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Created September 19, 2022 20:05
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from random import choice
game_state = {"R": "Rock", "P": "Paper", "S": "Scissors"}
options = list(game_state.keys())
winnings = ["RS", "PR", "SP"]
result = "{0} beats {1}"
while True:
computer = choice(options)
player = input("Enter R for Rock , P for Paper, S for Scissors, and, done to quit the game: ").upper()
match [player, f'{player}{computer}', computer]:
case ["R" | "S" | "P", move, computer] if computer == player:
print("It is a tie! Try again.")
case ["R" | "S" | "P", move, computer]:
winner, winner_move, looser_move = ("Player", player, computer) if move in winnings else ("Computer", computer, player)
print(f"{winner} won")
print(result.format(game_state[winner_move], game_state[looser_move]))
case ['DONE' | "END" | "STOP", _, _]:
print("Game Over")
case [player, _, _]:
print(f"{player} is not a valid option. Enter a valid option")
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