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Last active October 16, 2021 14:34
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Deriving Applicative for sums of functors
type f ~> g = (forall x. f x -> g x)
infixr 0 ··>
type (··>) :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type
type f ··> g = Proxy '(f, g) -> Type
type Idiom :: f ··> g -> Constraint
class Idiom (hom :: f ··> g) where
idiom :: f ~> g
type IdiomId :: forall f -> f ··> f
data IdiomId f proxy
instance Idiom (IdiomId f) where
idiom :: f ~> f
idiom = id
type IdiomPure :: forall f -> Par1 ··> f
data IdiomPure f proxy
instance Applicative f => Idiom (IdiomPure f) where
idiom :: Par1 ~> f
idiom (Par1 a) = pure a
type IdiomFst :: forall (f :: Type -> Type) -> forall (g :: Type -> Type) -> f:*:g ··> f
data IdiomFst f g proxy
instance Idiom (IdiomFst f g) where
idiom :: (f :*: g) ~> f
idiom (as :*: _) = as
newtype W hom f a = W (f a)
deriving anyclass Functor
instance (Generic1 f, GApplicative hom (Rep1 f)) => Applicative (W hom f) where
pure :: a -> W hom f a
pure a = W do
to1 do
gpure @_ @_ @hom a
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (W hom f a -> W hom f b -> W hom f c)
liftA2 (·) (W as) (W bs) = W do
to1 do
gliftA2 @_ @_ @hom (·) (from1 as) (from1 bs)
type GApplicative :: (f ··> g) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class GApplicative hom rep where
gpure :: a -> rep a
gliftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (rep a -> rep b -> rep c)
instance GApplicative hom rep => GApplicative hom (M1 tag info rep) where
gpure :: a -> M1 tag info rep a
gpure a = M1 do
gpure @_ @_ @hom a
gliftA2 :: forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> (M1 tag info rep a -> M1 tag info rep b -> M1 tag info rep c)
gliftA2 (·) (M1 as) (M1 bs) = M1 do
gliftA2 @_ @_ @hom (·) as bs
instance (Idiom hom, Coercible rep f, Coercible rep1 g, Applicative rep, Applicative rep1) => GApplicative @f @g hom (rep :+: rep1) where
gpure :: a -> (rep :+: rep1) a
gpure = L1 . pure
gliftA2 :: forall a b c. (a -> b ->c) -> ((rep :+: rep1) a -> (rep :+: rep1) b -> (rep :+: rep1) c)
gliftA2 (·) (L1 as) (L1 bs) = L1 do liftA2 (·) as bs
gliftA2 (·) (R1 as) (R1 bs) = R1 do liftA2 (·) as bs
gliftA2 (·) (L1 as) (R1 bs) = R1 do liftA2 (·) as' bs where
as' = coerce (idiom @f @g @hom @a (coerce as))
gliftA2 (·) (R1 as) (L1 bs) = R1 do liftA2 (·) as bs' where
bs' = coerce (idiom @f @g @hom @b (coerce bs))
-- >> liftA2 (+) (Ok1 10) (Ok1 20)
-- Ok1 30
-- >> liftA2 (+) (Ok2 10) (Ok2 20)
-- Ok2 30
-- >> liftA2 (+) (Ok1 10) (Ok2 20)
-- Ok2 30
-- >> liftA2 (+) (Ok2 10) (Ok1 20)
-- Ok2 30
type Ok :: Type -> Type
data Ok a = Ok1 a | Ok2 a
deriving stock (Show, Generic1)
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
via W (IdiomId Par1) (NoMeta Ok)
type Strip :: (k -> Type) -> Constraint
class Strip (rep :: k -> Type) where
type Bye (rep :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type)
strip :: rep ~> Bye rep
dress :: Bye rep ~> rep
instance Strip @k rep => Strip @k (M1 @k tag info rep) where
type Bye (M1 @k tag info rep) = M1 @k tag info (Bye rep)
strip :: M1 tag info rep ~> M1 tag info (Bye rep)
strip (M1 as) = M1 (strip as)
dress :: M1 tag info (Bye rep) ~> M1 tag info rep
dress (M1 as) = M1 (dress as)
instance (Strip @k rep, Strip @k rep1) => Strip @k (rep :+: rep1) where
type Bye (rep :+: rep1) = Bye rep :+: Bye rep1
strip :: (rep :+: rep1) ~> (Bye rep :+: Bye rep1)
strip (L1 as) = L1 (strip as)
strip (R1 bs) = R1 (strip bs)
dress :: (Bye rep :+: Bye rep1) ~> (rep :+: rep1)
dress (L1 as) = L1 (dress as)
dress (R1 bs) = R1 (dress bs)
instance (Strip @k rep, Strip @k rep1) => Strip @k (rep :*: rep1) where
type Bye (rep :*: rep1) = Bye rep :*: Bye rep1
strip :: (rep :*: rep1) ~> (Bye rep :*: Bye rep1)
strip (as :*: bs) = strip as :*: strip bs
dress :: (Bye rep :*: Bye rep1) ~> (rep :*: rep1)
dress (as :*: bs) = dress as :*: dress bs
instance Strip (Rec1 f) where
type Bye (Rec1 f) = f
strip :: Rec1 f ~> f
strip (Rec1 as) = as
dress :: f ~> Rec1 f
dress = Rec1
instance Strip Par1 where
type Bye Par1 = Par1
strip :: Par1 ~> Par1
strip = id
dress :: Par1 ~> Par1
dress = id
type NoMeta :: (k -> Type) -> k -> Type
newtype NoMeta f a = NoMeta (f a)
instance (Generic1 f, Strip @k (Rep1 f)) => Generic1 @k (NoMeta f) where
type Rep1 (NoMeta f) = Bye (Rep1 f)
from1 :: NoMeta f ~> Bye (Rep1 f)
from1 (NoMeta as) = strip (from1 as)
to1 :: Bye (Rep1 f) ~> NoMeta f
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