldMapBy mappend mempty

Same with traverse where we supply the Applicative methods (pure, <*>) (don’t worry about the scary types):

traverseBy :: Traversable t => (forall x. x -> f x) -> (forall x y. f (x -> y) -> f x -> f y) -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
sequenceBy :: Traversable t => (forall x. x -> f x) -> (forall x y. f (x -> y) -> f x -> f y) -> t (f a) -> f (t a) 

We recover traverse, sequenceA by supplying the Applicative methods explicitly:

traverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse = traverseBy pure (<*>)
sequenceA :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
sequenceA = sequenceBy pure (<*>)

This shows how to do this for more types: Reflecting values to types and back

Applicative lifting

Making instances of functions, hardly a trick but may be interesting:

instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b)

effectively defines mempty = pure mempty and mappend = liftA2 mappend. Let’s be explicit with types using visible type application TypeApplications:

mempty  @(a -> b) = pure   @((->) _) (mempty  @b)
mappend @(a -> b) = liftA2 @((->) _) (mappend @b)

means that mempty has the following types (this can be written mempty, mempty @(_ -> _) and mempty @(_ -> _ -> _))

mempty :: Monoid a => a
mempty :: Monoid b => a -> b
mempty _ = mempty
mempty :: Monoid c => a -> b -> c
mempty _ _ = mempty

and mappend

mappend :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
mappend a b = mappend a b
mappend :: Monoid b => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
(mappend f g) x = mappend (f x) (g x)
mappend :: Monoid c => (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c)
(mappend f g) x y = mappend (f x y) (g x y)

These last two may be clearer when written infix (<>) = mappend

(f <> g) x   = f x   <> g x
(f <> g) x y = f x y <> g x y

Any Applicative is Num

instance Num a => Num (Maybe a) where
  (+)         = liftA2 (+)
  (-)         = liftA2 (-)
  (*)         = liftA2 (*)
  abs         = fmap abs
  signum      = fmap signum
  negate      = fmap negate
  fromInteger = pure . fromInteger

Because Applicative ((->) a) this includes making functions numbers:

instance Num b => Num (a -> b) where
  (+)         = liftA2 (+)
  (-)         = liftA2 (-)
  (*)         = liftA2 (*)
  abs         = fmap abs
  signum      = fmap signum
  negate      = fmap negate
  fromInteger = pure . fromInteger

(pdf) SMT Solving for Functional Programming over Infinite Structures

class Conditional a where
  cond :: Formula -> a -> a -> a
instance Conditional Formula where
  cond :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula -> Formula
  cond f1 f2 f3 = (f1 /\ f2) \/ (not f1 /\ f3)
instance Conditional b => Conditional (a -> b) where
  cond :: Formula -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
  (cond c f1 f2) x = cond c (f1 x) (f2 x)

(github) Subhask

Used heavily in subhask, simplified code:

instance Eq b => Eq (a -> b) where
  type Logic (a -> b) = a -> Logic b

  (==) :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> Logic b)
  (f == g) a = f a == g a
instance POrd b => POrd (a -> b) where
  (inf f g) a = inf (f a) (g a)
instance MinBound b => MinBound (a -> b) where
  (minBound) _ = minBound
instance Lattice b => Lattice (a -> b) where
  (sup f g) a = sup (f a) (g a)
instance Bounded b => Bounded (a -> b) where
  (maxBound) _ = maxBound
instance Complemented b => Complemented (a -> b) where
  (not f) a = not (f a)
instance Heyting b => Heyting (a -> b) where
  (f ==> g) a = f a ==> g a
instance Boolean b => Boolean (a -> b)

Accept values with varying number of arguments

Common technique used in EDSLs (embedded domain-specific languages) to accept functions with varying number of arguments.

(Hackage) QuickCheck

quickCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()

QuickCheck allows testing values as well as functions of one, two or more arguments:

quickCheck :: Bool                        -> IO ()
quickCheck :: (Int -> Bool)               -> IO ()
quickCheck :: (Int -> Int -> Bool)        -> IO ()
quickCheck :: (Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool) -> IO ()

This is enabled by these instances

instance                                         Testable Bool
instance (Arbitrary a, Show a, Testable prop) => Testable (a -> prop)

Keep in mind that the type Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool is Int -> (Int -> (Int -> Bool)).

(Hackage, blog) simple-reflect (import Debug.SimpleReflect)

class FromExpr a where
  fromExpr :: Expr -> a

instance FromExpr Expr where
  fromExpr :: Expr -> Expr
  fromExpr = id @Expr

instance (Show a, FromExpr b) => FromExpr (a -> b) where
  fromExpr :: Expr -> (a -> b)
  fromExpr f a = fromExpr (op InfixL 10 " " f (lift a))

With functions like

fun :: FromExpr a => String -> a
fun @(Bool -> _)                   :: FromExpr t => String -> Bool -> t
fun @(Bool -> () -> _)             :: FromExpr t => String -> Bool -> () -> t
fun @(Bool -> () -> Float -> _)    :: FromExpr t => String -> Bool -> () -> Float -> t
fun @(Bool -> () -> Float -> Expr) ::               String -> Bool -> () -> Float -> Expr
>>> foobar = fun @(Bool -> () -> Float -> Expr) "foobar"
>>> foobar False () pi 
foobar False () 3.1415927
>>> f (foobar False () pi) :: Expr
f (foobar False () 3.1415927)

(Hackage) sbv

prove from sbv.

prove :: Provable a => a -> IO ThmResult

has instances

instance                            Provable SBool
instance (SymWord a, Provable p) => Provable (SBV a -> p)

so it can accept symbolic Booleans

prove :: SBool -> IO ThmResult

as well as Haskell functions returning symbolic Booleans

prove :: SymWord a => (SBV a -> SBool) -> IO ThmResult

(github) Feldspar

Test that two function of the same arity have the same semantics

class Equal a where
  (====) :: a -> a -> Property
instance (Eq a, Show a) => Equal a where
  (====) :: a -> a -> Property
  x ==== y = x === y
instance (Show a, Arbitrary a, Equal b) => Equal (a -> b) where
  (====) :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Property
  f ==== g = property (\x -> f x ==== g x)


(====) :: Equal a                        => a        -> a        -> Property
(====) :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Equal b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Property

(github) Accelerate

class    Afunction f               => Convertible f 
instance Arrays a                  => Convertible (S.Acc a) 
instance (Arrays a, Convertible b) => Convertible (S.Acc a -> b) 
fromHOAS :: (Convertible f, Kit acc) => f -> AfunctionR acc aenv f

(Also in the EDSL Ivory)

(github) Get number of arguments of function

class Arity f where
  arity :: f -> Int

instance Arity x where
  arity :: x -> Int
  arity _ = 0

instance Arity b => Arity (a -> b) where
  arity :: (a -> b) -> Int
  arity f = 1 + arity (f undefined) 

(thesis) Note that Haskell is unique in the ability to write a type family (type function) that counts the number of arrows in a function type

data Nat = O | S Nat

type family
  CountArgs (f :: Type) :: Nat where
  CountArgs (_ -> b) = S (CountArgs b)
  CountArgs _        = O

(Hackage) Conjoined

Discussed in #12466. Expand later.

class ... => Conjoined p where
  conjoined :: ((p ~ (->)) => q (a -> b) r) -> q (p a b) r -> q (p a b) r
  conjoined _ r = r

Constraint Synonym Encoding (or “class synonym”)


Here is a very old refence by Hughes 1999, Restricted Data Types in Haskell:

> A natural complement would be to give contexts names via context synonyms. Interestingly, we can almost do so in Haskell already. A ‘synonym’ for the context (A a, B a) can be modelled by a new class an instance

class    (A a, B a) => AB a
instance (A a, B a) => AB a

Recently I’ve heard Ryan Scott call them “class newtypes” which is a cool name.


There are differences between using constraint synonyms and encoding them with type classes (reddit comment): A type class creates a new type constructor so

class    (Show a, Read a) => Text1 a
instance (Show a, Read a) => Text1 a

class    (Show a, Read a) => Text2 a
instance (Show a, Read a) => Text2 a

So they represent different constraints, `Text1 a ~ Text2 a` does not hold.


(#11523) Cyclic definition of a class to make constraint alias

class    (Foo f, Bar f) => Baz f
instance (Foo f, Bar f) => Baz f

that we can partially apply unlike type Baz f = (Foo f, Bar f). This wouldn’t be needed if * and Constraint are made the same. See Class Alias Proposal and its reddit discussion.

Random comment:

type Applicative f => (Pointed f, Apply f)

is strictly less useful than

class    (Pointed f, Apply f) => Applicative f
instance (Pointed f, Apply f) => Applicative f

the latter can be partially applied which is very important once you start using ConstraintKinds in anger and the former requires an extension to be turned on at the use site.”

Also mentioned in this Reddit thread:

“Can’t you do exactly this with constraint kinds?

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
type MyClass t a = (Monad t, Monoid (t a))
f :: MyClass t a => a -> a -> t a
f x y = return x `mappend` return y

“Or with UndecidableInstances instead of ConstraintKinds:

class (Monad t, Monoid (t a)) => MyClass t a
instance (Monad t, Monoid (t a)) => MyClass t a

“This has the benefit of

a.) not requiring the end user to turn on an extension and

b.) letting you talk about MyClass :: (* -> *) -> * -> Constraint without having to apply it to type arguments.

Between those two advantages I can’t bring myself to ever use a Constraint-kinded type synonym.”

reddit thread about when this matters.

(pdf, 2012) History: Dependently Typed Programming with Singletons

The SingRep class is essentially a synonym for the combination of SingI and SingE.⁵ As such, it is unnecessary for the singletons library to generate instances for it. All parameters to singleton type constructors have a SingRep constraint, allowing a programmer to use sing and fromSing after pattern matching with these constructors.

class    (SingI a, SingE a) => SingRep a
instance (SingI a, SingE a) => SingRep a

⁵ With the new ConstraintKinds extension, it is possible to make a true synonym, using type, for a pair of class constraints. However, pairs of constraints are not yet compatible with Template Haskell, so we are unable to use the simplification.

(#9838) History

“These sorts of synonyms are actually quite common, I think I first used it back around 2006 when I first found haskell: e.g. TXOr in ​ is an instance of this pattern, but it was a well known pattern long before the time I started using it.

The former requires “scarier” extensions than the latter for the person constructing it, but the latter requires an extension to be turned on by the user, hoisting the library designer upon the horns of a dilemma, do they take the burden upon themselves and use “the old way” of thinking about these things or do they make every user turn on `ConstraintKinds`?”


A lightweight encoding for constraint synonyms can be given using a class and a single catch-all instance, e.g.

class    (Additive a, Multiplicative a, FromInteger a) => Num a where ...
instance (Additive a, Multiplicative a, FromInteger a) => Num a where ...

However, this approach requires GHC’s undecidable instances extension, removing conservative termination conditions on type class instances. This extension is globally applied, thus type-checking decidability can no longer be guaranteed — an unnecessary, undesirable side-effect of this encoding. An alternative to using undecidable instances is to supply individual instances for each required type. This is tedious and even more inelegant than the above auxiliary class definition.

(gihub) Heavily used in the Hask library

FunctorOf which allows it to be made the object constraint for the functor category:

class    (Functor f, Dom f ~ p, Cod f ~ q) => FunctorOf p q f
instance (Functor f, Dom f ~ p, Cod f ~ q) => FunctorOf p q f

and ProductOb which allows it to be made the object constraint for product categories:

class    (Ob p (Fst a), Ob q (Snd a)) => ProductOb (p :: i -> i -> *) (q :: j -> j -> *) (a :: (i,j))
instance (Ob p (Fst a), Ob q (Snd a)) => ProductOb (p :: i -> i -> *) (q :: j -> j -> *) (a :: (i,j))

Alias for (,) :: Constraint -> Constraint -> Constraint

Same as type p & q = ((p :: Constraint), (q :: Constraint)) except it can be partially applied.

class    (p, q) => p & q
instance (p, q) => p & q
>>> :kind (&)
(&) :: Constraint -> Constraint -> Constraint
>>> :kind (&) (Eq _)
(&) (Eq _) :: Constraint -> Constraint
>>> :kind (&) (Eq _) (Ord _)
(&) (Eq _) (Ord _) :: Constraint

(Hackage) Combining constraints

Same as type (c :&: d) a = (c a, d a) except it can be partially applied.

class    (c a, d a) => (c :&: d) a
instance (c a, d a) => (c :&: d) a
infixl 7 :&:
type c `And` d = c :&: d
infixl 7 `And`
class    f (g x) => (f `Compose` g) x
instance f (g x) => (f `Compose` g) x
infixr 9 `Compose`

(called Empty in exists package)

class    Top x
instance Top x

This allows Exists (Show :&: Eq)

data Exists c where
  Exists :: c a => a -> Exists c

See also Haskell combine multiple typeclass constraints, generics-sop. Used in syntactic

(Hackage) Mapping constraints

type-operators contains type families for mapping constraints

  Show <=> [a, b]
= (Show a, Show b)
  [Show, Read] <+> a
= (Show a, Read a)

(Hackage) No instances allowed!

From Data.Constraint:

import GHC.Exts (Any)

Any inhabits every kind, including Constraint but is uninhabited, making it impossible to define an instance.

class Any => Bottom where
  no :: a

bottom :: Bottom :- a
bottom = Sub no

We cannot define

instance Bottom 

(#9334) “Fail instances”: An instance should never exist

class FailHasNoInstances a => Fail a
class FailHasNoInstances a -- not exported to ban Fail instances


instance Fail "Char may not have a Num instance" => Num Char
>>> print ('1' + '1')
<interactive>:129:16: error:
    • No instance for (Fail "Char may not have a Num instance")
      arising from a use of ‘+’

I don’t know how this compares to custom type errors as a superclass:

import GHC.TypeLits

instance TypeError (Text "Boo-urns!") => Num Char
>>> '1' + '1'
<interactive>:6:1: error:
  • Boo-urns!
  • In the expression: '1' + '1'
    In an equation for ‘it’: it = '1' + '1'

(pdf) Type Classes and Instance Chains: A Relational Approach

Example drawn from (old) definition of HLists, I don’t know how this compares to previous versions:

data Nil       = Nil
data Cons t ts = t :*: ts
class Fail t
data TypeExists t
class    HasNone t l
instance HasNone t Nil
instance Fail (TypeExists t) => HasNone t (Cons t ts)
instance HasNone t ts        => HasNone t (Cons u ts)

“Instead, the original authors relied on creating a context that cannot be satisfied—in this case, the predicate Fail (TypeExists t), named to give some indication as to the reason for the unsatisfiable predicate. Of course, were the Fail class and TypeExists types accessible outside the definition of this instance, a new instance satisfying Fail (TypeExists t) could be added. Thus, either the class or the type must be hidden using an additional mechanism, such as the Haskell module system.”

(pdf) Cases where type families cannot be emulated by fundeps

“As we have seen above, type classes with functional dependencies can simulate type families. This translation works well in most situations, with the notable exception of certain data type definitions. For example, take the following family-dependent data type:

type family Family a
data Example a = Example (Family a)

and its corresponding type class translation:

class FunDep a b | a -> b
data Example' a where
  Example' :: FunDep a b => b -> Example' a

where b is implicitly existentially quantified. The compiler can type check the following definition:

f :: Example a -> Family a
f (Example x) = x

but not the one with functional dependencies:

g :: FunDep a b => Example' a -> b
g (Example' x) = x

since the compiler does not know whether the type b, wrapped by the GADT constructor, is the same as in the signature.

Thus, at the moment, type class with functional dependencies do not cover all use cases of type families.

(blog, reddit) Constraint trick for instances



instance a ~ ()          => PrintfType  (IO a)
instance a ~ ()          => HPrintfType (IO a)
instance a ~ Char        => IsString    [a]
instance a ~ Char        => IsString    (DList a)
instance (a ~ b, Data a) => Data        (a :~: b)


instance (a ~ a', b ~ b') => Each (a, a') (b, b') a b
instance t ~ Float => HasField "area" Triangle t where
   getField _ (Tri b h _) = 0.5 * b * h
instance t ~ Float => HasField "area" Circle t where
   getField _ (Circle r) = pi * r * r


Applying this trick changes the instance head, this usually doesn’t matter but in cases with type instances (#12551) it can matter if you need to match on the original instance head or if you need to reference a variable outside of it. Minimal example which works fine:

data Full :: Type -> Type

data Exp a where
  Lit :: Int -> Exp (Full Int)

class Syntactic a where
  type Rep a

instance Syntactic (Exp (Full a)) where
  type Rep (Exp (Full a)) = a

But if you want to write a `Syntactic` instance with the instance head `Exp full_a`, we run into trouble

-- • Type indexes must match class instance head
--   Found ‘Exp (Full a)’ but expected ‘Exp full_a’
-- • In the type instance declaration for ‘Rep’
--   In the instance declaration for ‘Synt (Exp full_a)’

instance full_a ~ Full a => Synt (Exp full_a) where
  type Rep (Exp (Full a)) = a
-- The RHS of an associated type declaration mentions ‘a’
-- All such variables must be bound on the LHS

instance full_a ~ Full a => Synt (Exp full_a) where
  type Rep (Exp full_a) = a

To get around this we need to define a type family

type family
  RemoveFull a where
  RemoveFull (Full a) = a

instance full_a ~ Full a => Synt (Exp full_a) where
  type Rep (Exp full_a) = RemoveFull full_a

(github, reddit) Constraint level if


2015-09-07 03:45:48 +0200	<edwardk> so in the end its basically an incredibly easily broken toy solution

If you have two versions of your function

nubEq  :: Eq  a => [a] -> [a]
nubOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

where nubEq is slower than nubOrd, we want to use nubOrd whenever an Ord constraint is available and nubEq otherwise:

nub :: forall a. (Eq a, IfCxt (Ord a)) => [a] -> [a]
nub = ifCxt (Proxy::Proxy (Ord a)) nubOrd nubEq

(reddit) Horrible horrible solution

“And if you’re willing to pass in a witness as an argument, you can also use ekmett’s constraints package.” Example:

import Data.Constraint

show' :: (Maybe (Dict (Show a))) -> a -> String
show' (Just Dict) x = show x
show' Nothing    _ = "<<not showable>>"

t1 = show' (Just Dict) 5
-- "5"

t2 = show' Nothing id
-- "<<not showable>>"

-- Doesn't typecheck
-- t3 = show' (Just Dict) id

“Actually, with defer-type-errors you don’t even need the witness!” Example:

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-type-errors #-}
module Main where

import Data.Constraint
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Unsafe

show' y = unsafePerformIO $ do
    res <- try $ evaluate $ show'' Dict y
    case res of
      Right x -> return x
      Left  (ErrorCall _) -> return "no show"

show'' :: (Dict (Show a)) -> a -> String
show'' Dict x = show x

t1 = show' 5
-- "5"

t2 = show' id
-- "no show"

See also Deferrable.

(Hackage) Transform static errors into dynamic checks (Deferrable)

Originally from HLIO: Mixing Static and Dynamic Typing for Information-Flow Control in Haskell which includes examples of use.

(mail) Avoid overlapping instances (see: instance chains)

instance C [Int]
instance C [a]
class IsInt a ~ b => CHelper a b
instance CHelper Int True
instance IsInt a ~ False => CHelper a   False
type family IsInt a where
  IsInt Int = True
  IsInt a   = False
instance CHelper a (IsInt a) => C [a]

See also: OverlappingInstances workarounds

(github) Typeable

This example basically mocks up (closed) instance chains (or instance groups?)


A type is either a constructor (Int, Maybe, (->), …) or a type application (Maybe Int, (->) Int, …). We create a dummy Typeable’ class with an extra argument which is True when it is an application and False otherwise:

type family 
  CheckPrim a where
  CheckPrim (_ _) = 'False
  CheckPrim _     = 'True
class Typeable' a (b :: Bool) where
  typeRep' :: TypeRep a
instance (Primitive a, TyConAble a) => Typeable' a 'True where
  typeRep' = TyCon tyCon
instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable' (a b) 'False where
  typeRep' = TyApp typeRep typeRep

We can then define our Typeable that matches Typeable' a 'True when a is a constructor and Typeable' (a b) 'False when it is an application:

type Typeable a = Typeable' a (CheckPrim a)

Closed type class

class    ClosedTypeClass_ x
instance ClosedTypeClass_ Int
instance ClosedTypeClass_ Float
type family
  ClosedTypeClass x :: Constraint where
  ClosedTypeClass x = ClosedTypeClass_ x

Only export ClosedTypeClass, now further instances cannot be added.

(tweet) Type families v. functional dependencies

Edward Kmett @kmett Jul 5
@ezyang Also, it is easy to go from TFs to fundeps, by using silly shim classes / constraint aliases but you can't go back the other way.

(reddit) Backtracking

Why the instance resolution doesn’t backtrack.

(tweet) Relationship between type classes and logic programming

(reddit) Typeclasses and Run-Time Dependency Management

Things that are being discussed

(#5927) Type level Implies

(#2893) Quantified contexts

(site, reddit) Type classes with arbitrary number of parameters

See also.

(#7543) Pie in sky: Constraints in type synonyms

This is not a feature, quoting Edward:

“More pie-in-the-sky would be being able to use

type Foo a b = Bar a => Baz a b
instance Foo a b


instance Bar a => Baz a b

it would be consistent with the other uses of type, but Bar a => Baz a b doesn’t (currently) have a sensible kind.”

(github) Existential constraints

(#9115) The kind of (=>)

(tumblr) “Pointless Haskell”

Humorous stuff, most having to do with type classes or constraints.

(reddit) Random philosophy

“I remember asking myself the same question in the context of this function:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}

import Data.Typeable

mwahaha :: forall a. Typeable a => a -> a
mwahaha a = case eqT :: Maybe (a :~: String) of
             Just Refl -> "mwahaha!!!"
             Nothing -> a

The answer I came up with for myself was based on the logical concepts of contingent vs. tautological truth.

It goes something like this: even though GHC can derive a Typeable instance for any type, that’s however only contingently true. Haskell’s type system is compatible with that circumstance, but also with its negation. So even if it is true that every type is Typeable you still need to appeal to the Typeable a constraint—an “extralogical premise” (so to speak)—in order to write this function.

In contrast, (\a -> a) :: a -> a is just an inevitable consequence of the the way the type system works. So there’s no need to appeal to an “extralogical” constraint. And then that’s what parametricity is about.”

See also

(StackOverflow) Memoize the result of satisfying a constraint

I haven’t reviewed this but it looks interesting

(github) Or, And for constraints

From servant:

If either a or b produce an empty constraint, produce an empty constraint. This works because of coincident overlap within a closed type family:

type family 
  Or (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint) :: Constraint where
  Or () b       = ()
  Or a ()       = ()

If both a or b produce an empty constraint, produce an empty constraint.

type family 
  And (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint) :: Constraint where
  And () () = ()

(reddit) You can write Show a => Read a => a -> a instead of (Show a, Read a) => a -> a


goldfire “I will close, but your post made me realize something. Instead of writing (Eq a, Show a, Read a) => a -> a, I can write Eq a => Show a => Read a => a -> a, which I somehow like more. Haven’t checked how it Haddocks, though…”

ekmett “goldfire:

Note: the latter is slightly weaker, since in Eq a => Show a => Read a => .. you can only reference backwards up the chain.”

(GHC user guide) Constraints in kinds

As kinds and types are the same, kinds can now (with -XTypeInType) contain type constraints. Only equality constraints are currently supported, however. We expect this to extend to other constraints in the future.

Here is an example of a constrained kind:

type family IsTypeLit a where
  IsTypeLit Nat    = 'True
  IsTypeLit Symbol = 'True
  IsTypeLit a      = 'False
data T :: forall a. (IsTypeLit a ~ 'True) => a -> * where
  MkNat    :: T 42
  MkSymbol :: T "Don't panic!"



Instance generator

From “Simulating Quantified Class Constraints”:

data Bit = O | I

class Binary a where
  showBIn :: a -> [Bin]

“An instance of Binary for lists could be defined as follows:

instance Binary a => Binary [a] where
  showBin :: [a] -> [Bit]
  showBin = concatMap showBin

This instance declaration actually represents an “instance generator,” or a proof that the type [a] is an instance of Binary whenever a is; hence the type variable a can be thought of as universally quantified, and the instance declaration as a proof of

forall a. Binary a => Binary [a]

where the quantification is made explicit.”

Nota bene: this is valid syntax:

instance forall a. Binary a => Binary [a]

In the language of constraints:

instance Lifting Binary [] where
  lifting :: forall a. Binary a :- Binary [a]
  lifting = Sub Dict

(GHC user guide) Instance declaration

An instance declaration has the form

instance (assertion1, ..., assertionn) => class type1 ... typem where ...


The part before the “=>” is the context, […]

Instance head

[…] while the part after the “=>” is the head of the instance declaration.

(pdf) Elaboration

> When the compiler resolves a specific instance of a type class, it checks that the typing is correct, and also generates the corresponding code for the operations in the type class. This second process is called elaboration, and is a key reason for the usefulness of type classes.

Type Families and Elaboration The search and combination of code performed by the compiler is called elaboration.

(pdf) Instance improvement

Example from pdf. Given a type class with a functional dependency

{-# Language InstanceSigs #-}

class Collection c e | c -> e where
  empty :: c
  add   :: e -> c -> c

instance Collection [a] a where
  empty :: [a]
  empty = []

  add :: a -> [a] -> [a]
  add = (:)

The functional dependency ... | c -> e says that e is determined by the type c so taking an instance constraint with an unknown x:

Collection [Int] x

There is only one instance delcaration that can match that [Int] (assume no overlapping instances) — Collection [a] a — and we can deduce the value of the type x (x ~ Int: x is equal to Int). This is an instance of (instance) improvement with a dependency of the second argument (e) over the first (c).

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"Problem of defining heterogeneous equality based on homogeneous equality", discusses Problem with existential variables in superclass

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[Fu and Komendantskaya analysed type class resolution and proposed proof-relevant Horn clause logic] as the appropriate formalism.
(Proof-Relevant Resolution for Elaboration of Programming Languages)

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