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Last active June 18, 2019 09:33
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#!/bin/env perl
### Generates contigs (in FastA) and scaffolding information (in AGP) from Velvet 'contigs.fa' supercontigs file
### Use entirely at you own risk!! There may be bugs!
### modified by 2010/09/13
### add flags -i -size -o
### change naming convention for HMP assembly purpose
### modified by 2010/9/15
### added flag -name
### allowing to change names of sequences
### modified by 2010/9/27
### removed 10bp limit for inter-contig gaps
### modified by 2014/11/27
### see
### fixed counter $i to restart from 1 at each scaffold + unique fragment number generation
### modified by 2019/06/18
### remove N's in the beginning of scaffolds/contigs
### use /bin/env to determine perl to use
### see relevant issue on
use strict;
use warnings ;
use Bio::SeqIO ;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
my $file;
my $outDir;
my $scaf_size_cutoff=0;
my $name_prefix="AGP";
'i=s' => \$file, # scaf seq in fasta
'size=i' => \$scaf_size_cutoff,
'o=s' => \$outDir,
'name=s' => \$name_prefix);
die "Usage: $0 -i <sequence file> -o <out_dir> [-size <scaf_size_cutoff>] [-name <name>]\n" unless $file;
my ($file_name, $path, $suffix)=fileparse("$file", qr/\.[^.]*/);
my ($sample_name,$center)=split /_/,$file_name;
### Output file for contigs in Fasta format
### The various output file names can be tuned here.
my $contig_outfile = "$outDir/$name_prefix.contigs.fa";
my $scaffolds_outfile = "$outDir/$name_prefix.scaffolds.fa";
my $agp_outfile = "$outDir/$name_prefix.agp";
#open (FILE, ">$outdir/$contig_outfile") and
# warn "Will write contigs to file '$contig_outfile' to $outDir Directory\n" or
# die "Failed to write to file '$fasta_outfile'\n";
my $contig_out = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => ">$contig_outfile",
'-format' => 'Fasta') and
warn "Will write contigs to file '$contig_outfile' to $outDir Directory\n" or
die "Failed to write to file '$contig_outfile'\n";
open (AGP_FILE, ">$agp_outfile") and
warn "Will write contigs to file $agp_outfile to $outDir Directory\n" or
die "Failed to write to file $agp_outfile\n";
#open (SCAFF_FILE, ">$outDir/$scaffolds_outfile") and
my $scaff_out = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => ">$scaffolds_outfile",
'-format' => 'Fasta') and
warn "Will write scaffolds to file $scaffolds_outfile to $outDir Directory\n" or
die "Failed to write to file $scaffolds_outfile\n";
print AGP_FILE "# Generated from SOAPdenovo assembly file $file using script $0\n";
warn "Scaffold Sequence cutoff = $scaf_size_cutoff nt\n" if ($scaf_size_cutoff);
my $i = 0;# a counter, used for generating unique contig names
my $inseq = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => "<$file",
'-format' => 'Fasta' ) ;
while (my $seq_obj = $inseq->next_seq ) {
my $supercontig_id = $seq_obj->id ;
my $supercontig_seq = $seq_obj->seq ;
$supercontig_seq =~ s/^[Nn]+//; # remove leading N's
my $supercontig_desc = $seq_obj->description ;
my $supercontig_length = length($supercontig_seq);
$i=0; #reset each time you have a new scaffold
# only process the long supercontigs
next if ($supercontig_length < $scaf_size_cutoff);
### NCBI do not allow coverage and length information in the FastA identifier
### e.g. NODE_1160_length_397673_cov_14.469489 is an illegal FastA ID
### So we will replace these with simple numbers
if ($supercontig_id =~ m/NODE_(\d+)_length_\d+_cov_\d+/ or
$supercontig_id =~ m/^(\d+)$/ or
$supercontig_id =~ m/^scaffold(\d+)$/) {
$supercontig_id = "${name_prefix}_scaffold_$1";
# print SCAFF_FILE ">$supercontig_id\n$supercontig_seq\n";
my $scf = Bio::PrimarySeq->new(-seq => "$supercontig_seq",
-id => "$supercontig_id");
my $start_pos = 1; # keep track of whereabouts in this supercontig we are
my %substring_sequences;
foreach my $substring_sequence ( split /(N+)/i, $supercontig_seq ) {
#warn "\n$substring_sequence\n" if $supercontig_id eq '1160'; for #debugging only
$i++; # a counter, used for generating unique contig names
### Define the AGP column contents
my $object1 = $supercontig_id;
my $object_beg2 = $start_pos;
my $object_end3 = $start_pos + length($substring_sequence) - 1;
my $part_number4 = $i;
my $component_type5;
my $component_id6a;
my $gap_length6b;
my $component_beg7a;
my $gap_type7b;
my $component_end8a;
my $linkage8b;
my $orientation9a;
my $filler9b;
if ( $substring_sequence =~ m/^N+$/i ) {
### This is poly-N gap between contigs
$component_type5 = 'N';
$gap_length6b = length($substring_sequence);
$gap_type7b = 'fragment';
$linkage8b = 'yes';
$filler9b = '';
} elsif ( $substring_sequence =~ m/^[ACGT]+$/i ) {
### This is a contig
$component_type5 = 'W';
$component_id6a = "$supercontig_id"."_"."$i";
$component_beg7a = 1;
$component_end8a = length($substring_sequence);
$orientation9a = '+';
### Print FastA formatted contig
# print FILE ">$component_id6a\n$substring_sequence\n";
my $ctg = Bio::PrimarySeq->new(-seq => "$substring_sequence",
-id => "$component_id6a");
} else {
die "Illegal characters in sequence\n$substring_sequence\n";
$start_pos += length ($substring_sequence);
if ($component_type5 eq 'N') {
### print AGP line for gap
print AGP_FILE "$object1\t$object_beg2\t$object_end3\t$part_number4\t$component_type5\t$gap_length6b\t$gap_type7b\t$linkage8b\t$filler9b\n";
} else {
### print AGP line for contig
print AGP_FILE "$object1\t$object_beg2\t$object_end3\t$part_number4\t$component_type5\t$component_id6a\t$component_beg7a\t$component_end8a\t$orientation9a\n";
close AGP_FILE;
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IdoBar commented Jun 18, 2019

Originally part of the Velvet assembly tools, available at
Modified slightly to fix counter (see seqanswers thread)
And by myself, to use /bin/env to determine which perl to use and to handle scaffolds starting with Ns.

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