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Last active April 24, 2024 23:48
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fine_dehalo rewrite
from __future__ import annotations
from math import ceil, floor
from typing import Optional, Sequence
import vapoursynth as vs
from lvsfunc.kernels import BSpline, Lanczos, Mitchell
from rgvs import minblur, repair
from vsmask.better_vsutil import join, split
from vsmask.edge import EdgeDetect, Robinson3
from vsmask.types import ensure_format as _ensure_format
from vsmask.util import XxpandMode, expand, inpand
from vsutil import Range as CRange
from vsutil import disallow_variable_format, get_y, iterate, scale_value
core = vs.core
def fine_dehalo(
clip: vs.VideoNode, /, ref: Optional[vs.VideoNode] = None,
rx: float = 2.0, ry: Optional[float] = None,
darkstr: float = 1.0, brightstr: float = 1.0,
lowsens: int = 50, highsens: int = 50,
thmi: int | float = 80, thma: int | float = 128, thlimi: int | float = 50, thlima: int | float = 100,
ss: float = 1.25,
contra: float | bool = 0.0, excl: bool = True,
edgeproc: float = 0.0,
edgemask: EdgeDetect = Robinson3(), showmask: int = 0
) -> vs.VideoNode:
Halo removal script that uses DeHalo_alpha with a few masks and optional contra-sharpening
to try remove halos without removing important details (like line edges).
:param clip: Source clip
:param ref: Dehaloed reference. Replace dehalo_alpha call
:param rx: X radius for halo removal in :py:func:`dehalo_alpha`
:param ry: Y radius for halo removal in :py:func:`dehalo_alpha`. If none ry = rx
:param darkstr: Strength factor for processing dark halos
:param brightstr: Strength factor for processing bright halos
:param lowsens: Low sensitivity settings. Define how weak the dehalo has to be to get fully accepted
:param highsens: High sensitivity settings. Define how wtrong the dehalo has to be to get fully discarded
:param thmi: Minimum threshold for sharp edges; keep only the sharpest edges (line edges).
:param thma: Maximum threshold for sharp edges; keep only the sharpest edges (line edges).
:param thlimi: Minimum limiting threshold; includes more edges than previously, but ignores simple details.
:param thlima: Maximum limiting threshold; includes more edges than previously, but ignores simple details.
:param ss: Supersampling factor, to avoid creation of aliasing, defaults to 1.25
:param contra: Contrasharpening. If True, will use :py:func:`contrasharpening`
otherwise use :py:func:`contrasharpening_fine_dehalo`
:param excl: If True, add an addionnal step to exclude edges close to each other
:param edgeproc: If > 0, it will add the edgemask to the processing, defaults to 0.0
:param edgemask: Internal mask used for detecting the edges, defaults to Robinson3()
:param showmask: 1 - 7
:return: Dehaloed clip
clip = _ensure_format(clip)
if clip.format.color_family not in {vs.YUV, vs.GRAY}:
raise ValueError('fine_dehalo: format not supported')
peak = (1 << clip.format.bits_per_sample) - 1 if clip.format.sample_type == vs.INTEGER else 1.0
smax = peak
thmi, thma, thlimi, thlima = [
scale_value(x, 8, clip.format.bits_per_sample, CRange.FULL)
for x in [thmi, thma, thlimi, thlima]
ry = rx if ry is None else ry
rx_i = cround(rx)
ry_i = cround(ry)
clip_y, *chroma = split(clip)
dehaloed = dehalo_alpha(clip_y, rx, ry, darkstr, brightstr, lowsens, highsens, ss=ss) if not ref else get_y(ref)
if contra:
if isinstance(contra, float):
dehaloed = contrasharpening_fine_dehalo(dehaloed, clip_y, contra)
dehaloed = contrasharpening(dehaloed, clip_y)
# Main edges #
# Basic edge detection, thresholding will be applied later.
edges = edgemask.get_mask(clip_y)
# Keeps only the sharpest edges (line edges)
strong = core.std.Expr(edges, f'x {thmi} - {thma - thmi} / {smax} *')
# Extends them to include the potential halos
large = expand(strong, rx_i, ry_i)
# Exclusion zones #
# When two edges are close from each other (both edges of a single
# line or multiple parallel color bands), the halo removal
# oversmoothes them or makes seriously bleed the bands, producing
# annoying artifacts. Therefore we have to produce a mask to exclude
# these zones from the halo removal.
# Includes more edges than previously, but ignores simple details
light = core.std.Expr(edges, f'x {thlimi} - {thlima - thlimi} / {smax} *')
# To build the exclusion zone, we make grow the edge mask, then shrink
# it to its original shape. During the growing stage, close adjacent
# edge masks will join and merge, forming a solid area, which will
# remain solid even after the shrinking stage.
# Mask growing
shrink = expand(light, rx_i, ry_i, XxpandMode.ELLIPSE)
# At this point, because the mask was made of a shades of grey, we may
# end up with large areas of dark grey after shrinking. To avoid this,
# we amplify and saturate the mask here (actually we could even
# binarize it).
shrink = core.std.Expr(shrink, expr="x 4 *")
shrink = inpand(shrink, rx_i, rx_i, XxpandMode.ELLIPSE)
# This mask is almost binary, which will produce distinct
# discontinuities once applied. Then we have to smooth it.
shrink = core.std.BoxBlur(shrink, hradius=1, vradius=1, hpasses=2, vpasses=2)
# Final mask building #
# Previous mask may be a bit weak on the pure edge side, so we ensure
# that the main edges are really excluded. We do not want them to be
# smoothed by the halo removal.
shr_med = core.std.Expr([strong, shrink], 'x y max') if excl else strong
# Substracts masks and amplifies the difference to be sure we get 255
# on the areas to be processed.
mask = core.std.Expr([large, shr_med], 'x y - 2 *')
# If edge processing is required, adds the edgemask
if edgeproc > 0:
mask = core.std.Expr([mask, strong], f'x y {edgeproc} 0.66 * * +')
# Smooth again and amplify to grow the mask a bit, otherwise the halo
# parts sticking to the edges could be missed.
# Also clamp to legal ranges
mask = core.std.Convolution(mask, [1] * 9)
mask = core.std.Expr(mask, f'x 2 * 0 max {peak} min')
# Masking #
if showmask:
if showmask == 1:
return mask
if showmask == 2:
return shrink
if showmask == 3:
return edges
if showmask == 4:
return strong
if showmask == 5:
return light
if showmask == 6:
return large
if showmask == 7:
return shr_med
return join([core.std.MaskedMerge(clip_y, dehaloed, mask)] + chroma, clip.format.color_family)
def dehalo_alpha(
clip: vs.VideoNode,
rx: float = 2.0, ry: Optional[float] = None,
darkstr: float = 1.0, brightstr: float = 1.0,
lowsens: float = 50, highsens: float = 50,
sigma_mask: float = 0.0,
ss: float = 1.5,
show_mask: bool = False
) -> vs.VideoNode:
Reduce halo artifacts by nuking everything around edges (and also the edges actually)
:param clip: Source clip
:param rx: Horizontal radius for halo removal, defaults to 2.0
:param ry: Vertical radius for halo removal, defaults to 2.0
:param darkstr: Strength factor for dark halos, defaults to 1.0
:param brightstr: Strength factor for bright halos, defaults to 1.0
:param lowsens: Sensitivity setting, defaults to 50
:param highsens: Sensitivity setting, defaults to 50
:param sigma_mask: Blurring strength for the mask, defaults to 0.25
:param ss: Supersampling factor, to avoid creation of aliasing., defaults to 1.5
:return: Dehaloed clip
clip = _ensure_format(clip)
if clip.format.color_family not in {vs.GRAY, vs.YUV}:
raise ValueError('dehalo_alpha: only GRAY and YUV formats are supported')
is_float = clip.format.sample_type == vs.FLOAT
peak = (1 << clip.format.bits_per_sample) - 1 if not is_float else 1.0
ry = rx if ry is None else ry
clip_y, *chroma = split(clip)
dehalo = Mitchell().scale(clip_y, mod_x(4, clip.width / rx), mod_x(4, clip.height / ry))
dehalo = BSpline().scale(dehalo, clip.width, clip.height)
org_minmax = core.std.Expr([clip_y.std.Maximum(), clip_y.std.Minimum()], 'x y -')
dehalo_minmax = core.std.Expr([dehalo.std.Maximum(), dehalo.std.Minimum()], 'x y -')
mask = core.std.Expr(
[org_minmax, dehalo_minmax],
'x 0 = 1.0 x y - x / ? '
+ f'{lowsens / 255} - x {peak} / 256 255 / + 512 255 / / {highsens / 100} + * '
# + f'{lowsens / 255} - x {peak} / 1.003921568627451 + 2.007843137254902 / {highsens / 100} + * '
# + f'{lowsens / 255} - x {peak} / 0.498046862745098 * 0.5 + {highsens / 100} + * '
+ f'0.0 max 1.0 min {peak} *',
mask = core.std.Convolution(
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
if sigma_mask == 0 else
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1 / clamp(sigma_mask, 0, 1), 1, 1, 1, 1]
if show_mask:
return mask
dehalo = core.std.MaskedMerge(dehalo, clip_y, mask)
if ss > 1:
w, h = mod_x(4, clip.width * ss), mod_x(4, clip.height * ss)
ss_clip = core.std.Expr([Lanczos(3).scale(clip_y, w, h),
Mitchell().scale(dehalo.std.Maximum(), w, h),
Mitchell().scale(dehalo.std.Minimum(), w, h)],
'x y min z max')
dehalo = Lanczos(3).scale(ss_clip, clip.width, clip.height)
dehalo = repair(clip_y, dehalo, 1)
dehalo = core.std.Expr(
[clip_y, dehalo],
f'x y < x x y - {darkstr} * - x x y - {brightstr} * - ?'
return join([dehalo] + chroma, clip.format.color_family)
def contrasharpening(flt: vs.VideoNode, src: vs.VideoNode, radius: Optional[int] = None, rep: int = 13,
planes: int | Sequence[int] | None = None) -> vs.VideoNode:
contra-sharpening: sharpen the denoised clip, but don't add more to any pixel than what was removed previously.
script function from Didée, at the VERY GRAINY thread (
:param flt: Filtered clip
:param src: Source clip
:param radius: Spatial radius for contra-sharpening (1-3). Default is 2 for HD / 1 for SD.
:param rep: Mode of rgvs.Repair to limit the difference
:param planes: Planes to process, defaults to None
:return: Contrasharpened clip
flt, src = _ensure_format(flt), _ensure_format(src)
if !=
raise ValueError('contrasharpening: Clips must be the same format')
neutral = [
1 << (flt.format.bits_per_sample - 1)
if flt.format.sample_type != vs.FLOAT else 0.
] * flt.format.num_planes
if not planes:
planes = list(range(flt.format.num_planes))
elif isinstance(planes, int):
planes = [planes]
if radius is None:
radius = 2 if flt.width > 1024 or flt.height > 576 else 1
# Damp down remaining spots of the denoised clip
mblur = minblur(flt, radius, planes)
wmean_mat = [1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1]
mean_mat = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
rg11 = mblur.std.Convolution(wmean_mat, planes=planes)
if radius >= 2:
rg11 = rg11.std.Convolution(mean_mat, planes=planes)
if radius >= 3:
rg11 = rg11.std.Convolution(mean_mat, planes=planes)
# Difference of a simple kernel blur
diff_blur = core.std.MakeDiff(mblur, rg11, planes)
# Difference achieved by the filtering
diff_flt = core.std.MakeDiff(src, flt, planes)
# Limit the difference to the max of what the filtering removed locally
limit = repair(
diff_blur, diff_flt,
[rep if i in planes else 0 for i in range(flt.format.num_planes)]
# abs(diff) after limiting may not be bigger than before
limit = core.std.Expr(
[limit, diff_blur],
[f'x {neutral[i]} - abs y {neutral[i]} - abs < x y ?'
if i in planes else '' for i in range(flt.format.num_planes)]
# Apply the limited difference (sharpening is just inverse blurring)
return core.std.MergeDiff(flt, limit, planes)
def contrasharpening_fine_dehalo(dehaloed: vs.VideoNode, src: vs.VideoNode, level: float) -> vs.VideoNode:
:param dehaloed: Dehaloed clip
:param src: Source clip
:param level: Strengh level
:return: Contrasharpened clip
dehaloed, src = _ensure_format(dehaloed), _ensure_format(src)
if !=
raise ValueError('contrasharpening: Clips must be the same format')
dehaloed_y, *chroma = split(dehaloed)
neutral = 1 << (dehaloed.format.bits_per_sample - 1) if dehaloed.format.sample_type != vs.FLOAT else 0.
weighted = core.std.Convolution(dehaloed_y, [1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1])
weighted2 = core.ctmf.CTMF(weighted, radius=2)
weighted2 = iterate(weighted2, lambda c: repair(c, weighted, 1), 2)
diff = core.std.MakeDiff(weighted, weighted2).std.Expr(f'x {neutral} - 2.49 * {level} * {neutral} +')
diff2 = core.std.Expr(
[diff, core.std.MakeDiff(get_y(src), dehaloed_y)],
f'x {neutral} - y {neutral} - * 0 < {neutral} x {neutral} - abs y {neutral} - abs < x y ? ?'
return join([core.std.MergeDiff(dehaloed_y, diff2)] + chroma, dehaloed.format.color_family)
def cround(x: float) -> int:
return floor(x + 0.5) if x > 0 else ceil(x - 0.5)
def mod_x(x: int, val: int | float) -> int:
return max(x * x, cround(val / x) * x)
def clamp(val: float, min_val: float, max_val: float) -> float:
return min_val if val < min_val else max_val if val > max_val else val
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