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Last active May 7, 2023 04:55
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echo -n Password:
read -s password
hash="$(echo -n $password | openssl sha1)"
upperCase="$(echo $hash | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')"
response=$(curl -s$prefix)
while read -r line; do
if [ "${lineOriginal:0:40}" == "$upperCase" ]; then
echo "Password breached."
exit 1
done <<< "$response"
echo "Password not found in breached database."
exit 0
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croose commented May 31, 2018

For fun, a two-line version (after input checking) that uses AWK for the dirty work:


if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "Usage: ${0##*/} <password>"
    exit 1

HASH="$(printf "$1" | openssl sha1)"
curl -s "${HASH:0:5}" | 
    awk -F":" -v SUFFIX="${HASH:5}" '$1 == toupper(SUFFIX) { print $2 }'

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@croose using your version I get the following error Bad substitution

@stephane-chazelas yours worked perfectly - thanks

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