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Icelle Brickley Icelle

  • Frostly ❅ Beet Life
  • Norwell, MA
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Icelle / init.vim
Last active November 4, 2015 21:13 — forked from compressed/init.vim
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
set hidden
filetype off " required
" line numbers
set number
set backspace=2 "allow deleting any chars in insert mode
set laststatus=2
set history=200
set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
Icelle / 0_reuse_code.js
Created January 3, 2014 17:57
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
Icelle / word_tracker.rb
Created December 16, 2013 20:45
Word Tracker
class WordTracker
attr_reader :phrase
def initialize(phrase)
@words = phrase.downcase.split(' ')
def frequency
word_count ={}
Icelle / anagram.rb
Created December 16, 2013 20:43
class AnagramGenerator
def initialize(word)
@word = word
def random_index(word)
rand(0.. (word.length-1))
Icelle / WordAnalytics.rb
Created December 16, 2013 20:41
Word Analytics
# Number of each word
# Number of each letter
# Number of each symbol (any non-letter and non-digit character, excluding white space)
# Top three most common words
# Top three most common letters
class WordAnalytics
attr_reader :string
Icelle / SQLchallenge.sql
Last active December 30, 2015 19:39
SQL Challenge
#What are the top 50 worst rated movies? The results should include the movie title and rating and be sorted by the worst rating first.
SELECT movies.title, movies.rating FROM movies WHERE rating >0 ORDER BY rating;
#What movies do not have a rating? The results should include just the movie titles in sorted order.
SELECT title FROM movies WHERE rating IS NULL;
Icelle / circle.rb
Created December 8, 2013 19:57
SHAPES: Use TDD. Create the following set of shapes: square, circle, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid
class Circle
attr_reader :radius, :diameter, :circumference, :area
def initialize(radius)
@radius = radius
@diameter = (@radius*2).round(2)
@circumference = ((Math::PI) * @diameter).round(2)
@area = ((Math::PI)*(radius**2)).round(2)
Icelle / pig_latin.rb
Last active December 30, 2015 17:29
Pig Latin TDD
require 'pry'
class PigLatinTranslation
attr_reader :phrase, :words
VOWELS = /a|e|i|o|u/
def initialize(phrase)
@phrase = phrase #put put phrase in [] and split each word so i can sort later
@words = words
Icelle / animals.rb
Created December 4, 2013 14:10
Write a set of classes that represent a set of animals. There should be a Duck, Cat, and Dog instance that all implement an emote (**hint**: what sound does a duck make?) and a eat method. A constructor that takes a name as an argument should be defined elsewhere.
class Animal
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)